what do you think this loser does all day
What do you think this loser does all day
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prolly fuckin models all day long
Bangs hot bitches and buys gold from chinks on WoW.
go to bed Henry
Browses Sup Forums.
Works out
Does charity work
Doesn't make shitty threads and actually does something with their life
literally plays WoW all day, forgets to feed his dog sometimes too
Implying based Henry didn't post this himself. Go to bed Henry and make sure zach doesn't fuck up justice league
try again
His exes are all pretty ugly.
Plays WoW
probably watches obscure french movies while he gets his dick sucked while wearing noise cancelling headphones and smoking gas off the vape pen
currently on the hunt for new 15 year old pussy in Miami
There's pics of him prowling beaches with condoms in his pockets from the last two weeks
nigga is obviously playing the new WoW expansion
Be thankful he's not Brandon Routh
Imagine the sex tho.
Eating catfood and masturbating
>dat axillary perspiration
Wait is he fucking Gina Carano?
That must be some of the best aggressive sex in the world.
you tell me senpai
Are these the same girls? I really do have face blindless.
How can one Superman look so uncomfortable?
Those a like two different guys.
world of warcraft and fallout 4 and cleaning out the hair from his sink
that guy is not heterosexual. look how uncomfortable he looks
High test Henry
Why do you guys like to make these threads about him? Why not Ryan Reynolds or Chris Evans or Michael Fassbender?. Why do you guys have to riff on him so much? Why does every one fuck with Henry Cavill all of the time?
cuddles with ben affleck
I can respect a man who stays with a woman with a face like that after having massive success on screen
`we fuck with fassbender just as much
They are jealous how attractive he is
Probably Squattin and Oatin
henry pls
Personally, I think it's a combination of being obscenely attractive, starring in the biggest shitstorm of controversy and buttmad in years that is the DCEU, and also having a receding hairline.
He's one of us.
make BvS threads over and over again
make fun of Mahvel movies
because weve looked at the top of his head
jfc. from a main star to a guest villain in CW. damn
>my feet hurt
>i could be raiding now
>damn, that last pvp was awesome can't wait to pvp again
>too bad the last expansion was shit though, maybe i'll reveal to my clan i'm superman heh
>i wonder if i can have Ben massage me again while i raid?
from when he wakes up till when he hits the hay
just jiving and bopping
In all honesty, he's going to more than likely playing WoW since that new expansion came out.
>Ryan Reynolds
memed over to death by actually making deadpool. he's more of a reddit tier star
>Chris Evans
sick of seeing laughing evans its not actually worth it
>Michael Fassbender
jealousy of his huge cock and i really don't like overcompensating german threads. we get it Fass you welcome diversity, no need to hammer it down.
>tfw you will never be Fassbender and enamor women with your charming, polite personality and then nail them with your huge throbbing cock
There's that one ep of Graham Norton where Marky Mark is shitfaced and trying to hit on Sarah Silverman and Fassbender is like protecting her and she's like melting all over him.
why are they all so fucking ugly? compare to what dan and leo fucks
pro tip: they're all very young
I found the video of said show.
>from Superman in a 150 million USD movie to villain of the week in a low budget TV show
Leo pays for his whores. Henry just picks them up at the bar.
Post webms of Marlel brawls in airports and laugh at the triggered nerds mostly
I dont think so
Henry is /ourguy/ confirmed.
I wonder if he's playing Legion right now?
nigga he's probably got 3 110's already
are you saying he is ugly?
Guild not clan dumb ass fucking newb
Refuse to get back into bed by the group of Scandinavian supermodels because he's raiding a dungeon.
Is he a feeder?
Cause he's genuinely one of us.
do you think she could beat him up?