Someone slashed my tires and I know who it is. How do I fuck up his life without him knowing its me?

Someone slashed my tires and I know who it is. How do I fuck up his life without him knowing its me?

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Few questions first:
How bad do you want to screw him over?
Legal or Illegal?
Personal or Property?

Slash their tires.

I don't want to go to jail and ive already tried with the police and they were no help, so at this point i just want him to suffer.

Aight so semi legal personal damage?

Exactly, I know where he lives and everything

You wait 1 month so he doesent think it was you.

Pay niggers to rob him

So a few options i can think of now:
1. Beat his ass
2. Steal his shit
3. Break his shit
4. Very Illegal but make a small bomb just to scare the piss outta him

If none of these will work I'll try to find more

Oh its been longer than a month he has no idea that I know

He's a minor

You're fucking evil.

Oh thats great

Piss in gas tank

Whatever you do, just wait about a week or 2.
Also don't let him see you.

Don't do it.
I watch a lot of investigation discovery, and this is how people get murdered all the time.

Dont do what?

Take his license plate and leave it in the ghetto. It'll be a while before his life isn't shit after that

You have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm a vengeful bastard. Here are a few things I've done in the past to fuck up cars when people fuck with me:

The easiest is probably filling the gas tank as full as possible with water. If you get lucky, his tank will be mostly empty and you'll get a good bit of water in there. After driving the car for a bit, the engine will die and/or hydrolock.

This is somewhat harder if he has a newer car, as they cover everything with plastic, but if you can get to the coolant hose on the bottom of the radiator, you can drain his coolant. Engine will overheat and the head will crack/lockup if he doesn't notice.

If you wanna be vile, I've gotten a fish from the market before and put it out in the sun in a pie tin for a bit until it absolutely reeks. Wear gloves and squeeze the juice out at the base of his windshield where the A/C intake is. Once he starts up the A/C, that juice gets into the system and he will never get it out. The car will always smell like rotting fish. He will have to scrap it.

If you get REALLY lucky and you find it unlocked, there's another slew of things you can do.

One is pop the hood and do the same thing you did with the gas to the oil. If you fill the oil with water, it'll clog up and starve the crank for lube which will probably throw a rod.

You can full his intake box/hose with alcohol. One he turns it over, it'll all get sucked into the engine and blow up, cracking the block, head, or piston ring.

Or you can do a combo of all this and make sure the fucker never runs again.

oh my god

op why did he slash your tires ? do you know him personally ?

First off you probly owe him money. So just pay the fucking guy.
Second off you always tell the cops you visibly seen that specific person slashing the tires but he had a knife so u stayed inside. Then get the highest qoute and take it to the court house after that so he has to pay even more.

yeah my brother made me look like an asshole, its a long story, hes a piece of shit


If you have proof, call the police. What are you, 16?

shoot him, he cant know its you if he's dead

Shit in his gas tank

No I'm 19,I filed a police report about 2 months ago and shit hasnt happened, so im taking it into my own hands

Man you're a fucking legend. I wish I had your balls.

just kys faggot, either challenge him or an hero, fucking with someones car is low but youll be lower if you return the favor

>on Sup Forums
>has "honor"
Pick one.

He fucked with your car, then someone fucks with his car? He's gonna know you were involved. Too coincidental.
Do something else like get him fired anonymously.

Are you fucking gay? Do it the nigger way. Get a good amount of Kool-Aid powder, and put it in his gas tank when you get the chance. Carb will be fuck, fuel system will be fucked, and the entire engine will be fucked. Basically, he'll have to get a new car. Just make sure you don't get caught, it makes for a nasty lawsuit.


Calm the fuck down Aaron Burr, this pussy OP isn't going to fucking challenge anybody


Uh, no.

You're fucking stupid. Unless he drives a classic car, no shitbox has been carburated for the last 25 years.

You would have to have so much fucking coolaid in that tank, it wouldn't be feasable.

Even if you managed that much coolaid, what would happen is the fuel pump would clog and it would just starve the engine for fuel.

Even if it DID make it to the engine. It would just make a shit ton of carbon buildup on the valves which would stop the engine. Once you clean the valves, it'll run just fine. No "having to get a new car"

Don't be that stupid.

what did user say? post delet

all that would do is buildup sugar on the injectors and valves. the engine would stop before any real harm is done

think before you post.

He said to stick his hose through his window and turn it on.

just let it go , ull get over it

greentext is way cooler fagget

no, he lives in my neighborhood

kek not that bad if you really want to fuck him over OP proxy up, get his email and spam him with cp links so he infects his shit. then tip him to the authorities REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Cartridge bomb, or shrapnel. Place it in a closet in his home somewhere.

Hire someone, have him robbed, dont get your hands dirty

Since OP lives in a world where motherfuckers are still going around slashing tires, I assumed he had time-traveled from the '50s.

Also, look up "Sugar in a gas tank." It doesn't take much, and I've had a friend experience it personally. He had to get a new truck, and he sued the bitch who did it. Fuck off cunt.

What does he do for work?

You could try to get him fired by sending pics of doctored conversations on Facebook or something to his boss. You could make a conversation of him bragging about stealing or just talking shit about the boss or his wife. Then send it anonymously.

Dude Google windshield wiper fluid in motor. You will thank me.