cringe thread
Cringe thread
Other urls found in this thread:
This guy:
>Listening to Loop Zoop
>Mass Effect Jacket & AssCreed Shirt
>Gurren Lagann Necklace
>Does a Yoda voice
>Tries to talk about the universe, refers to hydrogen and oxygen as 'gas molecules'
This video is pure, unadulterated gold.
This isn't cringy you autist. Deadpool is extremely mainstream now.
And this guy has a weird face, but so do you. Doesn't make it cringe.
In op's defense, This is the exact image someone else used for a cring thread last night
He fucked his brother.
Not cringe just sad also fuck who ever took that pic just let the nigga eat
This makes me angry
I didn't see it. I would have told them the same thing.
There's no evidence of that in the photo dipshit.
You posted feels in a cringe thread newfag.
it's cringe that this whore taking the picture thinks its funny
There's a video.
This ain't cringe you sad fuck. This dude had the love of his life pass away. Don't be jealous because your going to die alone in your moms basement fapping to fb pics of your sister
Holy shit, my vestigial heart just fucking melted.
The only way to ruin a cringe thread. That kind of love doesn't exist anymore.
Made it literally two seconds and closed the video.
You got me. That's some heinous shit right there fam. I was curious about the oxygen and hydrogen thing because those are gas molecules, but I'm gonna have to let this one lie because no way am I watching the rest of that.
Meta cringe.
kek wtf
He does have a weird face. He's not even that fat, yet he has a huge amount of neck fat. It almost feels shopped, but I don't think it is. Just a weird dude.
>9 minutes long
Fuck that
Retard for posting this.
This is sad and beautiful at the same time. Certainly not cringe.
Realistically don't have to watch more than like 1 minute of it. The first min or 2 is the primetime
He says it within first min or 2. After that it's just an exercise in counting how many things he gets wrong
not cringe. just a bunch of boring bitches i dont know. shit thread
This dude is happier than I've ever been. Fuck man I need to get me some more chromosomes.
>not posting the original
Anyone got the videos of him fucking his own brother up the ass and slapping him about?
You sick fuck!!
You're a nigger and you should feel like a nigger.
was not expecting this, kek
Oh shit I never seen the picture until now, this makes it even worse ;_;
Poor old man, I wish we never got and died sometimes.
REGULAR milk??????
Fucking newfag.
Top kek
that's a feel not cringe fag
Kys edgy 12 yr old
Nothing cringe about them titties
i hope that whore have aids
Hardest thing I've watched, I didn't know it was possible to butcher math, physics, and chemistry so much in one video. Well done user.
Holy shit his channel
I'd still tap that.
>goes to gym
>does 10 pushups
I have some atomic cringe right here
Why is this cringe?
HAHA what a cuck
because newfags like you keep falling for it every day
And you're the cringy motherfucker that watched it.
old but gold
Hot not cringe.
Is that cum or is she just dribbling?
>hydrogen and oxygen
You mean hydrogen and helium
Because about the 98% of universe is made by that
>go to insert penus
>both holes blocked with crayons
Wtf really
Fedora dump
fuck off with that emo shit, i bet you listen to linkin park EDGELORD
>personal favourite
What do you expect from an iPhone user?
meh. put a paper bag over her face and I'll be fine
That's some top quality content
I'm trying to phathom what went through that persons head
>on horse or afoot
oh shit
Become unbeatable
He knows no limits or boundaries, the only mercy he has when he hands the severed head of his enemy to thier mothers.
A horse transformation series of pictures made by a furry. This is pure, distilled cringe, degeneracy and sadness.
>taking some weird sex doll on a plane just to occupy 2 seats
>not even choose the window seat
he get cuck by a sex troll doll troll lol
Forgot the link
Dude, he's a gentleman, he gives the window seat to ladies.
That's pretty good
Where do you see a so called "nigga"? This, by the looks of it, is a human only restaurant.
if only it was a real lady.
that's more like giving the window seat to leslie jones
>Furry help Gavrilo Princip kill Franz-Ferdinand
>Starting WW1
>Northern France and Belgium ravaged by war
>The Somme
>Armenian genocide
>Soviet uprising and russian civil war
>More than 10 millions casualties
>Germany broke
>Austria-Hungary and Ottoman empire explode with civil wars n shit
>Italy's angry so Mussolini seize power
>Germany's angry so Hitler seize power
>Starts WW2
>Europe invaded
>Asia invaded
>Africa invaded
>50 millions deaths
>Cold war
>USSR and USA almost start the apocalypse
>Entire world at war
>Russia, USA, China hating each other
>"A-Animal people are real ok ?!"
your edge is cringe
goot job
it's actually both of those combined.
a challenger appears...
I made it half way.... omfg.