You have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle...

you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's quite the sock and sandals requiem you have there, m'dude

Shit OP, I guess I'm just a retard for not understanding any of this.


>tfw you think this guy is serious

nice pasta, will copy

If you trust in theoritical physics them your a faggot. Einstein was a jew fraud and relativity is a fuckin lie...Tesla spoke out on it ...break the lie your living and research flat Earth or at least nasa lies topics.

is your favorite movie PI

No, no you don't. Even a mediocre show could pull similar ratings if it had the same time slot. With the garbage that Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are pouring out, anything with a halfway decent writing staff would pull better ratings there than it would on a major network

Adult Swim makes shows for lowest common denominator.
People claim its "smart", because compared to other adult swim content which is all stoner trash it sounds genius.

>unironically being a flat-earther

nah rick and morty has something special about it

>*Belch* "God isn't real and school is stupid" *belch*

10/10 comedy gold

Not a fan.

>unironically presenting this as unironical

Look at this shit! LOOK AT IT!!

Nah I'm dumb and I understand



unironically presenting this as unironical retort to your unironical response to his unironic comment on my supposed unironical flat Earth status

>And yes, by the way, i DO have autism


>s3e1 feds trying to pull interdimensional travel technology out of Rick's head
>inb4 feds already having working interdimensional portals that Rick uses in s1e1

Problems rickfags?

>Toonami only 4 hours
>tfw we will never relive the 6 hour revival block

I think your fedora's getting a bit tight on your head, faggot.

Does that mean it was unironical after all, or are you just trying to drown us in extra layers of irony?

Not interdimensional transdimensional indicated by color

Got to make room to air more god awful episodes of TTG and that cringe worthy reboot of the Power Puff Girls

disagree. one needs knowledge mostly

OP has abandoned the thread

he is off fapping to pics of Summer

But he abandons it, leaving a trans dimensional portal for them to examine, even if he closed it on both sides, the details on how it was could not have been erased

They have the capability to move across their singular dimension via portal not infinite dimensions tho they do a whole bit about the difference between teleportation and interdimensional travel in the episode I hate how popular the show got it ruined it for me.

That episode s3e1

Do you like Rick and Morty? Been a big Rick and Morty fan, ever since the release of their season one episdoe, Anatomy Park. Before that i didnt really understand any of their work, it was too artsy, too was on Anatomy Park where uh, Morty's presence became more apparent...i think Total Rickall is the series' undisputed masterpiece, its an epic meditation on intangibility at the same time it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding season. Watch to the brilliant ensemble playing of Rick, Morty and Jerry you can practically hear every nuonce of every burp and swear In terms of script craftsmenship and sheer writing, this season hits a new peak of professionalism. Take the story to "Mortynight Run", in this episode, Rick and Morty adresses the problems of abusive political authority. Auto Erotic Assimilation is the most moving episode of the series, about monogomy and commitment, the episode is extremely uplifting...their messages are as positive and affirmative as uh, anything ive seen on tv.

But Rick uses it for dimensional travel, leaving a portal that has been rigged for such travel behind for the federation to have

Nah rick resides in the same dimension as the Fed's bro that's how they incorporate earth

I always thought the tech they were looking for was how he made his portal gun. They have to have this huge ass building and portal thing to make one and it takes a while to swap where you want it to go. Also presumably they can only go to other big ass portal devices.

But he can make a portal anywhere, to anywhere else and can change where literally seconds after going through.

I will admit they should have been able to follow him but we're discussing a cartoon as what I can assume we both can agree a show which certainly has plot holes

Tesla was an angry piece of shit that got beat to every invention and patent worth a damn.He spent his final days a bitter cuck with no hope of ever being anything more than an intellectual idiot.

Assuming he didn't also rig the entire area to explode/implode/disintegrate after he went through the portal.

But they have the first step now, a trans-dimensional portal, which if they used in the series, would make the feds much stronger and not collapse as easily

They collapsed because their bourse got Rick-rolled, that's nothing to do with space travel and is actually more efficient the bigger and more complex the finance system is.
As to the interdimensional travel, it could be a completely different kind of tech deviseable only by Rick.

You also have to have a very small penis to understand R&M. I mean, even 3 inches is on the verge of acceptible, you'd have to look up an explaination to most episodes at that point.

Pls tell me its not copy&pated from reddit\tumblr

Doesn't still mean Tesla wasn't right about this. Einstein understood time and space as different takes on the same concept, which is just stupid when you think about it. Time is nothing but a mathematical formula used to observe events present in the universe. It doesn't exist in any other form than a mere concept. Space on the other hand is a physical thing that exists. Light consists of particles. Space can be a void, where no particles are present, but it's still there. Time though, does simply not exist.

The only way you can time travel is literally going insane by taking hard drugs. As a scientific concept it is just stupid science fiction, yet people like Neil deGrasse Tyson speculate about it's possibilities to hours end, which makes them no better than Tesla.

At least Tesla accomplished something useful.

Not grasping time as a dimension of space is somehow even more retarded than flat earth theory, IMO.

I mean everything deGrasse speculates about can be watered down to "Herr, I does not can see infrared, hurr, humans have limited senses derr so it makes any theories possible durr."

Humans have limited senses. But we can always make observations using equipment that enhances these senses. Observation is always the matter of widening the platform you use to look at things.

Well, do explain. To me it's never been nothing but limited understanding. I can associate movement with particles, I can associate wave lengths with sound, but time never was an existing concept. Think about it. Things constantly happen. Time always moves forward. It's nothing but a tool used by simple humans to understand something that's beyond our understanding. Is trigonometry an existing, physical thing? No. Same thing goes for time. It's a measurement unit.

Worst pasta yet, it's quite possible though some people actually believe some of this.

>you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty
Immediate bait. Everyone I know who obsesses over the show is complete trash and dropped out of high school.

Because to this day I haven't read a single scientific article that proves in any way that time exist in some sort of other form than a mere concept. Of course you can speculate it is, but if you take it as a fact, then you're not a scientist, you're a pseudo intellectual moron that thinks he's a scientist. Might as well start believing in Jesus if that's the case.


Oh boy, another post about that overrated show.
Never understood why R&M fans are so aprehensive about those unappreciative or uncaring of the it.

Yes, we know you're insecure about how people take to your preferences.

Every fanboy acts this way, no exceptions. Fanboys are just unable to handle critique because they are void of logical thinking.

Take Game of Thrones. The fan base of that series is the most obnoxious case of Jehovah witnesses I've ever come across.

Yet it seems R&M fans are especially harsh and defensive. They always take approaches like, "you just don't get it" or "it's too smart for you." It isn't some magnum opus that's objectively good, but those fags have heads of fire for daring to challenge their sacred calf. In my personal opinion the show is watchable and at times funny, but it really overkills it's pop-culture overkill, and its silmultaneous promotion and condemnation of nihilism for Rick is a low shot. That and the Rick repeating Morty's name while he stutters gag comes off as a very cheap filler joke. Watchable, but not the greatest thing ever.

Yes, but the same thing goes for GoT fans. Shakespeare killed off relevant characters in his writings, but GoT fans always take the approach of "B-but look at the originality and the production value!" Ugh. When it comes to the series, there aren't any major plot twists other than killing a huge load of characters. There are freaking dragons and zombies, the most over used pop culture phenomenon in fantasy scene.

The books have the problem that Martin overuses the concept of atmosphere. While I can understand some people like this, to me it just gets obnoxious after a couple of hours of reading. Everything has atmosphere, including freaking penises and tits. The plot isn't really that great, it's ok at the best.

Yet every time I discuss about these problems it seems all GoT fans go ape shit.

Thanks for the pasta, m8.
I would not be able to make something this cringey myself.

I really don't get how you separate time and geometrical space like that. Because you can't feel or touch it? But you say yourself that space can still exist without matter to fill it, so it does not have to interact with you on a sensational level to be there. Just takes a little wit work to deduce it's a thing. I see a train, it gets bigger and louder, therefore i know that it's performing a spatial evolution towards having me under its wheels and hence i better bugger off to elsewhere. I see a train, _then_ the same train is bigger and louder, hence i know that it performs a temporal evolution towards a moment in history of the universe when it possibly has me under its wheels, so better make haste to the moment of buggering off. How come you think geospace is real and timespace is a fake if time and space are essentially the sides of the same coin?
Also, trigonometry does not have a material body, which doesn't mean it has no presence IRL. It was discovered, not invented, and like time and space, it would still work even if no one knew that it's supposed to. Hence it's real. See magic for reference: people invented it, it's in the books, but reading out a spell does not work, because it's a purely conceptual force that only has power over other conceptual entities, unlike things like time that work on material objects as well.

It makes little sense the level of agression that transpires in either case.

It's just the case of every piece of art having those fanatic fanboys that think there is nothing better in this world that this specific piece of artwork. The fanboy culture.

Pokémon has its own. Harry Potter has its own. Vincent Van Gogh has his own. Even The Room has its own fanatic fanboy culture that over analyzes the shit out of it.

Choo choo, all aboard the hype train. Next stop; irrational blabbering out of your ass about irrelevant bullshit.

Its definitely got multiple depths of humour from basic vulgar comedy to obscure references etc.

>Tfw there's no tfw

>Pokemon has its own
Lil bitch, pokemon is fucking perfect and I would live in their world if I could. Fucking fight me. Or better yet, battle me.

Pokemon universe is a word of animal abusers/slavers and pedobaits. Also, Team Rocket did nothing wrong.

Seems like bait, but I'm a loser so:

While I LOVE R&M, it's jokes are very surface level. I'm a theoretical physicist, and there's literally nothing there. Futurama had a lot woven in; even Big Bang Theory had a few in the couple of episodes I watched. But Rick and Morty is just silly sci fi with a lot more fi than sci

>they just understand the universe has no meaning or point better than you
>you're the stupid one for buying into the social scams and working for the 1%
>hey can I borrow $10 so I can eat today?

Nope, everyone there is happy and free and there are no crimes (outside of pokemon related ones) because every dispute can be handled with a pokemon battle and there's free health care. The animals are sentient and supernatural and don't get ticks or fleas. And there's nothing wrong with finding a 10-16 y/o attractive.

>Because to this day I haven't read a single scientific article
Your post would have been complete and accurate if you had just stopped there.

kek'd hard. Accurate.

That's because time is an axiom in most science you fucking retard. Pseudo-intellectual faggots are the type who want to discuss whether someone can prove time exists. There probably aren't many articles on that because that's retard faggot shit (source: I'm a physicist and you're a cuck)

I think I quite well expressed that I am aware of our senses being limited. I am not disagreeing with Tyson about that. It's a fact.

But you miss the whole point of my post. What I'm saying, is that time is a concept that is based on that limited understanding. Trigonometry is a tool based on that limited understanding. They're tools that have been discovered to be the most logical for our irrational and chaotic brain to perceive the reality.

I am not saying, that time is irrelevant in a theoretical equation. Take chemistry for example. How long does it take for X material to dissolve in acids Y, Z and W is relevant information creates a formula, that can determine a materials resistance to different pH levels. Let's say we put iron into sulfuric acid, water, anything of the sorts, it starts to burn, corrode. Then we take coal and put it under the same circumstances. One of the materials reacts differently than the other, which determines that both substances have unique interactions with said acids. Alas, we have factual knowledge based on an experiment, which we aim to repeat under different circumstances to gain more factual knowledge.

Straight from the start I explained time as a theoretical tool that can be used in measurement of certain things. But space can exist without time. Space can exist without any of the laws of physics as we understand them. Space just keeps adapting to it's surroundings. It doesn't care if it's in a stasis, or a complete chaotic state, such as a black hole. Time on the other hand only exists in our minds. It's just how we understand things, even though those patterns are irrelevant and nonexistent on the grander scale.

What I'm saying, is that we should figure out other ways to measure the movement of the universe. Because that kind of thinking progresses science. What I'm saying is that even if something is 99,99% certain, the margin of error always exists. Nothing is absolute, because we are stupid apes.

When op needs an ego boost

Space can exist without time, but we know that space and time are unified in relativity in a PHYSICAL sense that can be related to entropy and particle evolution. You're such a fucking self-proclaimed intellectual autist.

Also op sounds like a fucking idiot

>implying you have a very high IQ

Idk user, they called Newton a faggot when he first invented gravity too, but then his fig fell from the tree and now Fig Newtons are fucking delicious, so this guy might be onto something too.

Characters based on Doc Brown and Marty McFly from back to the future.Really annoying fan base with a following of extremely basic people. Beats the same joke of "life is meaningless no one belongs anywhere" like a 8 month old dead horse 6/10 over rated show

Urm... how can a unit of measurement be physical please explain?

tesla > einstein

rick and morty devolved into a nihilistic merry go round with no direction. season 2 ended with compelling plot developments, and season three destroyed everything that seasons 1 and 2 built up to. now its just shallw shock and awe, cheap jokes and back to ground zero on plot development. boo. no message, no meaning. no more seasons. it will get cancelled by the end of season 4.

Correction: you're a physicist that can't understand what he reads.

And that makes time anything else than a formula on what basis? And how does that impose a possibility of time travelling? You are the one being a retard here for not being able to have a conversation and assuming I haven't read about the concept of time. I have, but I also understand that time is a human created concept. A measurement unit. You seem to think it's some form of thing we can manipulate with our own will if provided certain tools. That's just idiotic.

Physical meaning it isn't just a "unit" but an actual existing thing that can be affected and deformed (as a spacetime manifold). To think of it as non-physical is ridiculous, too, as we primarily measure intervals. More importantly, this is important in the physical realization of causality (with forces being mediated in specific ways in a field theory) which requires time be physical and not just a parameter like it is in classical physics.

Lol user you're so fucking retarded. It's obvious that you're so far from being able to have an intelligent conversation on the topic that it isn't worth my _________ (if only something existed to fill that blank).

But I'm a physicist with over 30 publications, so I'm going to assume I'm safe even if I didn't understand what I read :P I just think it's amazing that people with absolutely no idea what they're talking about think they know better than experts. It's not obvious that you even know what causality is, nor a manifold. Yet you want to talk about your theory on time.

Your level of science comprehension has been rated: black grandmother

I mean this subject can never really be understood but to be honest is enjoyable to discuss so I would personally refrain from an idea being 'ridiculous', however from my personal evaluation time is just a measurement of the general movement of matter, therefore it becomes just a generalisation of all forces acting upon a certain point in space

Ohh really? thats so interesting backing up arguments with a status that you can never prove, btw I am goat with 50 000 publications in physics, so your move fantasy user; your move


Yeah people thought the same thing 400 years ago. The point is they've moved on and that isn't the modern understanding of time whatsoever. If you actually care to understand it, you can look up how time fits into spacetime yourself, and you'll see how it isn't just some static background parameter, but rather a dynamic thing that can be manipulated and deformed. And honestly, you should be ridiculed and made fun of for your dumb statements and pet theories on time until you go and actually try to learn what actual scientists think about it.

tl;dr: "I believe this thing exists and write my own science fiction to back it up!"

Science doesn't work that way. You need fool proof evidence before making claims, otherwise it's nothing but a silly theory that you are trying to prove right.

Rrrrrrrriiiiight. The most likely case though is that you're a whiny 12-year-old, given that you claim things but provide no proof to back it up, yet the physical manifestation of your body is a 30-year-old male in a fictional world of space-time sci-fi.

I research mechanisms for generating neutrino mass, the particle origin of dark matter, solutions to the strong CP problem, and potential resolutions of hierarchy problems throughout particle physics. I can easily answer any question you have about physics quickly and in thoroughness and specificity you couldn't find on a forum. That's my proof that I'm something.

What's yours? Oh yeah, you don't have any. Because you're just a dumb faggot who's best theory is "hur hur there's no time duuurrr"

Are you trolling?

"Trust me, I'm an expert!"
"Well, what facts do you have to back your shit up?"
"Trust me, I'm an expert!"

It is sad that you have to pretend to be something you are not, is this what you aspire to be or...? Either way it must be quite a sad person to be, using anonymity to fantasise of being someone who actually has any worth?

I'm stating things that can be found in textbooks. To teach a scientifically illiterate retard all of this would take semesters--not time I'm going to waste. I'm just telling you the canonical answer that you can find EVERYWHERE in texts on quantum field theory and relativity. Or Sean Carroll's blog if you're too retarded for that.

I'm just surprised that, instead of trying to find out if I actually know, all you can say is "durr I don't believe you." If you claimed to be a particle theorist, I could figure out for sure whether or not you were in a few simple questions, and it wouldn't be challenging whatsoever. But you don't choose to do anything like that--because you never choose to apply yourself and do anything that might be hard for you. You just choose to think the easiest route, which is that you are smart and everyone else is not, therefore your childish theories must be something of merit. Completely worthless trash.

Also just to add I have read what scientists think, however it appears you have read what a scientist wrote, perhaps you should broaden your research

K say goodbye to your chance to learn something faggot. Keep your nigger grandmother theories. I only came to offer you the chance to learn how ludicrous your statements are. But apparently, you'd rather be happier in denial. Not my problem

This is the canonical understanding that has led to the most successful modern theories of physics (namely field theories). It is presently accepted because it works very well, and that's the way actual science goes. But your dumb cuck theories don't even have observable predictions or phenomenology--not only do they ignore modern understanding, they don't predict anything, claim anything observable, or really affect the world at all. That's not science. That's Sup Forums autism.

He probably is. Or just demented by his beliefs, unable to recognize the difference between theories and actual scientific facts.

You read your shit from the text books, unable to think about what you're reading critically. You take this information for a fact, though it's always, always theoretical observation like everything in the department of science. Theories upon theories. But you seem to not see that part of it. I have read quantum physics, but I have also read articles criticizing quantum physics. And there always needs to be this sort of critique present in the department of science, so we would not have things like flat earth theory or other form of stupid shit like that.

Perhaps it is you that needs to do more research, have you thought about that, mi lord?

It sounds like you are in denial.... you are quoting 'theories' and saying they are fact? This is high school science my freind, to me it sounds like you have read a couple of sources and nothing more, you level of conversation is not that at all reminiscent of anyone in the scientifical feild, you act like you are demanding worth however someone with multiple 'publications' would never feel this way?.... even if you were who you claim to be why are you on Sup Forums as an user demanding status? Are you retarded?

This. The guy is doing nothing but saying that his belief is the absolute truth, while other people just subjected the possibility of us understanding very little of the subject itself. Just goes without saying that the guy's just a bigot that takes everyone as an idiot for representing contradicting views to his own.

No scientist acts like this.

I'm a GoT fan but I agree, bro.