Did he 'fall' on purpose?
Did he 'fall' on purpose?
of course. his fucking last name was balance
still haven't found a band that's even remotely similar in style
He was really drunk, he missed the stairs (no guardrail) and broke his neck
>psychic tv
>john balance died because he lost his balance
really makes you think
eh I meant a contemp band that doesn't belong to the TG circle and whose members are not over 60 yet
I have an old dude at my work who reminds me of John if he was in his sixties. The same disturbed look he had in his last years.
Legendary Pink Dots
>Experimental Rock
Coil aren't rock in the slightest, ya dweeb
There really isn't any desu
Long shot, but check out posh isolation catalogue. Maybe not the same just musically, but definitely in terms of feels and atmosphere
neither are Legendary Pink Dots, how about listening to the band instead of having opinions based on shitty tags you massive pleb
> actually care more about the artificial denomination than the music itself
of course I forgot it was fucking Sup Forums
Thightpaulsandra doesnt seem to know either
>When this was recorded Jhonn Balance was falling apart. It was obvious that something needed to be done about him. And that things couldn’t continue in this way. Having already been absent on two other shows. Because of his alcohol and drug fuelled madness he was destroying more then Coil’s profits could cover. It wasn’t sure whether he would show up at all for this performance. It’s that feeling of Jhonn standing on the edge and looking down into the abyss right before he fell into it that makes this album so beautiful and terrifying at the same time
god, they still exist ? They must be almost as old as Coil.
Last time I listened to them was in the 90s LOL
The Maria Dimension. Wasn't bad not really like Coil.
Did he do it?
not only they exists, they keep making gr8 albums at an insane rate. Maria Dimension is probably their most straightforward album, the Chemical Playground series is amazing and Pages of Aquarius was 2016s AOTY for me.
The never sounded quite like Coil because they have their own personalities, but they shared the same interest in mixing electronics with esoteric themes and psychedelia.
when K-Spel dies they will become a cult band just like Coil now, screencap this
There is an interview in Russian with CoH where he said: "imagine Peter hearing about the death of his beloved one who fell from the balcony like a bag of potatoes." So I think it's pretty much was an accident, but as Peter mentioned later: "it came as a shock but it didn't as a surprise, we told him for many times if he doesn't stop drinking it will kill him eventually."
Every band has their unique flavor/signatures, some more than others.
If only. Today too many are just generic and unoriginal copycats even in the so-called indie scene.
But its not new
what the fuck are you quoting? let me know so I never go there for music recomendations
We are discussing real music here buddy.
I'm reading Coseys book right now, she recalls how Sleazy was devastated and felt guilty for not being able to save his soulmate.
also talks about how Geoff called her drunk almost on a daily basis just to say hi even when everyone involved in TG still hated each others guts. wasnt expecting those feels
Could you please tell me which book?
not uninteresting but really remined me more of Skinny Puppy side project Download probably because its so percussive
Art Sex Music
she released it last year, its a pretty heavy read but would recommend
Reminds me of the Black Antlers era but very distantly. Not quite Coil enough
Maybe Cyclobe is what you're looking for, but I asume you already know them
Try Scorn, anything post "Gyral", Scanner is also good