Just let me know

Just let me know

what, are you gonna give me free money or something

Prob bait, but eh...
I'm actually in the need of €680 as of right now...

well.. I'm really in need of about 13 dollars if thats cool - [email protected]

[email protected]
I could use some cash


i think its bait but cant miss out
[email protected]
anything helps

Anything helps [email protected]

Here's the email
[email protected]


Look. I could use $300 because I have a truck payment in one week.

I understand if you don't give it me. I've just between jobs.

[email protected]

[email protected] why the fuck not

My job hasnt paid me and rent is due. Im hella in need of money. i need about $400 to help me finish it off or they'll evict me.

[email protected]

I'm trying to get out of an abusive household so anything helps honestly thanks if you do end up giving out money

[email protected] i'll take what you can give me

I am paying you poor people shit

[email protected]

i want a new automatic watch it's $265
anything helps :D

I've got money but i'd like some more.

make me rich nigga

[email protected]

I'd be happy with whatever, 10 bucks so I can buy some sugar and coffee even

[email protected]

has he delivered?



op is faggot

as usual


[email protected]


I need a heart transplant.
...just hangin' out here until they find me a donor.
I could use a few bucks for beer and smokes.
Oh, and maybe go see a movie.


If you want to be nice, [email protected]

I actually make enough to buy awesome shit, instead of everybody begging here. Getting this tomorrow from my boss:

If you want to be nice, [email protected]

How much dick did ya suck for a shit pair of Sennheiser

Yea I guess it's not the best one, but with a external sound card it's probably good. And getting fucking suicidal with my sennheiser because of the cord. And no I'm just a good software programmer so fuck off

Show us your tittays