Xanax and benzodiazepines thread again

Xanax and benzodiazepines thread again.
Same guy who posts these often.
So guys, you were right. My tolerance is building and i took a total of 2mg today...guess im becoming addicted. The alternative is death though so i guess I'll power through it until I'm stable enough to start quitting. Still feels great though and im getting in great shape.
How's it going for you?

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What do you mean the alternative is death?

he need a dosis so high now to feel it and he barely does, going up may kill him from overdose.

Stuck to 1mg Clonazepam at night for 2 years now, still works the same, because I never decided to go higher. I also alternate days, weeks, to keep tolerance well.

Get high responsibly.

2 drinks and you'll be set OP. Upping your dose will make your tolerance worse.

Damn bro it sucks how easy i see you posting and getting these bars yet i still struggle to find someone who will shoot any.. But ive had white G37's and green bars before.. Wish i could find a normal plug tho.

Its almost impossible to od on benzos op, unless you're taking extremely powerful opiates

Benzos are the easiest drugs to cut back on, try opiates. Next to impossible to quit with willpower alone

kys pill junkie

This. Mild or low dose opiates and benzos go together perfectly though, you'd have to be retarded or have a crazy high tolerance to KYS from it.

I mean I'll go ape and probably hurt myself or others. It makes me feel alright. I'm in a baad place bro.
No you can't od on benzos noob. I meant i will probably not want to live if i don't have xan to take the edge off.
I don't do 1mg at a time. It doesn't get you high, silly.
Im trying tom minimize carbs though because my diet and exercise regiment.
Ya i can get unlimited amounts of any substance, but im sticking to what my doctor prescribed since it's allowed in my piss. :(

Na i meant i will not want to live if i dont have them. I've never done opiates.
Thats what i thought when i did Ativan many years ago, but i feel my xanny habit growing.
Not a junkie, fool. Just using medicine so I don't have these pesky emotions.

You're a pussy. I found opiates work really well for tapering off benzos too , try hydrocodone or oxy. You'll never get "addicted" to xanax again lmao


SItting here with a stash of 90 x 1mg blue football pills and > 100 x 2mg white bars. the 90 is my normal monthly script, I take all 3 at once at night time for sleep (severe insomnia). The bars are for when I change docs in a month or two just in case they give me a hard time re-writing the same script I been on with great success for 4 years now.

Not so much addicted to the pills, but addicted to sleep. They're the only damn thing in 20+ yrs of incompetent docs throwing pills at me that f'n worked.

First time snorted 1 mg and I hated it It was explained to me as a happy head high, turned out to be staring at the ceiling not able to think what did I do wrong

2mg in 1 day? I was doing 6-10mg a day for about a year before I finally realized I had an addiction.

you're lucky, how much do you pay for refills?

Snorting it doesn't even work, dumbass.

Why doesn't it?

Higher oral bioavailability and pills are mostly filler

$0 - State insurance covers it, along with the doctor visits. I remember the script costing about $20-25 at times I didn't have insurance.

Getting in great shape? these things wreck your muscles.

Idk I felt pretty fucked

No they don't, you dumb shit. They just make you tired, unless you take them before you work out you'll be fine.

I take a 3mg XR DAILY AND HAVE 1mg sublinguals that I carry with me to keep the panic attacks and manic feelings down. I fucking wish I was normal. Told the DR I want to get off of them and he said my panic attacks would likely kill me.

3 mgs aday scripted, abused for about a year and a half. Spent 6 months locked away to get off it. Relapsed a few years later, .5 - 1mg a day. Have no memory, body aches and feels shot...
Expose yourself to what your afraid of get off benzos asap m8.

Shit wrecks your PNS and CNS.... i have no energy for anything...

was prescribed 5mg daily for a long time. would often get up to 10mg in a day

could kill you?

>Anonymous 07/31/17(Mon)22:11:45 No.740718
You are seriously an idiot.

Having been an addict to heroin, meth, and benzos; benzos by far the most dangerous class of drugs in that list to quit from.

Now, yes, opiates feel like hell, but anything tampering with GABA receptors will fuck your nervous system up if you go cold turkey.

What I recommend for op is tritration. With water and a good dosing instrument (a needle without the sharp bit), you can mix doses that incrementally go down by fractions of a mg with a little bit of math.

Weening off of benzos at higher doses can literally take months if done correctly. Now 2mg of any class of benzo is generally a really low dose as its still in the low end of the clinical dosing guidelines, OP can quit relatively quickly. Maybe a month of tritration is long enough to do it.

But the scary thing about benzos is that tolerances can build up to to the tens of mg's for ativan, and xanax. One should stop while they're ahead, so to speak, when dealing with benzos.

Yeah, heart rate gets over 180 and pulse ox gets down into 80’s due to hyperventilation. If I don’t get the sublingual in when I feel one coming on then it could pretty much give me a heart attack.

No shit benzo withdrawal is dangerous you fucking idiot, I've been through it before and I never said it wasn't. I'm talking about psychological addiction. I think the meth might've killed off your last two brain cells because you're clearly too fucking stupid to read. Go shoot up another bag of dope you fucking fiend

"The alternative is death". you do realize alcohol is the only drug that has withdrawals that'll kill you, right? No, you don't. Because you're a drugged out jackass.

Is this bait?...

Xanax isn't water soluble either dipshit. Your stupid idea wouldn't work

>been through benzo withdrawal
>calls someone else a fiend

Lol I'm a pussy cause i don't want to do opiates? You're silly.
Damn man that sounds like a problem. I hope the best for you.
If you're a lazy twat maybe. I do my exercises before I take them. They don't effect testosterone so I don't see how you're making that assertion.

Had really bad OCD that would cause panic attacks, as well as panic attacks from small things like being a little late to work, car making funny noise, etc that would have my just shitting my pants. I knew it wasn't rational but there it was. Dr got me started on 1mg on Clonazepam 3 x a day. I've been taking that for almost 10 years now. I don't get the panic attacks anymore so it seems to still be working but is it possible to not have built op a tolerance in 10 years? Don't know why it still seems to work. What is this trickery? Pill people, explain? Don't want to ask Dr anything where he will rethink me being on it so long.

Here friendo, have a peer reviewed article and educate yourself


It doesn't have to be. You shake up the syringe before dosing. The resulting suspension (temporary) is enough to keep it uniform.

Not drugged out. I don't abuse it and it's the only pharma I've ever taken.

You guys need to chill out. We're just chatting.

I was addicted to stimulants but never understood how benzos are addicting. Not as pleasurable as meth imo.

Placebo effect. Medically you have grown a tolerance to the medication. Therapeutically you have something that you take to “fix” the problem. Your mind has decided that the pills you take fix the panic attacks, therefore your body’s tolerance matters very little.


If you're talking about psychological effects which are mostly psycho-somatic symptoms I'd still vote benzos over meth or heroin. Especially if you already have a pre-existing anxiety disorder.

As for you. Alchohol withdrawals (tremens) operate the same way benzos do. They both operate on GABA channels. Yes, benzo withdrawals can kill you.

Lol duh.

Erowid.com & Pyschonautswiki do your research

Ok, I can accept that, so how do I use this trickery to wean off (just because always worrying about finding Dr if I move, what if I run out, etc) and still fool myself in the therapeutic fix I need? Would love not being hooked on them but consciously understanding it isn't going to cut it, is it?

I thought I was the only one

It can cut it, actually. Once you’re aware of the fact that the pills have very little effect any longer, you can begin to ween off of them. I’m a therapistfag so I’m likely biased, but therapy can help with finding the underlying cause of the panic attacks and processing that can help you to move past needing medication.

Not saying it will work, but it’s helpful to find other coping skills to manage attacks.


fuck these faggots who are doing shit for lol's sake and to get their rocks off.


Not user, but I'd suggest looking ethnogens and tritration (I'm tritration user). Particularly kratom + ibogaine.

Be careful with the ibogaine. Kratom is great b/c it's somewhat like an opiate. Not enough scientific study has been done to it but generally it works like loparamide. Operating on opiate receptors but the molecules are large enough that they don't pass the blood brain barrier as much.

Kratom will give you a comfy euphoric feeling making oxytocin and other feel good shit that will spur your brain to key down the nervous system a little bit.

If you mix a 1mg dose in 10ml of water (syringe) that would make each 1mL. a 0.1mg unit of the underlying benzo. Then you take 10mL one day, then a few days later key it down to 9mL, etc. That's a reduction of 0.1 per every few days.

I know normal is a relative term. I meant like I was before. I wasn’t like this 5 years ago. I want to be back to not having to rely on medication to function.

Yes, because using drugs to get off drugs works great. Ask every slabs at the methodone clinic.

You obviously don't know much about ethnogens. ibogaine is a psychoactive herbal that helps with addiction, and kratom has a considerable folk history with helping addicts get off their addictions. Also sounds like you don't know much about the clinical methodology in managing addiction recovery. Better to take something that doesn't cross the blood brain barrier to manage symptoms while not feeding the reward centers to the same degree (by a large amount) as lets say heroin, opana, or w/e.

I'd go with suboxone over methadone, but if someone gets to the point where all they're doing is maintenance, the ethnogen route is rather effective considering most of them haven't been made illegal by the regulatory bodies.

The complicating factors of withdrawals would only lead a fool to think that its optimal to just go cold turkey without addressing the possible effects of withdrawals on certain biological profiles. Especially those that are, lets say, at danger of having a stroke, anyuerism or something like tachycardia or arrhythmia, seizures, etc.

You’ve now spelled entheogens wrong twice. Any argument you make at this point is contradicted by the fact that you don’t even know how to spell what it is you’re talking about.

Benzo withdrawals are some of the worst and most dangerous (seizures seem common after heavy addiction without weening) please be careful OP. Quit while you're ahead, 2mg is still in the zone where you should be able to work off gradually quite easily. Try to get out and exercise regularly and get sunshine and fresh air. This really helped me, I had a heavy benzo addiction for a little over a year that snuck up on me ending up doing around 10mg's xanax a day everyday sometimes more and blacking out became a regular thing. The withdrawals were horrible, I felt like an empty shell of myself with the really weird altered senses like my whole body just felt very strange and dysphoric. I powered through it and I'm about a year clean never looked back. I just stay active and focus on enjoying life and I no longer need that crutch in my life, you can do it too don't take the easy way out using benzos, they seem like a miracle cure then next thing you know they take over your life.

Ok, how about you address the actual argument instead of raising a strawman? Whoopie I misspelled something.

You not only misspelled it (twice), but you basically changed the entire word meaning you know nothing about it.

As for your argument, there is no empirical evidence that states the use of entheogens are useful in any way with withdrawal sx’s. This coupled with the fact that they’re illegal most places makes it a very illogical choice.


your gaba receptors wont grow back bro
youre better off not taking those, this is coming from a pharmacist

I quit a 4mg+a handle of whiskey a day habit by just continuing to drink a handle a day with no xanax, then quit drinking cold turkey after 2 weeks. I thought I was going to die. I really wish I just went to detox

Damn congrats man. I never got that bad with alcohol but I went through pretty bad benzo withdrawals, my brain felt so fried and fucked up but I was so done with benzos fucking my life up I wanted to quit cold turkey, I used alcohol to help ween myself off by appeasing my GABA receptors with the booze. It really did wonders and made the process so much easier, which outsiders will read and think sounds ridiculous but it's real. Everyone is scared of heroin and shit but benzos are some of the nastiest shit out there, they lure you in and fuck your life up. I'm so glad I'm done with that chapter of my life.

The insomnia must've been hell (if that's a symptom you suffered.)

2mg isn't that much, stop before it gets serious. most people i know never even bother to take less than 2mg in a single dose.

this one girl i knew was doing about 60mg of xanax per day. thought for sure she was going to die seeing her go cold turkey and seizing every few minutes.

Yeah there were times that even though I was nearly black out drunk I was still shaking and twitching, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I'd kill myself before withdrawing from xanax again

I was only sleeping 3 nights a week even during my addiction, the insomnia in recovery was nothing new at the time