Why the FUCK did Sauron not think to guard the only entrance into Mount Doom?
I would have had this thing sealed off entirely. 24/7 patrols, constant security, my most powerful minions stationed there.
Why the FUCK did Sauron not think to guard the only entrance into Mount Doom?
I would have had this thing sealed off entirely. 24/7 patrols, constant security, my most powerful minions stationed there.
they would have just climbed the volcano. unless he wants to put a big plug on the top there's no keeping the little bastards out
Mordor is surrounded by a wall.
Why did he put his essence into a ring instead of a huge golden building
why didn't they just tip the volcano over and pour the lava over the ring instead of just dropping it in there
Because he didn't think anybody was going to get past a giant fucking gate, thousands of orcs and himself. That's why aragorn and the others go to the black gate so they can distract everyone while they sneak by
Sup Forumsedditors wont admit it but Tolkien was a talentless hack
Why didn't the Eagles just take the ring to sarumans wife
Plain and simple ?
Shit writing
Why didn't the Eagles just take the ring to sarumans wife?
Why didn't he just tell Shelob to make a giant web around the entrance
>its shit writing to not have everything blatantly easy.
Sounds like you're shit my man
>talentless hack
Never use such buzzwords again if you want to stay relevant here, kid.
Sauron literally could not comprehend that anyone would try to destroy it because of its corrupting influence.
In fact Frodo couldn't even do it in the end, Gollum had to get shit done in the end and completely unintentionally.
>Climbing a gigantic, mostly vertical, smoking hot magic volcano, in the middle of fucking Mordor
You're retarded.
So it's the Clinton Foundation?
did you not see where they climbed a big ass vertical wall into mordor you stupid fucking cow
If sneaking into Mordor and destroying the ring is so hard then why did it happen the first time somebody tried it?
But Tolkien is a shit writer
And Gondor paid for it.
Because it's not real.
user on here said Eru himself intervened and gave Gollum a nudge so he fell off the edge after taking it from Frodo.....
Personally I think it would have been a better ending if Sam realised Frodo would never destroy it and he couldn't take it from Gollum/Frodo and destroy it himself, so Sam tackled Gollum off the edge sacrificing himself to save Frodo and Middle Earth
He's a thousand feet up, from that angle he can't even see the entrance. Same concept as a really fat guy and his dick.
Also most of his defensive resources are focused on protecting against aerial/paratrooper attacks by eagles.
It was a small incline leading to the Crack of Doom. The actual structure of Mount Doom is like an almost vertical scalding hot mountain face. You'd be killed by the extreme temperature before you ever made it to the opening at the top.
>Eru himself intervened and gave Gollum a nudge
bull fucking shit, if that user is still around
fite me fgt
When there's an all powerful God looking over your actions, nothing is left to chance and everything happens for a reason.
Eru is literally LOTR ex machina.