I've diagnosed myself with the suicide...

I've diagnosed myself with the suicide. I'll be ending my life in a few months right after I've completed my project I'm working on.

What crazy stuff do you suggest I'd do before I slip into mortal darkness?

I'm poor just keep that in mind. I'd like to do shit that doesn't cost a lot of money.

Other urls found in this thread:


I suggest not killing yourself.

livestream your suicide

But that is inevitable.

Sniff your mom's dirty panties
It will make you want to live again

You poor fucks don't deserve that much.


>I've diagnosed myself with the suicide

Do a flip faggot

surely you mean prescribed user

Don't do it faggot. crisistextline.org/textline?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgP3omoi21QIVmQYqCh2EZAIeEAAYASAAEgJT4_D_BwE

rape rape rape rape

doesnt matter what just some stupid girl coming back from work at night

Kill as many niggers / faggots / jews you can . Maybe die trying

Whats your project?

I'm making a sex toy that looks like a girl

Play me in street fighter.

Go out like a gentleman

I cannot give away that information.


You on scrub

>What crazy stuff do you suggest I'd do before I slip into mortal darkness?

Didn't you post this same exact thread yesterday?

I suffer from a great deal of mental illness and psychological difficulties but the urge to kill ain't one of them.

Although, I am big time racist, perhaps I'll hire someone to kill for me while I watch.

Yes I did. But I didn't stay around long to see all the suggestions, therefor posted it again today.

fb live your suicide nigger

Sounds like starfire is really sad today.

i hab crippling depression

What a cunt. We all want to cash out and get rest, but that's the woman's way out. That's being a bitch. That's not being able to reconcile that the world is exactly as hard as it is and no easier. Life is hell, life is pain, and that's exactly the way it is and should be. Why should life be good? What made you think for a second that life would be good? TV and movies? You're going to kill yourself because of TV? What a fucking pussy.

You know, talking to suicidal people like that doesn't help... At all... Just makes us feel like worse shit.

livestream a school shooting

You again....can you like fuck off?

>few months
why wait?

You're suicidal, you're already shit.
Off yourself and don't fail please, we don't need your sorry ass anymore.

Hold a door for someone then stop drop and roll into traffic

whatever the OP says its just attentionwhoring even if he doesn't realize it.

Do it now if you are that determined, cause that project of yours wont matter if you're dead.

OR get help. its easier than putting a gun to your head.

how long have you been feeling this way user, when did it begin ?

Kill a cop before you go out. That way, at least your life was good for something.

Bitch I've been suicidal too, you fucking attention whore. You think you're special for wanting to kill yourself like every 14 year old girl on the planet? Man the fuck up. There's nothing else to do but man the fuck up.

christ the 12yo edgelords

Actually I'm 35.

what happend in your life that made you so angry?

Well, what's something really goddamned cool that could possibly get your killed IRL if you fuck up/get unlucky? What's something that the kid version of you would get unreasonably excited about doing when he grows up, if he knew he could do it? Do that.

What, you're afraid of it hurting? Nigga you just said you want to die, if you're not willing to feel a short bit of pain for that eternal nothing you don't actually wanna fucking die. Afraid you'll survive? That's why you DO SOME MORE COOL SHIT. Seriously, dude. What the fuck. This is the one thing that you have zero excuses to be a pussy about. If you can't push yourself to die going out like a fucking champion then why bother fucking dying?

Then act like it.

Don't kys, seriously. I nearly hung myself a while ago, and after I pussied out, I decided that I wasn't gonna do it ever again. Just find something you're REALLY passionate about, and devote yourself to it entirely. Not something like making a sex doll, I mean something that you love. Take guitar lessons, learn to program, start drawing, anything. Devote yourself to it entirely, and you'll find as long as you do the best you can, it'll start to rescue you. Then you go trying to make social connections, it can be hard, but I suggest not hanging out with people who will just reinforce and aggravate your suicidal ideology. Just try and do something you feel happy doing, and instead of making it some temporary distraction, make it your life. Try to get a gf/bf, and just try your hardest to make your life the best it can be, instead of just giving up. I know it sounds very cliche, but giving up is the only thing that dooms you. You can always recover. Just try and become a new person. It'll work, as long as you put your heart into it.

rob a Mcdonalds, try some cocaïne, fuck some hot prostitutes.

Op, if you are poor and want to die, go to Alaska abd become a crab fisherman.

i know i would if i planned to kill myself anyway

Depending on where you live, you could take up heroin. With a bit of luck it will lead you gently into a lukewarm place of no past, present, or future (?).

I say "depending on where you live" because at least where I live it's really really expensive to order H off darknet within country borders, and since my country is small, the customs are presumably vigilant about letters coming from hot spot countries like Netherlands. But if you are American, German, Dutch, British etc. you are lucky: heroin is cheap.

If I knew I was going to die very soon I would definitely go on a journey trying basically every drug there is, just to know. If i get addicted, oh well, dead soon anyways

Why not go on that journey anyway? Even if you are not suicidal you could get cancer or something.

Why are people telling you not to do it... what has Sup Forums come to. I reccomend live streaming your suicide.