Let's suppose that the Third World War broke out

Let's suppose that the Third World War broke out.
You were appointed commandant of the concentration camp for women.
What rules for women do you introduce?
And what method do you use for mass execution if needed?

Ur a faggot

Why would you have a concentration camp for women? Why not leftists and other degenerates?

can you describe the imprisoned population?

age/race/fitness/ideology/criminal record?

mostly 18-35/mostly white/average/all/from inocent to murder

non-whites to be castrated and second class prisoners

all prisoners will construct a nice array of buildings on two plots, both fenced off. one array of buildings will be simple barracks, the other family homes.

all innocent healthy white women to be married off to white men and released from the prison to live in a family home.

the rest i will use to sell munitions or contract as labor.

Go on...

No fatties

First of all i would put them in 4 groups . 1 ugly/total insects .2 would be somewhat ugly .3 blessed with big tits /ass.4 god tier fucking machine.first group we would experiment on do anything we want with them make them drink their period. 2 group kinda like same but do differ from first group would be more privileged would make a game where they fight to achive the 3/4 rank .3 group i would fuck when i was in the mood of ass/tits sometimes kill them just for fun 4 tier would be the worst 24/7 non stop tag teams fucking until they die. I have a preety dark mind for the torture stuff .

breakfast would a huge bowl of eggs that ALL the women would have to eat

I love you /fit/

source on that pic?


>And what method do you use for mass execution if needed?
Just leave them behind in a fully functional environment.

Rule: No talking. Ever.

As for the deaths, really make variety the spice of life. I know everyones gonna go all rapey, but you should have fun with it:

- A machine to rip heads off. Always a crowd favorite

- If we're going the rape route, give women fertility drugs like the octomom and keep giving them to her until she has like 13 and her stomachs all distended and gross and she dies in childbirth

- Grab Gloria Steinem and Gloria Allred and a bunch of other loudmouth feminists and tell them unless they execute/subjugate the other women or we kill a loved one like their daughter. Make them wear some nazi outfit with their tits jutted up and hanging out like in Women In Prison or Spanish rape movies from the 70's.

- Give women hysterectomies and then seal their heads in their womb until they suffocate.

I liked something ISIS did. They took this woman and her kid, and starved them for 4 days. When they finally gave the woman food, it was meat and rice and she wolfed it down without a second thought. Then they brought in their kids head that was cooked and let her know she just ate her kid.

Not sure if they killed her right then, but it'd be a great time to end her.

But mostly I'd probably just have a contest for engineers - wacky death inventions. Give out prizes for the best/funniest/most painful ways to kill women. Really encourage them to think outside the box.

But I'd definitely slip in a rape here and there, maybe as a reward.

let them all live in VR until they are 500 lbs and then after 5 yrs orso in VR, put a mirror infront of them with a photo of who they were before capturement. Than liposuction without painkillers, we sell if we are talking about a 1000 quantity camp, sell approx, well, we lipo 400 lbs per prisoner, we sell 400000 lbs of fat to some fat buyer and buy tons of cocaine and see them snort themselves to death. idk, i like wimin tbh

Have them figure out some sort of work schedule in order to not work themselves to death to keep closed an giant floor that only is closed when they output a certain watt on a bycyicle thats placed on the giant floor. If all say, 500 prisoners are biking, the excess watts to keep it closed would be that only 4 bikes are unoccupied so they would need to create a workshift where everyone except 4 people out of 500 people are biking or the floor opens to a spiked death. The amount of prisoners being worked to death would occur unless some organizer prisoner figures out how to create a rest pattern equally for 500 people knowing the limit of output watt they need to not die.

imagine someone is constantly telling other bikers to get off their bikes while some have been biking 10 hours straight, while only 4 out of 500 bikes are able to not move. It would be quite impossible, resulting in 500 impalements. There is nothing except their bodies, no paper sheets, no accounts of how long others are biking etc. People would bike themselves to death because some get unnoticed etc. would be fucking chaos/

As a beta virgin male, i think Its obvious i would rape all of the hot ones before even writing the rules

Have them all walk on a sand belt and in order to slow down the belt is to push others into the tiny crevice and hold them up so the bodies that got defeated by the alpha prisoners slowly slows down the belt due to the sanded bodies clogging the crevice of the belt. according to belt and crevice calculations, only when all are dead, except the one, the belt is clogged sufficient with body residue, it stops and than let the winner OD on LSD and make her think shes a packet of orange juice for the rest of her life.

Sunbathing to death, when night either fly them to the sun with stolen blackbirds s-71's or sunbathing machines.