Will you give it a shot?
Will you give it a shot?
But I watch Scorpion too.
I kinda like the idea about Mac having an entire crew behind him to back him up this time, it's a fresh angle. However, Mac killing people, or at least being cool with others killing people goes pretty badly against the spirit of the character, because RDA's Macgyver was a pacifist to the bone. Also, what the fuck is it with all these superhuman feats? The original character was still very much human, his shit could easily be fucked up every time he made a mistake, and that made him easier to relate. This is some kiddy superhero bullshit right here.
Eh, I'll watch it as long as there's no money out of my pocket. So is it a remake or a sequel?
>Also, what the fuck is it with all these superhuman feats?
I think it has to do with the jokes that evolved into "MacGyver can take a toilet paper cardboard tube and a chewed piece of gum to make a working nuke".
I'll try it out.
we need magruber 2 already
Fuck you
Was before it's time.
it's producers who, over and over again, fail to realize what made a show good or memorable when they remake it
>It's YET another feminist-tinted SJW 80s remake
>The evil white male mac gyver now needs the help of a lybyryted wymyn and some sidekick nigger
Dude neo 80s lmao xD
Shit will bomb just like fembusters calling it now
Come on man. The producer of the original MacGyver even admitted it was anti-gun propaganda.
>Swiss army knife literally in the logo
This is something out of a bad parody.
>You have x minutes
>Give me y minutes
>What's plan B?
>sassy black friend
>hot female hacker
>*ticka ticka ticka* I'M IN
Jesus fucking christ
I'd rather have new a IP.
I watched it with the sound off, looks super lame but it has cheese, might be okay on that level.
12 year old, pls
wacky black dude
There are no commies to fight.
It won't be the same.
Good god this
I didn't know my elderly aunt posts on Sup Forums. Do you also love Big Bang Theory and that wacky Sheldon?
Did you watch Firefly when it was out? No? Then stfu.
No, I didn't even like the original Macgyver. It was too cheap, even for it's time. Knight Rider and Miami Vice all day, every day. And maybe Quantum Leap & Magnum P. I.
it won't work, the corniness and silliness of the original show worked because of the 80s and charisma of RDA, heck MacGyver pretty much worked due to RDA being him.
and willing to bet that the producers won't even know what makes MacGyver a MacGyver.
Can he make an original show idea out of a rubber band, a paper clip, a stick and some matches?
From the promos, he seems super smarmy, which is annoying. I don't remember RDA being that smug and smarmy all the time, he just got shit done.
>it's SJW because of a token woman admin and a funny black sidekick
Seek help, seriously.
Actually having the black guy be the whacky sidekick is a step back for SJWs, that would've been something from the 80s or 90s itself.
To be fair, who could half the time? They ran episodes out of order and swapped the timeslots around like the usual dumbshit network executive bullshit that kills anything potentially unique.
This is truth. Sure it's more blatant nowadays, but pushing politics is nothing new for TV shows, the only reason it's noticed now is that it's on top of bullshit reboots which aren't wanted in the first place.
The first trailer was absolute shit and the show got retooled since then.
A second trailer, after the retooling, got released not long ago and that one looks at least a bit better.
James Wan is producing this and directed the pilot, so I'll watch that and then decide if it's worth giving the rest a shot.
>implying he is not fucking the black side kick
Implying MacGyver is not gay
I like Lucas Till, but this looks like complete shit.
I'll give the first episode a chance.
cbs should have just scrapped it after they picked it up and decided it was too shit and instead of reshooting the pilot should have just picked up jane levy's comedy series they passed over. :^)
I don't care for smarmy main characters, to be honest. What I like about RDA MacGyver is that he's a normal guy who finds himself in these scenarios and just gets to work on getting free. He doesn't relish the challenge of it. He treats it like a normal job.
>2016 McGyver is white AGAIN