theres something weird about this guy, and i dont mean his weird head shape or facial hair
i think he is legit crazy, i dont know why
charls too
Theres something weird about this guy, and i dont mean his weird head shape or facial hair
>theres something weird about this guy
Of course there is. He's a fucking white male.
hes literally réddit tier in terms of humor. basically a discount réddit eric andre
LOL, but in all seriousness they may just show up at your doorstep tonight
im a fan but i wouldnt go to say hi if i saw them in the streets or whatever
>everything i dont like is reddit
he's a repellent fuck. just like you.
You heard about all those people he's shot right?
Humor left you to leftout huh kid?
Ripped of the band aid a little to hard right?1
just add another o to those to's please
Bait? I dislike both of them but Sam Hyde is literally nothing like Eric Andre in any conceivable way.
just add another 0 to that post please
He seems like the kind of guy who's unable to have a serious conversation.
on how many levels of self hatred you guys think he operates daily?
are you serious? Im sure he has the MOST serious conversations
i feel so inadequate compared to him
like if he met me he would belittle me for being such a beta male in a higher school senior looking down on the new kid sort of way
hes everything i want to be
Charles sems like he's always messed up on vicodin, also he's worst MDE
he's usually in character. Fairly common thing for a comedian to do
his interview with Anthony Fantano (after 8 mins of lame jamaica shit) he gets serious
>sam will never be your big bro
remember when he was addicted to crack?
Hey kid.
wanna buy some tap water?
yeah having idols is kind of sad, i agree
>he gets serious
not really
You got fresh tap?
im scared
interesting point of view
But yeah, he does
What's weird about his facial hair?
the guy is 31 and cant grow a decent beard
i feel like sam is emotionally and verbally abusive to women that he becomes involved with
but other than that he's a good guy
whats wrong with that
women today are so entitled they feel like they can walk all over men and take what they want
i like how sams bringing back masculinity and toughness
Is Sam Hyde the most unattractive person to ever have their own television program?
Honestly, as repellent as his wispy beard, autist glasses and retreating hairline are, it's his child molester lips that really bother me the most.
women have WAY too much Self Esteem.
Sam just gives them the Aunt Jemima treatment
Doing the black guy bit got me laid. I made a qt laugh with the dey call me the pineapple man shit and she gave me her number. I asked her out and the next day we fucked in the back seat of my car.
This is the second time memes have gotten me laid.
He's a reverse nu-male so yes he is unattractive.
too bad he's 6'4" and strong as fuck so he's still considered very attractive by the majority of women
I wouldnt mind it if sam hyde molested me, to be honest.
Is being so disgusting looking some kind of philosophical statement, or do you think he's been reduced to the views he has because he looks like that and has no other way to operate in the world?
100% false. Your height is completely irrelevant when you look that creepy.
the things manlets tell themselves...
I'll tell you how it went down
Was seen as goofy and 'weird' but because if his tall stature and his inability to give a fuck and his confidence, he wasn't bothered much because he has a positive jovial personality despite being the kind of kid that chads would normally pick on.
>Charls -
a True oddball, skinny and small and reserved in his youth but also bright. You can tell he was picked on for being a bit weird but as he grew he became less concerned and more confident.
Never had trouble, out-going charismatic and funny as well as confident. From watching all their retarded phone videos and shit you can see how laid back and cool Nick is, no weirdness but a funny guy nonetheless.
See here:
And here, look at how fat balding adverage looking Nick gets this girl hot:
I'll see my autism out, now.
if a big loser like him can get a girlfriend theres hope for me, yet !
short men are sickening.
I thought he was ugly as fuck when I first saw him but after a while you get used to his weird face.
I think he has ADHD or something, just watch the interview he did with Anthony Fantano. He seems like that kid who would start pretending to punch people out of nowhere and put everyone on edge.
Is beard hair really that big a deal?
Only if you're stupid and grow it out if you haven't got it.
It's not a big deal unless you make it noticeable then people cannot help but think 'pube face'
It's like a fat girl wearing skinny jeans: She can do that all she wants but it looks like shit.
Yes and no, on a cocky fucker like Sam it's pretty funny to see how much he talks about masculinity and being alpha and all that shit yet has the facial hair of an 18 year old
>has a TV show
yeah what a fucking loser. kek. Sam was a fucking Chad in high school.
tell me about the first time
Why would you waste sex by having it in a car?
If it's not going to be in a nice bed and where you have her for a few hours don't bother.
>Tfw you'll never be as alpha as Sam
was it also the second time you ever got laid?
By all accounts Sam was a bit of a scrawny dweeb in high school who only kept his head outta toilets by being a goof.
Or by being a giant with confidence like in this video: The again, I know a 6'10 guy who used to get bullied. Seen him get punched and start crying and left class - bear in mind we were around 15 so we were all like 5'8.
>muh beard
Fuck off nu-male cuck
you must be really beta if that constitutes as alpha holy shit
The savior of the white race
>tfw weak chin and weak beard genes
daily reminder none of this is real and has been debunked several times over
stop posting this shit, the last clip isnt even sam its charls
>being literally this in denial and blind
alt-right faggots, everyone
she's fuckin hot
the Charls one was released. It's him.
I agree with this person.
I showed a girl the russel brand pasta and she laughed her ass off until she was red in the face. I made a move and put my hand on her leg. We made out and had sex in an empty classroom.
that's his sister
Totally...the alt-right movement is founded on non-degenerate principles, like those off our leader Milo!
You people are all faggots.
i talked to that thing on Sup Forums once
absolutely based.
>ywn fuck a tranny and have her ask for seconds afterwards
confirmed Sam "gorilla dick" Hyde
the weak should fear the strong
How did he get so fat?
University and not working out but pretending he does.
Yo Trix, come help me swag this kid out!
milo is not the alt right lol fuckin idiot
there's the alt right like Sam and MDE, the real conservatives, then there's the media version with celebrities like milo or Gavin Mcinnes
the media side is just for show, it's not real
On the verge of a mental breakdown
Ego constraints can only hold so long
>It's a Sup Forums neckbeards deny fucking other men episode
Not fooling anybody
I like how you can tell that Nick and Charls are people you would actually hang out with. Sam is the guy you would tolerate because the other two seem to like him, but really they think the same thing as you.
But in a group of friends I'm totally the Sam, because I have to act out and be like the leader of the group due to being an empty husk with no place otherwise.
totally unrelated but Charls blonde single mom looked exactly like my ex. got some weird vibe watching that part.
like i fucked a blonde Charls! Neat!
why do you Sup Forumstards deny milo when called out on other boards but literally spread open your ass cheeks for him on Sup Forums? are you ashamed that your poster boy is a jew bbc loving faggot?
didnt you post this before?
i love bragging that i fucked a blonde Charls. i can check that off in my life achievement lists
Then why do they air his sketch show after andre's sketch show?
but that's wrong you fucking retard. Eric Andre is walmart Sam Hyde
Oh look, its a liberal degenerates need to project their insecurities onto other people episode, my favorite!
fuck off
youre an ugly fuck up, i'll say
Bulking. Just ask fit
scary sam is our guy
It's part of his charm. Being a huge piece of shit is part of his brand.
You can really see the self-hatred during KSTV 14. The woman he's talking about is a piece of shit for exploiting her kid to make money, shifting her responsibility as a parent onto society's shoulders. But he really lays into her. Like REALLY lays into her. He's sweating profusely throughout the video as he rants on about her, and even though what he's saying is spot on and he knows it, you can that something deep down really hates the fact that he's the guy whos saying it.
>He's sweating profusely throughout the video
He sweats in all the KSTV videos he does in that room
I like sam
omg sauce? or is it only in that trailer
why? he doesn't even have any kids
Help guys
Probably the fact hes ripping the asshole out of these people for begging for money on the internet while he shills his patreon,paypal, and bitcoin number for donations. Kind of a contradiction.