My cat died Sup Forums what do I do?
My cat died Sup Forums what do I do?
that cat isn't dead
Cum facial
Well mmmm
rekt thread?
> (OP)
>Cum facial
space program
Make a funeral pyre in your backyard. Say a few words over him to remember a loyal companion.
blow a FAT NUT
Anal sex, vivisection, dinner meal
Cry and think of all the memories you have involving your feline companion.
Find lake, build tiny boat, Viking funeral
Vivisections by definition can only be performed on a living subject
Maybe it will come back to life after the anal sex?
inseminate it
Sc me pics albertoxp03
That fucker is still breathing.
Pic related, makes good eatin
Eat it.
Bury it and let it rest in peace.
Let Her Rip!
plz op
You have to do this: Dubs demands it!
Fucking kek
burry it in dignity.
Leave under next-doors car wheels I assume you know when they leave for work.
Wait outside as soon as you hear the car start up and start to move run over screaming my cat my cat stop.
Throw a crying fit maybe shake a little they give you money out of guilt use money for new cat or games on steam
Cat looks like a whore
He is just asleep you autistic fuck
No he ded like Johnny snow but he rise again to rape winter fell dragon princess.
You bury it and mourn for your loss. Fucking degenerate
sharpie in pooper