ITT: alt-right reactionary movies on Youtube

ITT: alt-right reactionary movies on Youtube.

Exhibit A:

>ctr shill
>looks like you learned a new buzzword
I'll refer to Tim Heidecker's "I Am A Cuck".

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a movie, asshole.

>look guys I'm being a faggot

This is fucking pathetic

Still butthurt, eh?

That's exactly what I thought when I watched his movie. Great minds think alike!

Kill yourself, habitual shitposter

dude shut the fuck up

also dubs

>He's making fun of people who think like me :(
>Maybe by calling him a faggot nobody will notice the embarrassing link he posted!


Oh shit he backtraced you, ya dun goofed.

Nice trips, btw.

That gif (601.gif) is what I just searched for on google.... not 5 minutes ago. It's pretty fucking common, brah. There's only one post there that's mine. Don't use that brain too hard, now.

heres the trick

all this political shit, its just furries

some people found an ideology, some people were just kind of arrogant and naive and were greatful to be able to hear other people thinking the same dumb stuff. this is relevant for BOTH "sides"

but the trick is, these are just like the furries. they just stick what they want to be perceived as EVERYWHERE and hope it'll count as a personality

so stop paying attention to the nufurries

So butthurt that you made a new thread?

Fucking lel

New? I didn't make the first one. Just wanted to talk about movies. That's why we're all here, right?


Mr Ed?

alt-right may be cringy af but it doesn't mean I need feminists censoring my entertainment

w-what's going on here?

The movie is so left wing that watching it gave me autism
Some fedora tipping retard walking around with a katana or some shit and being a complete edge lord with no regard for traditional values
woop de doo, just like every other """hero""" on TV these days


delete your post asshole

b/c alt-right fags never dmca.... stefbot, repzion, davis a.....

literally who

>with no regard for traditional values
he's literally wearing a fucking suit when he's not in business.... in 2016 (uh oh... just triggered you saying that!). he's a fucking alt-right moron who made a john galt 2.0 movie.


stefan molyneux... really? he's like the cuck king of the alt-right community.

oh that faggot, the other two are littleryla who's then

Ayn Rand is also not alt right you retard. Anarcho Capitalism/Libertarianism is bullshit that is just as harmful to society as the rest of it

Vid related is the true alt-right
This is Alexander Gordon Jahans, the official leader of the alt-right, and founder of Esoteric Jahanism

Ignore the intro, he is being ironic

>The movie is so left wing
Nice try, but Aurini is completely right wing.
He's one of you and there's nothing you can do about it.

>Alexander Gordon Jahans, the official leader of the alt-right

>swn dominate you

>Ayn Rand is also not alt right you retard
You not watch many right wing morons, do you?

She's still one of them... despite her laughing at their "anarcho" status.

Sup Forums hates MGTOW

fuck off cuck ctr shill

You either dont know what the alt right is or you didn't watch the video, so which is it?
Aurini is a neocon, a literal cuckservative

>Alt-Right hates jews
>Alt Right worships jew
Make up your mind, you lunatic


>Aurini is a neocon, a literal cuckservative

Citation warranted. All he does is complain about women.... that's the #1 criteria for being alt-right. Very low standards.

>You not watch many right wing morons, do you?

learn to write you stupid faggot

They also think they're "anarchists"... you tell me, they're your crazy.

Haha guys! we sure showed reddit! XDDDD

Make sure to really shove it to those kikes and #MAGA this November!


what did she mean by this?

if you are anti globalism and anti multiculturalism then you are alt right. i don't think she was either of those


>waaaaah they're not true alt-righters like us waaaaaah

They do this endlessly.

Their official waifu is Ivanka Trump, who is an Orthodox Jew

She looks more chubby in every pic.

>in favor of open borders
>in favor of globalism
>in favor of mass immigration
>in favor of unfettered corporatism/capitalism
yeah she sounds like a total alt right nazi and not the exact reason the alt right exists as separate from the right in the first place


Is that why they shit on lolbergs and ancaps along with left libertarians

I fairly certain your baiting but on the off chance you're not, you're literally a retard.

Don't even bother replying, your thread is shit i'm out

i swear that bitch is making me wanna vomit

she defends the genocide of the indigenous population of the US... i think she's against multiculturaism, brah.

the alt-right is a meme. theres no set of beliefs. Its a group of everyone from anarchist libertarians to naziboo wannbe fascist


America should be fucking nuked, there's no saving you morons

not an argument

>genocide of the indigenous population
you mean the buffalo?

>the face of the "libertarian" party

Yeah, it's all the leftists fault you guys can't come together.

Did you see the libertarian hopefuls for POTUS? It was a fucking disgrace.

>he cant tell the difference between based ancaps and statist bootlicking nazi larpers


Ooo, Sup Forumsish learned a new buzzword. I remember my first beer.


whats the matter, you hate freedom or something?


Its the only anarchism that can actually work dude

I'm just remembering my first beer. What's your problem, fascist?

It's not anarchism. :^)

that is a buzzword

the internet should never have happened, it's too much for normies to handle.

both of these people should be gassed aghhhhhhhhh

There's no state, how isnt that anarchism?

>I'll refer to Tim Heidecker's "I Am A Cuck".
Why would you refer us to a video of a grown man throwing a tantrum about internet memes?

muh buzzwords tho

>no state

Pick one.

Capitalism has an inherent hierarchy based on whoever gets to resources first, creating a de facto feudal state.

I just heard a man singing. You sound salty, you okay?

But everything is done by volition, there is no state coercion. There might well be a -voluntary- hierarchy but the beauty of it is that you can opt out

wrong, smartphones should have never happened

I hate gooks.

>Me and 4 other people control all the wheat fields
>They are protected under the threat of violence
>It's totally not coercion bro, you can just choose to starve to death
Before you turn into a pedantic faggot and point out that there are other sources of food besides bread, this is just an example.

>There might well be a -voluntary- hierarchy

>but the beauty of it is that you can opt out

Didn't we just have a thread shitting on the alt-right? I mean that was fun and they got severely BTFO but a second one right after makes it seem like you are false flagging for them.

This is now a thread for BTFOing ancaps, try to keep up

I don't even know what that is. Anarchist with some snake flag?

You treaded on the nail right on the head.

yeah youre right I should just force them to give me their food at gunpoint that sounds much fairer

Just seems like even more retarded libertarians. Which I didn't think was possible.

Is that actually a group big enough to have fun shitting on here? Are they part of the alt-right?

>runs and hides back into his fallacies

delete this

>expecting anything above subhuman intelligence from unironic ancaps

I guess if you want to be willfully ignorant of any other anarchist school of thought besides individualist anarchism that's your prerogative.
That's exactly what they are. And yeah, there's plenty of them, but the alt-right distinction depends on who you ask.

No. They are the antithesis of the alt-right. The alt right are fascist totalitarians, Ancaps are retarded libertarians with no morals

How did those guys get so many actors to participate in this farce?

>implying I am not an ironic ancap

is this art?


>no Greatest Story Never Told
It's like you guys have heard of Sup Forums, but never been there.

that 2

Paid them.

no, entirely that
without the internet, I wouldn't be able to download my movies, chinese cartoons, and pornography with such ease