How many of you here support Isreal

How many of you here support Isreal
I'm not a jew but support them

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fuck off JIDF chill

go team jews

Go team Israel


go team hebrews

i'm a jew that serves in the idf and i can barely stand israel and don't want to support it, are you ok with your head buddy?

entire country is shit and you cant live a normal life if you werent born rich, i will have to work till im 60 to be able to own a house.
israel is a fucking joke, a country full of thieves and rats and if you want to be an honest man that make his way to the top youll never have the abillity to do so.

Supporting is a strong word, but i guess i don't hate them which qualifies me as a jew anyways.
Right Sup Forums?


Timestamped israeli combat gear or get the fuck out.
By the way, where do you get those (i'm not entirely sure how they're spelled) "miznefet"s?

wtf is happenin
why is he texting

I don't give a shit about Jews either way. There are two kinds of Jews, really. Firstly, you've got the sandnigger variety Hebrew Jews who got a bunch of power from NATO after the war and aren't afraid to use that power. They smack around the arabs and most people find that genuinely amusing but few see a real difference between them and say, the Palestinians for example. We Americans will be content to leave that be Europe's problem. The other kind of Jews are the American variety who own the media and walk everywhere they need to go on Saturday. Shit, I got money too. Most people don't actually care about them either. I see why people could be pissed at them. But honestly, why would you? I think you people need to find something else to occupy your time with.

Israel should not exist. This is all.

I guess he wants to text his wife that he verified that blowjobs aren't painful and she was being a little bitch about it.

Israel Jews =/= American Jews

lol, don't work in the field, i work in an office doing the least i have to in my 2.8 years of forced service, can take a picture of my uniform or the outcast of my millitary id if you want.

and about the mitznefet, idk who exactly makes it because i don't have one (as i said i do office work) but it's an israeli thing, probably made by israel, our berets are made in india though and the boots are american made by "bellvile" or some shit (but again i have boots that are made for low ranked soldiers that work in offices the boots of the warriors are a bit better and diffrent with mesh patches for better breathing of the foot)

I don't support it, I wish peace in which Palestinians should get their rights and by that problem will be solved.

Op here
Why are all of you thinking i am a jew
I told before i'm not
I genuinely support Isreal cause it's a country surrounded by enemies

Why should I? What are they doing for me? Are they supporting me? If so, how?

everyone originating from the middle east are sandniggers m'kay?

all sandniggers are bad m'kay?

now go get blown up you fucking fitlh

>our greatest ally
Most their problems are self created. The only reason people even give them a pass on their shit is because of the holocaust, the plenty of jew politicians, and the ADL.

I love Isreal

Me too

Actually, you are an antisemite. This is the case unless you unilaterally support them.


Israel is best

is that gal gadot

OY VEEEEEEEEEEEEY, we all should support the poor poor jews, goyim dont you know the got holocausted 6 Gorrillion times.

And btw
Trump is organe, tiny hands and likes pee
Traps arent gay goy, you cant fap to it
Antifa is cool
Immigrants are cool
Belive the media

and most important report ever rawicst you see online


That's alright, Israelis aren't jews either.

Israel is the absolute very best!

I love Jews!

Jews Rock!

Post some Israeli beauty

Why would anyone dislike Israel?

Jews are perfectly fine. Many of my friends are, and technically, my grandmother was, albeit non-practising.

No. they're evil cunts. and I will not support a regime which advocates racial and religious apartheid, performs illegal land-grabbing and genocide of the Palestine land and people, has forced millions into the largest concentration camp in the world, denying them fuel, building material, education, medicines, or freedom of travel.
I will not support a regime whose population have forcibly bulldozed farms, seized and cut off water supplies, and built walls to prevent the movement between farms and homes.

Zionism is one of the most evil toxins of the 20th century, and the catalyst for the radicalisation of islam in the 20th C.

I support Israel.

Cucked amerifat shilling for Jews.

I'm not even an American or an Israeli

Of course you aren't Moshe.

Fuck Israel. Fuck the Jews. The only thing Hitler did wrong was not killing all of them. Inb4 edgelord. No seriously they are the real problem.

I support their right to exist but I dont support their politics in how they deal with the Palestinians.

i don't hate Jews , but i hate Israel
i mean look what they did and do and will do
it's just like kill 100 million people just so that 100 thousand live
although we can live together
of course not all Israelis or Jews people thing that's okay but it's still happens

>blaming jews for anglos crimes
If I remember correctly Trump himself gave the order to throw a MOAB to the middle east.
Anglos deserve all the bad things that's happening to them right now not jews.

Just dropping this off while i take a shit at work. Dont bother replying, just save it and post it in other threads like this. Youre welcome. I saved you all from being brainwashed

nice shill buddy

Op here
Is this real

and i support these sick ass dance moves