22 male

22 male

>haven't ever had a gf
>only kissed 2 girls
>only one of those girls I ever kissed twice
>both of them now hate me.
>last time I talked to another human it was just for groceries.
>I only go outside to buy groceries.
>I haven't had a friend, or anyone to speak to for an entire year, literally since last august.

It is illegal for me to commit suicide and the last time I tried I got put in a mental hospital.

Not taking antidepressants etc,etc,etc for obvious reasons, if you tell me to do X there's a good chance I have likely done/thought about it before.

I am looking for actual, realistic solutions so I don't become an hero.

Other urls found in this thread:


Man the fuck up.

>haven't ever had a gf
>only kissed 2 girls, both of them now hate me.
>I only go outside to buy groceries.
>last time I talked to another human it was just for groceries.
>I haven't had a friend, or anyone to speak to for an entire year

That's 5 but don't worry bro I'm in the same boat

Why the fuck should you care about suicide being legal or illegal?Just fucking do it you pussy.You won't get affected anyway

Not that bad OP. There's hope. Get a fucking job. Force normie personality on first day and pick someone you can tolerate. Chill with them outside work once.

If you got that far your confidence and perception of reality should shift. Proceed by using money to buy weights and protein packed food.

Start lifting every other day. After like 6 months you'll start feeling better with one friend and better health/appearence.

Ask random bitch out at work to chill. Not a date. Fuck her if she comfrtable with you. You can even tell her youre a virgin just don't be a pussy, gotta be confident.

It being illegal is entirely relevant, if i try to kill myself and fail, I will be in a mental hospital for a very long time.

this also goes for buying things deemed tools for suicide.

Or being caught mid-suicide.

I'm looking for a relatively painless way to kill myself where these things aren't really a possibility.

> Get a fucking job.

I have applied everywhere and been rejected from everywhere.

I am also so overweight I can't fit into XL.

>Force normie personality


>pick someone you can tolerate


>If you got that far your confidence and perception of reality should shift.

Well I haven't.

22? You're still a baby, stop freaking out just because TV shows everyone losing their virginity at 13

Number 1 priority is to get outside regularly and yes, best way is with a job. Are you employable? Any qualifications or experience? Finish high school? Where do you live?

Sucks nigga

but I mean, you're just a large pile of excuses. lose the weight then. You're already a loser. Surely you can lose at that

Your life lacks structure. Get a job, get a hobby.

A good thing to do is figure out where you want to be in 20 years then, having that in mind, where you'd wanna be in 5 years, then 2, then next year, and so on until you know what you should get done today.

Keep it in a big whiteboard in front of your fridge if you have to do it, as long as you remember it you'll know what to do. Don't be afraid of re-writing it if you want to improve it, but don't give up on the final goal unless you've found a much better one.

im just saying I was fat. Didn't get laid until I was 20. Didn't get a job until I was 20. Matter of fact, in one year I want from jobless virgin fat autist to working, in college, long term gf and fit.

fuck u bitch

Do the opposite of what's described in this video, don't give up on doing the opposite of what's in this video.

You know, I come in these threads where people are looking for advice to change their life. The advice is always the same pile of boring pointless shit. Not because I don't believe it; some of you may have really turned your life around. But the idea that saying it to the OP is suddenly going to snap him out of his worthless life is stupid. Lose weight. Really? You think that idea never occurred to him before it was mentioned here? He knows losing weight would cause a massive shift in his quality of life, but that's obviously not enough of a motivator to cause him to do so. He comes here looking for an easy answer because he already knows the hard answers, and he knows he won't do any of that.

Unfortunately, OP, some people are just lonely, unmotivated dullards. Lots and lots of people actually. You'll never be exceptionally happy, but you can live. Go get you a job at Walmart, go sit in bars by yourself on occasion or strike up a conversation with the bartender. Hang out on Sup Forums. That's not much, but it's a life. If you don't like it, you already know what to do. Stop wasting people's time by having them say to tou what you already know.

just stopped eating and lay in bed all day. your stomach will eat itself so you'll get skinnier and you'll also die. win-win!

Go to a strip club

It is only illegal to attempt to kill your self and fail. Next time just make sure you don't fuck it up like everything else you attempt to do.

You need to stop acting like an entitled prick. Society doesn't owe you shit. Everything that has happened to you socially at this point has been completely your fault. If you make no effort to get out of your bubble then nothing will change and no one is gonna do it for you.

At least wait for GoT season to end before killing yourself. Enjoy the little things in life man.

In all serious though, you want to kill your self because you have only kissed 2 girls? You are putting way too much importance on girls and sex, theres so much more to life then that.

Boohoo. I was KV until age 24.

>It is illegal for me to commit suicide and the last time I tried I got put in a mental hospital.
don't let your dreams be dreams user, try again and make sure this time you succeed

Just spitballing, but who cares if suicide is illegal? You'll be dead, nigga. Worst case scenario you get thrown in a looney bin for a few weeks, get some free pills, grab some nurse titties, and try again when you get out. Maybe even have a good time like the shitty Jack Nicholson movie.

Find a job, find a passion, read good books, eat healthy and exercise. Stay away from your computer if you aren't doing stuff you need.

>shitty jack nicholson movie

One flew over the cuckoos nest is a good movie

Things that helped me overcome depression:
>Give up refined sugars
Lost 20 lbs just by quitting soda and candy. Didn't work out. Played more video games than usual.
> Eat an obnoxious amount of fruit
I was a huge snacker. Ate cookies etc constantly. If I eat fruit whenever I get the munchies instead of candy I get full and as a side note it's harder to fantasize about suicide
>Get an artistic hobby
Start drawing. Into computers? Start making electronic music. Into movies? Start editing videos. Realize your prolly gonna suck at it for a year. Keep at it with no goal in mind but to have fun.
>Reduce your meat intake
Our closest animal relative only consumes 3% of their daily proteins via animal biproducts. Drop your meat intake to something closer to this. It will mak your poop infinitely better which will do wonders for depression by it's self.
>Quit attaching value to external relationships
Your relationship with yourself is the most important you'll ever have. Quit trying to find happiness with others and focus on being happy alone.

You can literally just buy a rope or para-cord. Pre-tie the noose and find a tree with a strong branch about 5 feet higher than your height. Climb said tree and tie on and then just fall to blissful death. Your neck will snap and it won't matter who catches you in the act because you'll be dead before they can cut the rope.

look im going to do this so you better read. ive lost a lot of weight before it wasnt too hard. simple, dont consume any sugar, hot drinks with sweeteners or no sugar at all. you dont need to run but it helps. if you can do like 0.5 km to start as dast as you can. then do that again after 2 days and keep pushing it up by 0.2 km. I lost about 10 kg in 3 months from that. Once youre fit you're already half way there, girls will be open to you. If you can invest the time just work out from home doing insanity. if you can sign up to a gym nice way to meet people. once you're pretty physically fit you can do things like join the marines or army as a last ditch, better than suicide and youll have a few friends at least. seriously though being good looking is automatically a confidence boost.

also jogging is adictive and once you can run say 2 km or 5 km even you can run indefinitely. it also reduces stress a lot, all round best thing you can do.

Get a job princess