Best Adult Swim shows?
Best Adult Swim shows?
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The moon men.
Space Ghost and Brak Show.
those interviews man, fucking great. I wish Space Ghost could get his own late night talk show.
The current ones are Mike Tyson Mysteries and Rick & Morty. They need to cut it with the live action or just get rid of all the live action shit they currently have and get some actually good live action shows. The whole shitty camera directing and use of terrible resolution on purpose was just awful.
World Peace
wasn't there a time when it was just animation?
uh.... yes? how old are you man?
Reddit detected
I just can't remember because it's been so goddamn long and it's like a dream really.
As much as I love Bob Odenkirk I wish he never discovered Tim and Eric. They're single-handedly responsible for making Mike Lazzo think live action shit is a good idea. But Lazzo DID bring Toonami back so I'm not super mad at him.
Why do they insist on torturing the audience with The Cleveland Show
It feels like some big shot at Turner Broadcasting is like "well one person is watching it so we're keeping on as."
Fuck Home Movies, Mission Hill is great.
>that unemployed episode
Gets me every time...
fuck this show
God this shit came on last night. Trash.
Get your buzzwording faggotry out of here. We're discussing [as] not the place you secretly like to go to.
shit taste
>hating Home Movies
Wtf happened to Superjail.
from what I can remember here's what I used to like
>Sealab 2021
>Harvey Birdman
>Space Ghost Coast To Coast
>The Brak Show
>King of The Hill
>Mission Hill
I would say Venture Bros and Moral Orel but apparently that's too reddit
home movies a shit
take off your nostalgia goggles
>dat ep of Harvey Birdman where Scooby and Shaggy are drug dealers
>dat ep of ATHF featuring Danzig
good stuff m8
Spotted the plebs
Fooly Cooly was my shit. Makes me extremely depressed though.
Why do you allow contrarians on Sup Forums to influence your opinion? Venture Bros is the shit
>Harvey Birdman
Loved that show.
Woah dude you're cool
Hope you're ready for FLCL S2 IN 2017
>liking Home Movies
Oy vey man. It's classic AS. What do you like?
I may be cool but not as cool as your dubs faggot
Kinda, but not really. I watched FLCL at the perfect time in my life.
It just wouldn't be the same
>Space Ghost
Do they still show The Room every year?
You act like a teacher that wants to be "cool"
Home Movies is fucking garbage. They need to take that off and put Infomercials or some Alan Resnick back on ASAP.
>Johnny quest episode of Harvey Birdman
Gets me every time.
That doesn't even make sense. Kys
Eric Andre, Rick and Morty, Steve Brule, Decker, World Peace, Mike Tyson Mysteries, American Dad, the list could go on
Scape goat.
in all honesty why did AD choose TBS instead of Adultswim as their new network?
Their April Fools Day prank this year was doing nothing.
And they celebrated the 15th anniversary of Adult Swim's first broadcast this last Friday by airing the Cleveland Show and other FOX properties for 4 hours and then repeats of Eric Andre and MDE: World Peace.
Rick and Morty
>ctrl + f
>no Frisky Dingo
Shit thread
Why has no one mentioned Frisky Dingo yet?
TBS is more mainstream/accessible to the general public than Adult Swim and gets more funding from Turner anyway.
Come on no Mr. Pickles? It's a classic!
It wasn't an insult.
Fix your shit dude
Well, when people consider fucking shit like Home Movies and The Brak Show classic, sure, Mr. Pickles is way better.
yeah but it seems like they would have more fun on AS TBS seems just like another version of FOX.
>no one has said Xavier Renegade Angel yet
fucking plebs, all of you
do you guys actually watch AS on cable and not just torrent the shows you want to watch instead?
I mean, watching AS is an experience in itself. The bumps are great.
Personally though, I stopped watching regularly when the FOX reruns outnumbered the originals airing on a nightly basis,
off yourself
AS is the only programming I really watch on cable. The bumpers are extra comfy and it makes me extremely nostalgic.
that's fucking gay. why would you bother watching on fucking cable (seriously who watches cable anymore) when you could torrent shows without commercials or censorship and stuff?
The brak show was intentionally shitty, it just gets a nostalgia boost because brak and space ghost were golden. But it was shit.
ATHF was shit too but it was a good vehicle for its style of humor. Way too many bad seasons and incomprehensible series directions.
Harvey Birdman was great, humor on level with the greatest period of the daily show.
Metalocalypse and Venture Brothers and Rick and Morty I fell were ambitious and interesting but went up their own asses. Venture brothers is barely recapturing itself. They all rely on slightly cruddy animation.
But I think Superjail (1st season) and Mr. Pickles are special, in the vein of ren and stimpy or the old fleischer cartoons. Great animation, humor and visual animation based humor that doesn't really show up in the others. Most AS seems to be just a vehicle for guys sitting around a table riffing jokes, but those two were out and out planned drawn and written as a whole thing.
You're either not American or extremely poor.
Uh no, I am American and I just happen to be living in the present where people my age don't fucking watch TV, we watch shows online. Literally only my grandma has cable, my parents got rid of it a year ago for Amazon prime and Netflix.
Whoa ho ho, look at you ya faggot ass edgelord, not getting the full AS experience.
what fucking experience? commercials and shit? fuck off.
The bumps dude...
the fuck are bumps?
What's your favorite 4 AM special?
Are you underage?
shit show
No, I'm 18. Nobody I know watches tv anymore.
has nobody been high as fuck at 4 am and seen off the air?
I was high as fuck at 4 am but all I saw was that shitty crayon looking show
>he never got to experience the GGW commercials
my soul weeps for you
gotta see off the air shits dope specially dance and falling they are the two best episodes
harvey birdman
the venture bros
home movies
the oblongs
mission hill
space ghost
squidbillies, metalocalypse and american dad
Perfect Hair Forever
squidbillies is GOAT, but metalocalypse is a close second
Lmao, I forgot about this shit.
Venture Bros, Space Ghost, ATHF, Metalocalypse, Rick and Morty, Superjail are the best ones that a majority of people like, and rightly so because they're all worth watching. Some of the not so well liked ones that happen to be among my favorites are Tim and Eric, Xavier: Renegade Angel, and Infomercials.
I don't know if Infomercials is really disliked, only that I'm not sure if anyone's ever seen it. But it's the best live action show.
I only watch On cinema at the cinema
how could I forget that one
Forgot Harvey Birdman that shit was hilarious
Criminally underrated, and probably Heidecker's best work. I'm surprised it's not talked about more on this board given the nature of it.
The latest episodes are truly the best in a while.
I found myself laughing like an idiot multiple times.
I never understood why Sup Forums has such a hardon for this and The Life & Times of Tim.
Moral Orel
Same here. Peanut puberty and blackwatch plaid are my favorites, but there isn't a single episode I don't like.
It's Sup Forumsedditors that like this crap
King of the Hill
Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell is fucking hilarious
Venture Bros.
home movies really is awful
Was just about to post the same exact thing. Honest to god probably my favorite show still airing. Can't wait for season 3, hope it gets a larger audience.
muh niggas
Venture Bros and Metalocalypse
No other original shows come close in terms of originality/animation/voice acting/production quality.
The pilot for that was leagues better than the finished product.
t. sam
Completely tru leddit xdXdxd!!