Should white people apologise for slavery?

Should white people apologise for slavery?
In my opinion, yes.

Shut up ahmed

Then black people should apologise for HIV and ebola.

OP is a faggot.

>yfw only about 1% of white Americans owned slaves when slavery was at its peak

t. Tyrone

At least Britain was able to end their country's practice of slavery without a massive war that killed 620,000 people.

Should black people apologise for idleness?
In my opinion, yes.

WTF is going on in OP Pic
this dworld is fucking insane nowadays

sure op le cuck meme xddd

When the Moors and Ivory Coast Africans say sorry for enslaving 1.5 million Europeans into slavery during the exact same time as 350,000 blacks were trafficked to the colonies... I'll consider saying sorry, maybe.

why of course your highness prince Sadiq

I enslaved a nigger once.

After all muslims/niggers/chinks/etc apologise for slavery, then and only then whites should do it too. Cause whites are the smallest race by population, whites are a global minority.

Yes, apologize to Finns and give money

One thing that niggers need to realize, is that in Africa, they were already enslaving each other. Tribes sold each other slaves just like any other good. And when white people got there, tribes gave us slaves in exchange for guns and shit. So niggers need to realize that they were sold out by their own race. They shouldn't be mad at white people, they should be mad at Africans. Africans should say sorry

Black people should thank whites for a free boat trip.

They did

Cause honesty, if you compare how Africans are doing, with his American blacks are doing, blacks here have it way better. So if they stayed in Africa, rn they'd be drinking from AIDS rivers and what not

My ancestors were Poles who came to this country after the civil war. I ain't apologizing for shit.

No one apologized for making my people slaves.

Why? Right on this fucking second there are more people enslaved in africa than there ever was on the history of the US.

Only if blacks apologize for not being white.

Aids from the gays and Ebola is a parasite mostly from water

Literally every country has engaged in slavery at some point in their history. The ethnicities that enslaved their conquered enemies survived and prospered. The ethnicities that didn't were wiped out.

At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves.

If you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery.

An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860.

Yes the 1.4% who owned slaves should apologize.

But they won't, so the other 98.6% of us who never owned slaves have to listen to faggots like you cry about it.

should muslims apologize for slavery? should jews apologize for slavery? should blacks apologize for slavery?

unlike whites who quickly abolished it, slavery still goes on among the others. muslims still keep on enslaving whites and blacks.

and american slavery was from blacks selling other blacks to jewish slave traders. so by extension, slavery in both americas was from jews.

Make a Bulgarian apologize for slavery

These first world problems ffs. Punch the person who asked you this in the skull and be done with it.

And all the wars for money

I'm sincerely sorry we brought Africans to America.

Yes. What we did was beyond fucked up

Africa is STILL full of slavery
There's more black slaves there today than there ever were at any one point in America


My ancestors are French and Acadian which is French Canadian from the Maratimes.

My ancestors most likely had nothing to do with slavery so I have no guilt. Hell my grandparents I don't think saw any blacks until they were adults.

tough luck if your ancestors were slaves but guess what, you're not your ancestors and it was over a 150 some years ago.

Get Over It.

First off, no. No one should ever apologize for something their ancestors did. Second, black people sold black slaves. Go yell at them. Third, I'm a white Assyrian from the middle east (non-jew semitic person) and my people have never owned slaves. In fact, we've had it much worse than black people throughout history. Why the fuck would I apologize to a bunch of idiots that just want an excuse for their inability to succeed in life?

Your move, OP.

Black people should apologise for centuries of theft

Figures a British racist wouldn't be able to tell one white from another, like we're all the same.

Thanks for you input Muhammad

>be at war with neighboring tribes
>stronger nation defeats weaker one
>take prisoners as captives
>some strange people with weird skin show up
> they have strange magical looking things like unbreakable spears and long sticks that make noise and kill people
>they give us some cool things as a gift, and are interested in trading with some of the things we have
>give them all those dumb faggots we just captured so we dont need to feed them

This is litterally how the slave trade started. When you have an area that frequently engages in winner-take-all warfare and take slaves as war spoils, then what better way to make more money or get more goods than selling them to people who will even take them away for you.

The Blacks enslaved the blacks.

I don't care about your opinion.
I just came here to say that.
Palm Trees

surprised (or not) that you stupid faggots took this bait so easily, stay retarded pol

Water should apologize for ebola.

everything on Sup Forums these days is bait.

why is being white relevant, anyone who owned or currently owns a slave should apologize for it

I don't own a slave nor have I ever owned one so I'm not going to apologise to anyone... I don't believe my ancestors did either though I don't know for sure. Strangely enough most African Americans actually have European DNA because they are descended from slave owners too - if people are apologising for the behaviour of ancestors then African Americans certainly need to apologise to themselves...

Why the fuck are they smiling? They don't look sorry enough.

and both came from Africa and were spread by black Africans

stop with these shit threads

how many threads do you need?


I dont care about these libshits faggots doing these fetish games, but do they HAVE to drag children into it?
thats pure degeneracy, these """"people"""" should be castrated

Why should we apologize for the sins of our great great great grandparents?

Should Black people pay white people for the scientific advancement they took from them?
In my opinion, yes.

Then go apologize for yourself fuck face

Only if it is a white that personally owned a black slave, apologizing to a black that actually was a slave.

No need for the British to apologise son. We started the movement that brought an end to the slave trade. If anything they should be thanking us.

I wonder how much actual paper work we have that could directly prove jews being predominant in the slave trade.

You should be thankful for the british for buying the slave's freedom

Slave owners need to apologize to regular whites for importing these animals and making us live with niggers


Should blacks apologize for slavery?
Should Arabs apologize for slavery?


What about Brazillians

yes, even those who were farmers in europe

all whites are guilt of this crime, not worse than the shoa

Why should anyone apologize for what their ancestors did?

Should Europeans apologize for capturing Africans and selling them to colonists?
In my opinion, yes.

>generalizing all white people

>not the select families that actually owned or traded slaves

My great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather stole a cow.

I'm so sorry.

It's not taking bait it's a suspension of disbelief for the sake of discussion.

Most people like to let their opinion be known anyway because there are real people like OP.

We should apologise for ending it.

Right after you apologize to eighty percent of the world for your empire building.
It happened before slavery, and killed more people, so you first.

>apologize to eighty percent of the world for your empire building

Without us fatniggerman, the USA would still be in the stone age or more probably part of the Chink Empire

test desu

Wow who are these fuckin morons

Let's just pretend this isn't obvious bait. Let's also pretend whites are somehow one bloc and even the Swiss are somehow responsible for slavery. And let's pretend no whites have ever been subject to slavery during virtually all of history and that Arabs weren't just as responsible for slavery and slave trade as 'we' are.

What would happen then? What would happen if all whites collectively apologised for slavery? Of course, the mere words wouldn't be enough. I can't imagine the coloureds would just let their one special victim card slip like that. There would have to be money involved. Someone would come up with a ridiculous sum of money that would have to be paid to all ''victims'' of slavery. It will probably be impossible to trace every last descendant of slaves and discern them from other blacks, but again, let's pretend this is all possible. What would happen then? Would they agree to shut up about it forever? Could their ''forgiveness'' be bought off like that?

I don't think so. We could apologise and pay all we want, but they'll never give up their special victim status. Besides, just giving a lump sum would not instantly and permanently lift blacks out of their backwards position, so after the money has been squandered, they will just keep on complaining how their situation is still unfair and a result of slavery. And now they'd have a point, too, as literally every white on earth explicitly admitted that this is the case.

Not only would nothing change in the current victim-perpetrator paradigm, it would only get worse and we'd lose a shit ton of money.


Sorry lol.

>>yfw only about 1% of jewhite Americans owned slaves when slavery was at its peak


Because poles are the dumbest, smelliest, ugliest of slavs

What about the Ottomans?
The Arabs?
Black people?
Where does this end user?

Apologize for winning?
Fuck no
Niggers should have fought harder.

only if niggers appology for being useless and waste of space on earth

>Should white people apologise for slavery?

LOL no.
Black people should pay for their passage in arrears and thanks the whites daily for a one way trip to the promised land of opportunity and gibmedats and out of the shit hole that is africa.

I'm French and I severely apologize for the Norman Invasion of 1066

I'm sorry.
Happy? I know you aren't and that it's not enough. You don't want an apology, you want to humiliate and belittle whites like in that picture.

Only the people who have owned slaves

white people would do it again
black people would let them
sorry , not sorry.

Arabs should apologize for slavery, plus the mass castration of their slaves. Liberals are fucking brain dead.

We should apologize to the rest of the world for letting niggers out.

Yes, only when the blacks here present proof that they have been to Africa or they're from Africa.

This. 90% of threads seem to be bait so you have to make the discussion within the thread.

No, no, no! On behalf of all black people, I would like to say that nobody should ever have to apologize for something their ancestors did. Most white people don't even have slave-owning ancestors anyway; only a few of the wealthiest whites in the years of slavery were wealthy enough to own slaves. Even if you do have some slave-owners in your ancestry, there's no point in apologizing. Apologizing doesn't fix anything or help anyone. This white-guilt bullshit needs to stop. It's like some sort of new, sjw-inspired narcissism that implies that self-hate is something noble. It's gotten incredibly annoying and i'm fucking sick of it.

By your logic. If my father murders somebody I'm just as guilty and should apologise for a transgression I had nothing to do with.

jews and muslims are the biggest slave traders ever they enslave white people too fucking ahmed