I only got $100
So $10 bubbler or $10 bong?
I only got $100
Other urls found in this thread:
Bubbler, bongs are fun but bubblers are better
$99 of weed
$1 of apples
fuck water pipes
ill contest that, go the bong mate
Head for 2 Dollars
Pringles for 90 cents up to 2 Dollars
like 5 CM of Ductape
Depends on how fast you want your weed to go. If you want to try and be conservative with your weed; go with the bubbler. If, however, you can get weed relatively frequently; go for the bong.
Bongs burn through weed pretty quickly, and if you have a limited supply or amount you spend on it -- it won't be worth it. But as I said if you get weed often, burning it up wouldn't be as big an issue.
Just something to think about.
are blubbers any good
>potato crisps
>Brit bong
Saw this idea yesterday
In my experience hard to clean
okay, deliberate on this.
I wager a bubbler because of portability, sure bongs give you a better hit, something more intense. but you don't need that always.
Suppose I wage a bong is better, I wouldn't spend 10$ on a bong, personally. a bubbler, mayhaps.
you degenerate. have some dignity with your tokes.
I agree. bongs are easier to clean.
bong if it's not cheap ass glass that will break easily or stain. if pic related for 10 bucks i say don't get it. save up for a 30ish plus dollar one depending on what you want. i'd say bong over bubbler. pipe over bubbler. so get a pipe.
Depends on your preferred method of smoking.
Bubblers are very smooth because you're only pulling as much as you would be on a regular pipe/bowl but you get the added benefit of the water filtration.
Bongs are not like pipes and bubblers. They are meant to "build up" a hit before you pull the slide and inhale it all. You get a blast of smoke at once basically. If you're trying to get high fast, this is the way to go.
You can compare it to running. A bubbler is like a longer jog at a steady pace. Bong would be like sprint intervals.
Looks like a trumpet mouthpiece. Hilarious, and reminds me of band days in high school.
>hard to clean
How hard is it really to put hot water and a little coarse salt in it and shake it, then dump it out?
Unless you're trying to save the resin, in which case, I wouldn't bother with water pipe resin; it tastes like shit.
>10 dollar bong.
Good luck finding one.
you mean that one time you jammed a flute up in your pussy?
may i add to this user? there are small cheap bongs that i have seen before. they may have been as low as 10 bucks. they were all small as fuck and a nice size bong really goes the extra mile in smoking satisfaction.
op here
4" to 6" bong on Amazon are $10
Smoke shops are a total scam
Get a herb vape, you'll save a lot of money in the long run
I was looking into that too
Stay alive and healthy longer and buy a vaporizer
with shorter bongs you have to be more careful about water gettin up to your mouth. he might as well save up for a more expensive and larger bong.
Op here
I'm glad people are telling me this
personally i'm thinking fuck glass and just get a vape pen
aleeady got a g pro
may as well get another one
just dont smoke weed, that shit mongs you out for ages op
go on
I'm listenjng
you could get what another user suggested
you literally put the bud in a thing and put the thing in the pen and you are vaping.
this is so unhealthy, i know smoking in general is but at least make it not that unhealthy
op here
what suggestion?
people are saying save for quality
research to see what you want to invest into. essentially you want quality, on the terms of a bang for your buck. a pen is lowkey, clean, and a small inventory item to carry around.
you could also look into edibles.
Dude I did the same thing, just with an Arizona can for the fucking aesthetics
op here
i was thinking of making a Pringles bong
already got a Cantenna for hacking
vape pen makes edibles
fuck it
vape pen
Bongs are the tried and true method and will never disappoint. Take the bong OP.
if you're gonna buy a better one anyway you might as well save that $10 for it
if you don't care just buy a $10 bong
what if the cops see me?
i forgot the question lol
but yeah go for the bong
don't do it in front of cops moron
What if the cops wanna smoke
See this.
If the cops suspect drugs they are going to search you anyways and find either of them.
just a little tip for anyone here. if you don't have a piece and you have papers, just make a super small joint with a paper "filter" with it. make it as small as one big hit for you would be, and cut off the rest of the paper. this way you can slowly inhale all of the bud. downside is you'll stink and are smoking paper.
that Apple won't for $99 worth of weed
you need to know your laws
yoj consent to searches without warrents or probable cause
checked and kekd
Son if they smell weed or see any drug devices, that's probable cause lol. If you're in a car, they can just call in a K9 unit and if the dog starts barking then you're done.
TL;DR don't do it in front of cops.
Fuck everyone who says it doesn't matter what you smoke out of. Also, Op's pic looks more like a 60$ bong. Personally I like bongs with big water chambers so the water stays cleaner longer, ex. Beaker bongs. More expensive ones have nicer percolaters. The more bubbleserious splitting up the smoke, the better the smoking experience. And don't let people tell you water pipes strip flavor, that's only kinda true, they do but to a very small extent. Bongs are conservative as opposed to smoking something wrapped. Dry pipes suck because small hits, bubbles are fine but usually have small water chambers making them get nasty sooner. I prefer a 12" Beaker base with a shower head down stem. Slap a glycerin coil on that bitch and I'm ready to go. Also fuck cheap glass and smoking out of home made shit, what are you? 14?
Unfortunately if they "smell weed" that's probable cause.
imagine the length of a cigarette filter, but it's just paper rolled up to create a handle. this is maybe twice as thin as a cigarette filter, more or less.
now just imagine rolling the amount of about 1 or 2 hits/inhales.
cut off the rest of the paper. you should probably be using less than half of it.
hit thats shit so as not to burn yourself, such as how you use a hole in a bowl. breathe in outer air while you take your hit.
1 weed in trunk always
2 don't smoke in the car
3 learn legal loopholes
your downsyndrime ass get that?
>Don't smoke in car
Why the fuck would this ever be problem for you if you don't smoke in the car or in front of cops? This conversation was about probable cause for search but if you're a straightedge faggot you'll never need to worry about it. Carry on my dude.
this. it's just common sense not to smoke in front of cops, to always be aware, but not paranoid. just enjoy the high but be responsible.
enjoy prison rape
You're not gonna get a decent quality of either for $10 you fucking retard. Wait a bit, save up atleast $50 and get a nice piece from your friendly neighborhood smoke shop.
$10 bubbler you'll get something way better, bongs should cost more than $10 unless you're getting acrylic
Listen from 5 minutes onwards.
>Probable cause derived from marijuana odor is hard to disprove in court. If the cop has a track record of making that claim dishonestly, you might be able to get out of it.
Most police units can just grab another officer or get a K9 unit and if they smell it coming from your car too then you've got an issue.
4 to 6 inch bong
hide it in meat
I don't wanna smoke paint
sand it off
>pulled over
>they smelled bud and said probable cause
>searched car
>found bud
>said a loophole to technically get out of it being mine
>they seemed indifferent/fickle
>they decided to take the bud
>let me go with a warning.
That's smoking aluminum
That's luckier than quads
No butt rape for you
don't be a pussy
this is so bad for you. just buy papers if not a piece.
If being smart is being a pussy
I'm Silvester the cat
“Perhaps you’re worried that the short-term memory loss, confusion and paranoia are due to the aluminium? It’s not likely. Aluminium is a fairly reactive metal and on exposure to the atmosphere it quickly forms a surface layer of aluminium oxide, which protects the underlying metal from further reaction. Any aluminium that winds up in the smoke would be in the form of this oxide.
There is little data on aluminium oxide toxicity, but it appears to be about as toxic as other fine particulates. Additionally, a number of recent studies have indicated that the proposed link between Alzheimer’s disease and aluminium is weak or nonexistent.
There are, of course, more serious short- and long-term health effects linked to smoking in general, and marijuana smoking in particular, that have been reported.”
like I said, sand it off
Blow it off idk ive been doing it for years and I seem to be fine
Bong will smoke better. Bubbler is nice for size I guess.
Need something cold to chase that smoke, gentlemen?
Yeah man, I'll take ehh...