Horror General

That had to be one of the most horrific depictions of the afterlife I've ever seen. The ending of King's Revival may top it when it inevitably gets optioned, but I just rewatched this movie after 20 years, and I am LITERALLY SHAKING.

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Trying to decide between watching Black Sunday or The Bird with the Crystal Plumage. Fairly well-versed in Argento, but I don't believe I've ever given Bava the attention he desrves. I read a review of a book about him (All the colors of dark or some shit) that makes me ashamed for calling myself a horror fan when I haven't watched a single one of his movies. Then again, maybe he's just the giallo Woody Allen, in which case I'll pass.

>"You're dead. You dued, don't you remember?"

>"No, I'm not dead. I'm not dead."

>"What are you doing here, then?"


Jesus wept.

Also, not to be an asshole here, but I was certain that this (and the next few minutes with the doctors) was the final scene in the movie. Is this some Mandela effect bullshit, or am I the only one who remembers it like that?

You fags can start throwing recs out at any time now. Why they cut out the kid going on a sniper killing spree after he knew he was fucked is anybody's guess. So odd how (((they))) remake perfect movies (Robocop, Carrie, etc.) but leave movies that failed their outstanding source material alone.

I've been rewatching a lot of 00s horror.

Just finished Wake Wood. Still holds up to me. No scares, really, but pretty eerie moments. Gore was very well done, too. Loved the homage to Alice, Sweet Alice.

Timber Falls, not so great. Next up: Mortuary.

Watched Bone Tomahawk last night and loved it. Any recs?

MOTY desu

I watched a found footage movie a while back I'm trying to find again. It's about a few people who are looking to make a film about a family or cult? All I remember is that at the end someone dies in a fire and another gets hacked to death with an ax. It was sort of foreshadowed by drawings given to them by a girl earlier.

Black Sunday's (also titled Mask of Satan) a decent start or maybe Twitch of the Death Nerve (also titled Bay or Blood) if you want to see the influence it gave Friday the 13th.

the last exorcism

Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?


the it was all a dream ending was the weakest part. it was a nasty realistic depiction of how war vets with mental illness are treated before that

I just watched We Are Still Here and it doesn't fuck around. Any other decent haunted house flicks?

I might watch the Conjuring 2,.

don't watch the conjuring 2, it's horrible

pic related is good

My ex who does make up is now working on the remake of this in Georgia

Im pissed.

For one shes working in the biz and im not and two their fucking remaking this

this movie was a huge piece of shit


>Protestantism, not even once



Rip patrice

Gonna watch they look like people tonight
Anyone else see it?

Whattup black phillip

yea, it sucked

Undisputed slasherkino. Such a fantastic film. the atmosphere, the build up, the score, Tony Todd's voice

I fucking love this film.

I loved We Are Still Here. Totally caught me off guard. Loved the end sequence.

Don't listen to Sage, he has a shit opinion on horror.

how was the hallow?

It had a really good set up. The effects and designs for the creatures were fantastic. It just dropped the ball about halfway through and took a direction that was predictable and uninteresting. That made me pretty upset to be honest, it had the makings to be a great movie. Over all, it was a solid watch. I would recommend it.

It reminds me of Harbinger Down. That movie upset me because the creature was too well done for that shit of a movie. What a total waste of it.

Fucking retard can't read either.

>Don't listen to Sage, he has a shit opinion on horror.
post your 5 favorite horrors right now
yea w.e faggot, i bet you liked Hush as well

pffft what an idiot

>doesn't deny liking hush
>doesn't post his "superior taste"
yea, you're a fag

Ew. Hush was bad. It had promise until it used none of it and turned into a pathetic mess. It was a shame too, because I liked John Gallagher in 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Those other posts aren't me. You still have garbage taste and you are obnoxious as a person. Get rid of the trip and name. No one needs you ruining things more than you already do.

what do Sup Forums think about conjuring 2, like it myself but i couldn't help but think the horror fell flat more than a couple of times throughout the film, like the scene with the painting

>there is literally only 1 poster in this thread besides me the almighty tripfag
Yeah, you're retarded, thanks for proving it.

i'm good homo

candyman 2 was absolute shit tho

still waiting for you to post your top 5, my man

There are only two of us and you keep getting us confused. No one's going to post their top 5 and you aren't going to either.

>literally can't read
>berates others at random
This is the best thread

I can't help but think the same thing every time someone mentions Black Philip.

>one is taller than the other
>they look nothing alike

>when he wakes up in the hospital, surrounded by his family comforting him
>the doctor's voice just pipes in from nowhere "DREAM ON"


Just saw Don't Breathe over the weekend. It was ok. Very obvious influences from a wide range of horror movies. Draws from Wait Until Dark, the Coffin Joe trilogy, and even Cujo.

Don't Breathe itself isn't a great horror movie, but it's made with a love of the genre and fans will see that love.

i will after you prove you have good taste, but of course you wont.

It was pretty flat and knowing the "true story" it was based on made it even less enjoyable. I think maybe it's partially to do with the fact that I'm tired of studios thinking the whole edgy Marilyn Manson aesthetic is enough to make a movie scary.

im not that user but im posting my top 5

pls r8

You're Next (not very scary at all but i thoroughly enjoyed it)

b-but Sup Forums taught me Protestantism was the 2cool4school Christian doctrine how come everyone in the movie was acting like a fucking asshole and didn't stop talking about how much god hate them and how they were all going to hell despise the fact they dedicated their whole fucking lives to their religion

I'm reading The Scarlet Gospels right now. It's basically Pinhead (the High Priest of Hell) matching wits against Harry D'Amour, the detective in Lord of Illusions. Pretty ill, but I've been waiting for a Damnation Game movie from the second I finished it. Anthony Hopkins is tailor-made for Whitehead, and Hardy with the Rooney chick can round out the principles. Hell, give Breer to Randy Quaid. Goodman would be better, but RQ needs the work.

Drunk as fuck and babbling as if anyone here has even heard of the Damnation Game. Sorry kids. Gramps is rambling.

That movie was boring af senpai I fell asleep during it and I saw beyond the black rainbow completely without falling asleep once, that has got to count for something, the blonde bitch dies in the end rite?

Regardless, there doesn't appear to be any other good horror movie on shitflex that I haven't watched already, so I'll watch it anyway.

It seems less shitty than the rest

Suspiria and Alien are acceptable, but the rest isn't that great. Not to say they're bad films, as i enjoyed them all (kairo least of all), but i wouldn't put them in my top 5

read up on the 30 year war

Are there any good horror movie documentaries anyone can recommend? I love interviews with directors and movie historians, especially about horror movies from the 40s to the 70s.

wow im happy to see adolescent horror fans are as obnoxious and condescending as ever

how do you sleep at night knowing nobody gives a fuck what you think?

Literally garbage tier taste and still won't post his own top 5.

yea, it's slow burn type of horror. If you don't like those then you wouldn't like it.
and yea, she dies at the end.

trash humpers

Good taste.

I've always thought pic related was pretty underrated. It's not an amazing horror movie but fuck del taco can really deliver on aesthetic.

he asked me to rate you fucking idiot lol

still waiting

Wingard is about to blow the fuck up with Blair Witch, and I know most people know who he is from You're Next and VHS. I'm always astounded that nobody ever mentions this.(pic related)

A Horrible Way to Die is not only an incredible horror movie; I'd put it as one of the top 10 films of any genre this millennium. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it right now.

Any movies like eraser head, in the mouth of madness, etc. Looking for surreal unsettling kino.

Is Videodrome "etc."?

Dead Ringers

Yeah, definitely

Lord of Tears

My biggest issue with the movie is that they showed Mama too much and the CG at the time already wasn't that great. It's going to age poorly and totally ruin the feel of the movie.

I'm excited to see Blair Witch. I thought his work with VHS, VHS 2 and ABCs of Death was weak, but I loved You're Next. I haven't seen A Horrible Way to Die yet. I will have to check it out. I loved the segment in VHS 2 done by Gareth Evans. I had no idea he was the guy who did the Raid and that is one of my all time favorite martial arts movies. I hope he does more horror in the future.

Thanks guys, 2 minutes into lord of tears and looks very promising.

off the top of my head
elephant man
blue velvet
naked lunch
prince of darkness
from beyond
the fog
Un Chien Andalou
man bites dog

this. absolute kino

Post yours you giant shit. What a cowardly standoff. "expose yourself so I can critique you while conveniently leaving myself without any vulnerability".

Naked lunch was also awesome, definitely saving all of these!

Does this count as horror? Films like this make me nauseous.


>tfw this movie started my monster girl fetish

if someone's gonna claim they have great taste they should prove it

i'm still waiting btw

Cropsey is very good. It's free on yt, so there's that.

You might want to check out Shadow of the Vampire. It's a fictionalized version of the filming of Nosferatu with Malkovich as the director and Dafoe as Max Shre m (Dracula). Apparently it has some factual basis, and even if it is total bullshit it is still a very good horror movie. Willem Dafoe plays Max Shrek and Malkovich is the obsessive nutcase director.

If you're a fan of horror, I can't see why you wouldn't love this movie.

>if someone's gonna claim they have great taste they should prove it
Then why do you refuse to prove it?

I never claimed to have great taste. I said your taste is garbage and that people shouldn't listen to you. There's a difference. It's why I'm not playing into your stupid rate game. If I think your taste is shit, I don't care about what you think of mine. I don't respect you or your opinion on any matter.

because i never claimed my taste was better than anyone else's, like did

keep deflecting though

>keep deflecting though
Deflecting what? Are you literally retarded?

i don't even wanna give you any more (you)s, so i'll just accept that as you talking shit and not willing to back up anything.
Quick to call someone else's taste shit but won't even post 5 of his best lol .. nice one

You are the most delusional faggot I've seen on Sup Forums, and I used to browse Sup Forums

>I haven't seen A Horrible Way to Die yet. I will have to check it out

Hate to be 'that guy', but please do watch that shit. From the rest of your post, we seem to have the same tastes so I can't imagine you wouldn't like it. It's basically an updated Henry, but I just can't for the life of me understand why it isn't more lauded.

>when this is exactly what happened

>there is literally only 2 people in the thread, including you
Nah, that's delusion.

>says my taste is shit
>ask him to prove his isn't
>he didn't

>literally making things up
>literally replying to my every post like a cuck
God, I love how stupid tripfags are.

But you're making yourself out to be an arbiter of taste as well. Why should your rating of other people's taste matter if you can't even put out your own list? It's not only cowardly but dishonest. You're nothing but another shitty egoist the world is already full of.

Don't listen to this faggot.

>chevy chase

why so mad, sport?

>comfy thread ruined by fucking tripfaggot

>proves himself illiterate
>proves himself delusional
>proves himself retarded
>proves himself arrogant
And now you come to prove yourself nothing more than a projecting memer.

And you gave me one (You), what happened shitposter?

>still won't reply to me or give his own list

c'mon now, this is getting sad.

Just watched this and I found it inferior to its predecessor.

>only decent thread on Sup Forums derailed by a tripfag

Filter the guy because his only purpose is to draw attention to himself and cultivate an image. What a fucking waste.

The Exorcist
The Thing
The Shining

Big fan of Cronenberg, Lynch, Carpenter and Kaneto Shindo.

Please recommend me films.

>screaming about taste the entire thread
>posts AMC 31 Days of Halloween-tier list

Just the type of response i anticipated, faggot. Well done!

post yours

Top 5 is hard for me. I have a lot of horror I enjoy. My problem is there are of course the classics that stand out and I love them, but it doesn't feel right to put them on a favorite list. It becomes so generic, like well yeah those movies are great, of course they are a favorite. But then, a lot of the ones I really like sometimes aren't very well made, so I would knock them down a bit which would bump them form favorite status despite me liking them a lot.

I will instead list the last 5 I saw that I really enjoyed

It Follows
We Are Still Here
The Dead Room
Ava's Possessions
The Descent