Trap Thread.
How many traps are on Sup Forums right now?
OC Only.
Trap Thread.
How many traps are on Sup Forums right now?
OC Only.
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what is wrong with peoples heads that they like these abominations?
It's the appeal of forbbiden, and the joy of dominating a lesser man.
you mean men who look feminine?
If they look like an attractive female and they act like a guy it's the best of both worlds, you essentially get to fuck a girls ass while easily relating to them.
It's not the appeal of the dude, that's why people like feminine traps.
like, the fuck is wrong with you to be so plain?
i am lurking :0
Huh, what'd you mean?
Got any naughty pics what you could post right now? ;)
pics? yes, new ones? no xd
To add to , shemales are go too, probably better. Mindset of a guy in the body of a woman, the dick don't really matter.
Nice skin, juicy...
wanna kik?
>Capture d’écran (363).png
Are you French? Gorgeous ass.
y thank u
nice trips, no
Dick is too big. Also, no clothes at all.
How tall are you?
5'5 y
"the dick don't really matter"
Sure dude
Damn, Canada, would have loved to eat your ass.
Is your ass shaved/waxed?
Just wondering.
That's perfect, you got a cute face to match that nice ass?
Femenine buttholes
Oh my
not posting it :0
For me, personally it doesn't, if they look like a girl, then that's good enough for me. If their masculine then it's a no go, female or male, an ass is gonna be the same, it's just a different mindset for a different gender, it's easier to be compatible with a guy. Don't you think?
Smooth ass. Do you got a close up shot?
Are you not comfortable with posting face or do you think someone will notice you?
CROSSDRESSER THREAD, not trap without visible FACE
both tbh
Not a dresser without a dress.
me first time as a sissy
Son, you were born a sissy.
You look great, post face?
Yeah, I agree.
I like it. Makes me really excited looks amazing.
aww i wish i would haha
going to class, i will be back later ciao!
Well now you need to get on some hormones.
^Didn't mean that, meant this
yea but i dont know if i really will go that step
Not a trap, I am a fag, though
Fuck off and die, spam faggot.
Take your Jew pornographer with you.
Fuck all these faggot threads. It's just fucking spam at this point. Go somewhere and die.
You're in the UK right?
Get the fuck out then.
Then youre a crossdresser, only doing it for attention and arousal
no im from germany and yes im a crossdresser but it feels more comfortable in that dresses for me
Remember only girls are allowed to feel pretty.
dont worry Sup Forumsro, shes cute
traps that wear dresses a best
10/10 wou;d bang all night
wow, moar please !
my dick needs more
thy guys :)
....I'm just sitting at home waiting for my pink chastity cage, schoolgirl uniform, a wig and cum lube to be delivered
youre gonna send pics, right?
White, pale, blue eyes 20 years old femboi twink.
Does it count ?
You jealous cause you ain't getting them sweet traps?
Don't tell me this ain't amazing.
i think needs a schoolgirl outfit too
You gotta post, now you're just teasing.
...when I get my delivery, maybe :)
goddamit, it should have been here already
I got myself a tomboy. Personality like one of the guys, still get a vagina and anal
>when I get my delivery
thats exactly what i meant, thanks
>still get a vagina
also, I'm kind of worried because I figured out I can cum from externally massaging my prostate without touching my penis, and now I can't stop doing it... it feels so feminine and amazing
I literally get full body shaking orgasms
With a trap or shemale you can go raw, you don't have to worry about pregnancy, condoms or the pill, or any contraception if you're with a partner. You do't have to get sterilised either.
just wait until you get a dick in there
In where?
Yeah, because that's the only thing you need to worry about when fucking a shemale/trap/crossdresser.
They have the HIGHEST risk of STDs/STIs among LGBT
sorry im tarded
meant to tag
I'm a trap too.. Can you teach me? I even have vibrating plugs and I've never been able to cum from ass play alone. :c
I love wearing dresses (and shorts)
Lol not speaking for all the traps out here. But I'm a virgin let alone have an STD. Most traps are quite introvert. Now if you go to a gay bar and pick up a crossdresser its a different story.
oh please! I was looking at some last night and...yes please
Expanding on , I don't really like tomboys, the trap HAS to look female/feminine, otherwise it's not appealing, obviously pussy is better the better option, but someone who like the picture is the best kind of trap. Looks female, that's it mainly. It's easier to relate to them, due to them being a male.
more of me
well you can feel your prostate between your balls and anus, and when you get horny it becomes larger... and then you have to figure what feels best
for me it's just pressure and doing circles with my fingers
it helps to be really horny, the orgasms happen faster :)
with those great legs and perfect ass its a great thing
super cute, and nice panties
what other slutty little outfits were you looking at?
In reference to this it's because anal sex has the highest rate of transferring HIV, if you have sex with a woman and they have HIV there is something like a 0.04% chance of contracting it.
Obviously, you've got to be pretty deprived and desperate to fuck that, you're asking for an STD if you fuck that. As said, you'd imagine them to be more introverted (having less/no sex), therefore less likely to have an STD, if you can find one that's attractive, you're pretty lucky.
Have you posted in here user?
Be cute if it wasn't for the foreskin
What's wrong with the foreskin? What the difference between circumcised and uncircumcised? If you got a full erection then you can't tell the difference.
yall niggas gay
for vaginal sex, the male has about a 20% chance of contracting, the female 40%
For anal sex, the penetrator has about a 30% chance the receptor, about 50-60%
I'll try it. Thank you princess. How long does it normally take for you?
The risk of contracting HIV during vaginal penetration, for a woman in the United States, is 1 per 1,250 exposures (or 0.08 percent). Want me to explain further? I'll link sources if you want.
The penis was erect yet the glans was fully covered with foreskin. That is my problem with foreskin. Cut that shit then when your hard its nice and tight
any other tips or tricks?
Are you circumcised? That dick is a semi, that's not fully erect.
I need to see your ass babe
depends... 10 minutes at least, sometimes more like 20