>doing some mundane task
>this guy bursts in and tells you you're doing it all wrong
What do you do?
Doing some mundane task
Don't say a thing. He thrives on antagonism.
force him down and shave his head
Tell him that STDs are bad, so he can lecture you for an hour on why you're """""""wrong"""""""
Don't forget to tune in to TruTV™ tuesdays at 9/10c for new episodes!
Has anyone ever told him he's dressing wrong?
I don't listen to people with stupid hair.
This guy's face just makes me angry
I take it you've never actually watched the show.
>spot on about the wedding and marriage
>then gets to divorce
>ignores the problems with money
The dude is a Jew.
>Adam Ruins Everything
Well, he ruined collegehumor so that was a good start.
Keep fucking his wife and tell him he's the one who's been doing it wrong.
You're supposed to prove his heritage with a DROPPED post. Otherwise I have no reason to take you seriously.
I feel like CollegeHumor just changed with the internet. I watched some of their older videos the other day, and they were extremely stupid, but I laughed, maybe because they were stupid in just the right way, or maybe because a younger me laughed at them eight years ago.
Then, you go watch something they put out now, and it's just not funny, it's like a knockoff Jon Oliver skit that falls flat. Everything is so political, and not just in the political videos, a sense of us vs them seems to be present in everything they do, and it just rubs me the wrong way. It reminds me of the way a lot of internet culture is these days, and that I'm constantly feeling as if it's got up and left me behind.
I miss the old days when everything was a lot simpler.
>Keep fucking his wife and tell him he's the one who's been doing it wrong
>his wife
I highly doubt that
This is exactly it, they were always videos aimed at a certain subsection of the population: college kids. And, so they had the general zeitgeist of that generation. Both were liberal, but where our (I assume) generation manifested itself in liberal smugness, the new generation of college kids manifests itself in a feeling of moral superiority. In this, it is a lot less accessible to people who disagree with it.
This is exactly the same thing you see with Jon Stewart vs. Trevor Noah.
I liked Adam, he was the only republican on College Humor.
He's always technically right but never knows why
I like watching them to be honest. Some nice trivia/history.
demonstrate how flammable hair gel is
This. There'll be a lesson at the end about how we can just roll with it and do our best to improve our outlook. Just wait about 20 minutes and it'll be over.
>You're supposed to communicate purely through memes.
Same. Though I was surprised they didn't go more into how weddings were initially financial and political agreements more than love.
Ah well. Really enjoying the series all the same.
Guy seems like an unbearable faggot.
being redpilled on Sup Forums means holding the status quo and never questioning things. and feelings.
He didn't ruin it
Everybody from the old guard just left because they got better opportunities
>Pat is still there.
Poor guy can't get any bigger than where he is.
Tell him that the hairdo he has obviously spent enormous amounts of time and money on looks both homosexual and bad. Then I would inform him that he is in need of a shave, that his pocket square is hideous, and that he shouldn't have had his teeth filed down that much.
This show is bad and you should feel bad.
>hold deep convictions about traditions, customs and beliefs that have been around for millenia
>this guy bursts and tells you it was all initially a marketing gimmick
That type of "humor" has never been and never will be funny regardless of which side of the aisle it's coming from.
>Redpill: The TV Show
>having sex
>he walks in with a black guy telling you why cuckold ingredients is great and condoms are bad
>black guy starts to fuck the woman while Adam tells you about the wonders of cuckolding
Punch him in the face.
He's a fucking faggot.
He tried to explain why divorce is a good thing, and completely ignored how divorced men are more likely to commit suicide, and how the system is rigged so that a woman can get a divorce and fuck over the man for the slightest of reasons.
Anyone else remember Olde English?