You realize Leave Out all to Rest is a fucking suicide note write?

You realize Leave Out all to Rest is a fucking suicide note write?

No shit, but who cares? Should have cared while he was still alive.

Who says I didnt?

Tbh, I thought that the edginess was a cathartic thing. On the other hand, constantly meditating on it in his songwriting may have really fucked him in the head.


caring doesnt cure depression lol

From memory I think he was diddled as a kid as well as treated like straight up trash. I think getting 'better' wasn't a realistic approach. He made the most of it until now.

It does in dark moments, and everyone needs someone to listen to them, hence all the shitposters here.

So is almost every Linkin Park song ever written

I doesn't make any sense to me.

Why the fuck would you get married, have 6 kids, release multiple records and amass a fortune as well as a legion of fans and THEN kill yourself.

It just seems like such a selfish thing to do.

I like Chester and LP but part of me is angry with him as well.

How is suicide selfish? What's he gained from it?

He's no longer "suffering" by being alive. I guess that's why people do it.

It's selfish because it fucks over the people you leave behind hardcore. His wife and kids might never recover emotionally from this.

>LP fans killed Chester because they trolled him about "Heavy"

haha you fucking idiots

The Little Things Give You Away is still a legitimately amazing track.
This album gets too much shit

Yeah, I don't think his version of sense matched up with yours or mine.

I think that going above and beyond in life made him realize that he was never going to be happy.

Sure, suicide is a selfish act but resenting people who commit or attempt suicide is arguably more so.

Given up had over a minute of him screaming "put me out of my misery".

he probably thought killing himself would be a good thing for everybody around him

he wasn't just sad, he was fucked up in the head

>suicide is selfish
well memed

I've been listening to this all day. I feel so bad. Linkin Park was a big part of my youth growing up, and I really enjoyed all their albums, even A Thousand Suns. After that though, I kind of fell out of it with them and was surprised that they were still even making music. I'd participate in all the jokes, make fun of this band just like everyone else and then when their new album came out I trashed it cause it sounded so stupid and poppy. But now that he's dead all of his songs make sense. Leave Out All The Rest, Breaking the Habit, Heavy, One More Light, I feel bad because I can relate to his feelings so much. I've been suicidal for as long as I remember and I just feel so shitty with writing off everything he wrote as 'edgy' or as a way to sell records. He clearly needed help and never got over the demons of his past.

RIP Chester, I won't ever be ashamed to like your band or any other band ever again. We're all people.

I would argue that it is selfish when you leave behind fans and loved ones - especially young children.

We'll never know what was going through his head man. I really wonder how someone who seemingly has everything would consider suicide a good option.

It makes sense to me. He tried so hard and got so far

How is it selfish, he's dead, what did he gain from it?


It isn't, don't participate with reddit armchair psychologists.

It seems kinda pointless too. He got ahead in life, worked his ass off, made so many connections with so many people just to end himself. It makes me wonder if he was under drug influence when he did this.

What's the point in ending your suffering if you can't feel the suffering end and the aftereffects?

death is literally the definition of nothing so you'd feel the suffering end because you'd die you stupid mong

It is something done to benefit yourself and only yourself; therefore it is selfish. Buy a dictionary before shitposting next time.

Lol this

So people should just be forced to live no matter what?
You're a sick human being.

never be ashamed to like what you like. and A Thousand Suns is honestly my second favorite record by them.

No but you have responsibilities.

How can you say think that killing yourself when you have 6 kids and a wife - not to mention legions of fans who look up to you?

I've been listening to their music and now I get chills listening to his lyrics

> mental illness can be rationalized

good try

Mental illness can be treated

I hope the people making jokes about their music being edgy feel stupid now.
The music was his real feelings.

If they would expect you to keep suffering for them, they're the selfish ones.

Seriously, this all feels so fucked up.

The internet, myself included, collectively relentlessly made fun of this guy for expressing the feelings that we now know were 100% genuine. Dude made legitimately catchy pop music with some heavier sounds while letting out his sincere feelings and we all just shit on him for it. jesus christ.

Eh, their lyrics have always been that way but now that one of the band member died I bet everybody will look at it as some sort of euology. I mean, do you really think everyone agreed to record it if they knew what he was going to do? They were probably just as surprised as the rest of the world. Hindsight is 20/20

Bro, listen to those lyrics. Critically. They are like nothing he has written. It specifically talks about him dying, in the context that he was the cause of his own death.

>I mean, do you really think everyone agreed to record it if they knew what he was going to do?

"uuuh hey guys, i wrote these really dark depressing songs, if we record them we'll become world famous musicians and rich as fuck... btw i'll kill myself 17 years from now"

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they would still go for it.

Probably this desu