What ever happened to the Muslim database? Also how are we supposed to build that wall for under 2 billion...

What ever happened to the Muslim database? Also how are we supposed to build that wall for under 2 billion? Is it going to be CGI?

Other urls found in this thread:



Deportation will be done first.

The wall will be styrofoam and the healthcare will be cgi.
Wondering what the tax cuts for business owners are gonna be?

Under budget and ahead of schedule retard.

Before building the wall? Wouldn't they just cross again?

Found the trumpet.

This has to be a joke.


Remember how on arrested development they just drove around and around a round wall?

Someone cue the wacky sax. lol

That's like catching squirrels and dropping them off under 2 miles away. They'll beat you back.

Tax dollars at work. Keep the fat, old, gun-owning racists employed and content along the border.


I find this more fitting.

that's okay - we didn't want any of that shit anyway

There will be no wall. There never was going to be any wall. Things you tell stupid people.

Then why did you vote for him? Do you just hate the poors?

Here's where we stand in regards to not president Trump.

A businessman you mean?


He's still your president.



And you wonder why most people are anti-corporate...

Its almost like he says whatever he wants in order to pander to whatever consumer he is currently marketing towards.

you like to blow trumpet boy?


Uh, no he is not.

We don't hire former rapists kid. We just don't. Trump's damaged goods. We just can't have him working here anymore. Sorry. You follow him to hell. America has made our decision on Trump.

Yes, it really is.

like free college?




Trump is failing. He can't close any deals.


By electing him.



most aren't.
just left leaning assholes are.




He's not locked in here with you...


like reparations and free college?



And then reality waded in. He is nobody's president. He never will be.

And that is a fact.



The country is left-leaning. It's just that most people don't care to vote. The silent majority is liberal, dipshit.


not anymore thank god.






Did you run out of Koreans and decide to post Korean food instead?


only in you childlike brain kid.
cry some more.


Yup, whats your point? Trump and the left are just two sides of the same coin? That neither have integrity or care about the American people?




sure kid. always with the excuses.






why did you reply?
did I say you could speak to me?






No more Asians fuckers. Stick to dogs, cats, or television sets...whatever. No more disgusting Asians.




Aww sorry, did I hurt baby boy's fee-fee's, do you need a bottle in your safe space? Maybe some of daddy Trumpy's cummies you useless cuck faggot.









It's a fact. The past is by definition conservative, the future is therefore implicitly liberal. The young are always more left leaning than their parents. When the parents get senile and their kids replace them, thing get slowly more progressive.

I heard that conservatism is a function of childhood trauma. Did you have shitty parents? Were you molested? Tell us your story! :-D







sad. I knew you weren't capable of an adult conversation.


