Sometimes I get into the mood to share these. I'll be awake for a little while so I'll dump some of it, ask questions or ask for a request and I'll try to answer or provide.
Specifically the stuff I have is just a collection of all the stuff they really don't want you to see. None of that Truther shit. The gruesome shit and naked terror of that day. Jumpers, shredded people and things like that.
First picture: VIP Car Port, North Tower.
You can see multiple Jumpers having landed on the roof of the car port. If you look under the port there is a shredded up body from when it hit the skylight. I heard they were made of plexi-glass but I don't know that for a fact. Either way if you see that FDNY SUV under the port that is the vehicle that Naudet dude rode in when he went in during his documentary.
The body closest and clearly visible to the camera probably came from a lower floor. The higher up they fall the less recognizable they are when they land, also if they land on their sides it absorbs some of the impact better so that may explain it as well.
The next shot is looking at the same thing but zoomed in to show the Jumper drapped over the side of the roof.
Dylan Bell
Last image of the same thing. You can see red bits on the ground that are shredded people ejected from the impact zones. There are more pictures later on that show this better.
This picture is taken from a side profile of the Marriot hotel between WTC 1 & WTC 2
Dozens of Jumpers landed on the roof of the Marriot including this one. There is a rumor that when the FDNY cleared the building they checked the roof and one of the Jumpers was barely alive, but I have my doubts.
What is true was that the roof was a nightmare of gore and shredded Jumpers.
Lucas Allen
Here is a picture that shows the shredded human body parts better. They were strewn over several blocks from the impact of the planes, the people on them and from the floors they hit.
There are some significantly big pieces that landed in some pictures but mostly they're not recognizable as anything.
There is a rare picture of a leg, or a hand and I'll probably get to those but you see a lot of shoes, some of them are from people ditching their foot wear after running nearly a hundred stories to safety since heels tear up your feet.
But some are from the impact zones, some from Jumpers.
Evan Collins
Here is a pretty big piece of someone on the sidewalk and some more pieces around it.
Easton Wood
In this parking lot is a shredded up body.
You can see more pieces. You'll see them a lot in these pictures. They're all people.
Blake Roberts
Here you can see a piece of the WTC facade with a landing gear stuck in it.
It's also an alternate shot of the parking lot I just posted where you can see the body parts in the middle of it.
Christopher Lee
Another angle of facade. The hint of the remains in the parking lot to the left.
Anyone there?
Cameron Campbell
I'll keep posting a little while longer but if no one is reading I'll probably head off.
Ryan Hughes
Samuel Walker
Its all kinda scary and also educational, are there any vids?
Jeremiah Richardson
quite a collection you've got, OP. I remember seeing some of these before, some were even posted in Danish newspapers in the time just after it happened, then they seemed to disappear from the mainline news -prolly too gory and such, like the clips of the jumpers.
but then again, it's documenting history. I was 25 when it happened, feels like aeons ago and just yesterday at the same time.
Jonathan Davis
So here you can see a piece of someone in the street. You'll notice it's got something white on it.
I've heard this story a couple times. From some people who were there and documentaries.
There was a dude who worked for a hotel or something and he had a armful of sheets and he was running around trying to throw sheets over all the body parts.
You'll see pictures of this man's work as we go on.
Jackson Hernandez
we're here, OP.
John Lopez
I have two videos I can link too later.
One from a hotel a block away looking into the plaza where you can see Jumpers landed along the windows in the plaza and hitting the stage set up between the towers. I'll get to it I think.
Another video of a Jumper hitting a railing and misting into blood. I wasn't sure it was a Jumper the first time I saw it but I found pictures of his body and in a Documentary I watched they specifically censored it in the video so it's definitely a Jumper.
Also here is that hotel guy with the sheets I mentioned.
The pictures are coming from a variety of sources. This one is from a Japanese dude I think, he lived or was rooming in an apartment a block or two away.
The ones I've been posting are from an NIST FOIA or something, I don't recall but they're out there if you look hard enough.
Brayden Hughes
super interesting post more please
Luis Cruz
Picture from the Japanese photographer again.
This one is pretty interesting because I was able to connect some dots after I've looked at it a few times.
You see that truck on the right with the push bar? Pay close attention to it and the next picture I'm going to post.
Ryan Diaz
And here it is.
It's obviously someones head. If you look at the truck is definitely the same one.
This picture was used in evidence in the Moussaoui trial.
Thomas Lopez
They must have had a massive rat problem is that are after the attack. All those pices of meat spread around!
Aaron Phillips
Another picture of those sheets from before.
Jaxson Sanchez
please keep posting mate
Jace Rogers
Carson Ross
Thanks, keep going
Robert Morris
This one was posted on a newspaper or magazine or something on 9/12 but obviously that didn't go over so well.
Zachary Brown
>Moussaoui trial just googled that.. interesting, to say the least.
Angel Sanders
I remember that, yes.
Ethan Bell
>checked >educational >op leaves >:(
Brayden Evans
op can you post videos?
Andrew Jones
So time to talk about the Jumpers.
About 200 people or more jumped from the towers from the moment the plane hit up until they fell. Most were from the North Tower because it was the one hit first and last to fall and a lot of people inside saw what happened to the South Tower but the South Tower had Jumpers too.
So, basically. From what the guys down there tell me that day and what I've read when you fall from a hundred stories it takes 11 seconds(?) I gotta check to fall. When you hit the ground your body basically collapses and just shreds it's self up.
All the clothes you have on you just tear and shred. Your body kinda just falls apart. The blood gels when it mixes with the oils and fats in your body.
There isn't always a conventional blood "pool" when the Jumpers hit they spread their blood in a thin mist over several feet.
There is a picture I'll post where you can see where a dozen Jumper's land infront of one of the lobby windows and as each Jumper lands it coats the ground and windows in another layer of blood like paint.
This picture is an example of that gel/oil effect.
Kayden Baker
This one looks a little brighter than I remember. I think someone hit it with a filter to make the blood stand out more. I'll post the video in a little bit that this still is taken from so you can see it raw for yourself.
Caleb Brown
I missed this one earlier. More sheets and body parts. I'll keep going with the above Jumper stuff now.
Alright, so this stage was set up in the plaza between the towers.
The roof was a plastic tarp kinda of material. So as Jumpers fell they hit it and put holes in it. So all those holes you see are from people hitting it.
The video I'll post has a shot of a Jumper hitting this stage and you can see a body party (potentially a head) rolling down the side of the roof.
But this will be reference once or twice is this stage.
Alright here is the video. The important time marks below:
6:35 - Camera man pans down and follows a Jumper heading for the plaza. When he cuts back you can see the remains of the Jumpers and the blood collected up to that point. * Also note how many holes there are in that stage at this point and how many more it will gain in the pictures and video that follow.
14:30 - Camera man follows a Jumper and you see him hit the stage. You'll see a body part roll off the roof. Jumper's body proceeds into the space landing between the end of the stage.
I've also posted a gif here of the stage through different stages of the day.
Robert Bell
anyone got any rare vids? Also how did so many people die if the towers collapsed almost an hour after plane was hit? surely thats enough time to get most of the people out of the building? Also amazing photos, not much of this was shown in australia
Christian King
Another gif for reference with the plaza and windows.
Jackson Fisher
343 fire fighters alone died in the attacks.
When the planes hit they severed the elevators and stairwells so anyone that was above the impact floors when the planes hit was trapped (except for a rare exception in the South Tower where one stairwell remained but eventually collapsed as well but allowed some people to escape)
All the people in the floors above the impact zones, all the people who did not evacuate at or or did not evacuate in a timely enough manner, the people in the streets, people in the other WTC complexes, the victims on the plane and so on.
It's easy to see how so many people died.
Oh and here is a gif of the Jumper hitting the stage. I forget what I have in these folders so I find things as I post sometimes.
Jaxon Ward
Most people that died were above the impact points of the "planes". The staircases were on fire and there was no way out. Well beside the windows that is..
Julian Adams
thanks for clarifying
Dylan Nguyen
These shoes are from the impact floors.
Note the NYPD cop who found someones purse. It's plausible it came from the impact floors. They recovered some pretty spooky shit from the planes.
Also the plane parts.
Mason Lewis
I have a bunch of pictures of blood and little things like that I can post too.
Joseph Mitchell
in the video she says god bless those people except god is the problem here.. the terrorists god
Juan Reyes
What kind of spooky stuff? Can you elaborate?
Kevin Scott
Didn't any choppers try to get people off the roof?
Also they found one of the hijackers passport(?) I think it was.
Impossible. 1. Too much smoke. 2. WTC 1 had a spire that would make that difficult 3. Thermal waves caused by the fire would've made it impossible to get a helicopter in close even if the smoke wasn't blinding.
Julian Garcia
This is from a documentary. The fire fighter is poking it with a shovel and when the camera man asks him what it is he says "A person."
Sorry I'm getting slow. I'm trying to find a specific video on Youtube of the Jumper misting against the railing.
Jeremiah Kelly
I wonder how painful it would be. The impact I mean. Terrifying.
Adam Bennett
Really interesting to see OP. Which tower did the wheel stuck in the facade come out of?
Cameron Johnson
If you go head first, absolutely no pain.
Mason Adams
is there any footage of the cleanup and recovery of bodies? or is that shit highly classified?
Juan Taylor
And a flip too. Jk
Interedasting stuff though.
Aaron Brooks
From that height you are guaranteed to not feel anything at all at impact. You perceive your surroundings with a very slight lag. At speeds resulting from a fall from such heights the lag would be big enough for you to perceive to still be a little above the ground when you splatter.
Ian Cox
Imagine not taking the opportunity to do the sickest shooting star press ever.
Asher Martinez
Best thread I've seen in years. OP delivered and is not a fucking faggot
Xavier Williams
From that height, you'd die before you hit the ground.
That's not how pain works you fucking moron.
Brayden Walker
I came to Sup Forums today for shitposting. Now I'm interested in this genuinely hard hitting truthful thread. Thank you OP
Joshua Murphy
Yeah plus the terror and shock of things, would be scary but better than the alternative. RIP those peeps.
Jason Nguyen
Asher Baker
There are some but it's hard to find.
You gotta assume that anyone who had access to the scene was usually a journalist or a first responder.
For the latter they're obviously not going to post graphic gore from 9/11 for the public to see. A lot of these are FOIA and they're hard enough to find.
I heard a story from a dude who was working for a news agency in the city. He was shooting the shit with his boss about the 9/11 anniversary coming up and he asked him if he was down there that day, when the dude said no his boss pulls out a photo album from a locked drawer in his desk and shows him all these graphic pictures of Jumpers bodies and stuff like that, a lady walking around on the street all burned up with her skin hanging off.
Again, obviously CNN isn't going to put images of Jumper's bodies on TV and they're not going to release them. They're out there but we may never see them.
> you will die before you hit the ground
Absolutely 100% false.
Every single Jumper (assuming they didn't pass out from smoke inhalation prior to falling or being pushed out passed out while others crushed for the fresh air at the windows) they were 100% alive and awake for the entire fall.
Some Jumpers made eye contact with people in the towers as they fell.
Aiden Martinez
Anyone having issues with Sup Forums at the moment? I keep getting errors with loading
Nolan Young
Broken for me too
Henry Phillips
for realsies
Ryder Hughes
>From that height, you'd die before you hit the ground eh, why? Air pressure won't kill you, otherwise parachuters would never make to pull the rip-cord, they free fall from greater heights and longer than 11 seconds, often reaching terminal velocity.
Aaron Gray
THIS IS WHAT Sup Forums IS ABOUT Sup ForumsRO, Fuck we need more shit like this here
Michael Cruz
we know the jews did it on purpose
the owner of the wtc was jewish
Evan Phillips
piss off, Sup Forums... seriously, take a vacation.
Isaiah Perry
How do you know it's the same? Most police vehicles come with those bars, I mean unless it's a undercover vehicle
Josiah Campbell
Okay Sup Forumsros real talk for a second. Is there any cold hard evidence that this was completely the terrorists fault? Was there foul play involved by us officials?
Adam Green
yeah this, but sounds like youre basically vaporized almost. Idk. I imagine because of likely having shock the whole thing is such a surreal and terryfying experience that you dont know wtf is going on.
Either way it would be a damn long 11 secs.
Nicholas Butler
First image it's clearly on a road and then the next it's in a carpark
Charles Jackson
Super interesting OP, thanks for making this thread!
Daniel Kelly
Sup Forums is always right
James Thomas
>im a jew stop talking about me!
you're such a fucking baby
Kill yourself already
Jace Cooper
Colton Ward
>740743041 He's correct. And the Jew collected TWICE, claiming that there were two attacks AND HE GOT THE MONEY. This after owning the WTC for one month. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!
Owen Diaz
I was thinking the same thing, not nearly enough evidence to say it's the same truck
Daniel Fisher
lol butthurt
Ryder Stewart
Fuck it I can't find the video. This happens every time. It's out there I just can't find it.
It's a video that has a scene with a cop saying "Where are you supposed to be, get out of there" or something to guys in the street.
Than it cuts to a shot of a Jumper falling FAST and hits a railing with a loud "PING" and you can see blood misting in the sunlight.
I have the video, I just don't know where to upload it. If you guys know where I can literally just UPLOAD a video without making an account or anything let me know.
Anyway, here cap from THAT video. You can see the blood misting in this picture. I'll provide pictures of this Jumper's body and the ones near it.
Kevin Harris
>extreme stage diving
Andrew Gray
He meant the perception of dying. Nerve signals travel around 250 mph and considering the nearing hundreds of thousands of pounds of force when you impact after reaching terminal velocity your body wouldn't be alive long enough to process the pain of death.
Luis Reed
I'm not the one complaining about something someone said.
Sebastian Perez
Plus all the nerves in your body would be destroyed, so you probably literally wouldn't be able to feel anything even if you were technically alive for a couple seconds after the impact.
Parker Gray
It's the same vehicle.
1. The picture they used for the trial is from the same photographer that took the picture of the guy in the yellow shirt next to the vehicle.
The picture of the yellow shirt guy is from his private photobucket. Naturally, he didn't upload the picture he has of the destroyed head on the ground to his personal photobucket. The sheet pictures were bad enough.
2. The lines in on the street are long enough to give that impression of them being parking lot lines. Just look at some other pictures of that street.
Andrew Howard
agree. the body is destroyed too quickly, plus being in shock.
James Barnes
Arrest this nazi!
Jeremiah Scott
yes, you are. You're complaining about what I said.
boo-hoo-fucking-hoo, snowflake.
Aiden Turner
these pictures as old as fuck and been posted before fuckhead
Ryder Rodriguez
makes sense, yes.
Cooper Watson
>Best thread I've seen in years. OP delivered and is not a fucking faggot
Brandon Watson
ladies stop fighting
Jacob Reyes
calm down, Eugene.
Logan Smith
>s-see goyim. y-y-you're the one complainin. i'll have you arrested for antisemitism
Christopher Phillips
Alright, so the picture I posted earlier with the misting blood. You can see the body here.
There are at least three Jumper bodies in this picture. They're hard to tell at a glance because of how fucked up they are when they land. They don't look like people.
There is one under the truck, on the other side. There is one on the side of ten truck closest to the camera. And if you look to the right there is a red sign bent with another Jumper body there. I have a picture of this body as well.
Also note those CCTV cameras. I've heard from a few people that the video survived. See what direction it's pointing? It would've recorded all those Jumpers.
Leo Roberts
Read "Solving 9/11" by Christopher Bollyn, it's an exhaustive examination of many threads and stories leading up to 9/11/01 and the case it makes is thoroughly damning.