Hey guys I've lost all control of my life

Hey guys I've lost all control of my life.
Im so depressed I need somepne to talk to
Can you guys from my favorite board share some time with me ITT?
We can discuss movies and shows.

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The fuck are you on about,lad?


What did you do

he lived his life
and he hasn't met his potential

that's what he "did"

I think I might drop college soon

who's paying for it?

Cause of money or some other obligations? Or cause you're not feeling it?

Not me
I realised that im not into physics at all after 2 years

not into really isn't relevant

can you pass physics?


who cares

are you gonna fail tho

Yeah probably if trying hard enough
but i'm really ashamed that money had to be paid and im not gonna get anything out of it
And existence itself literally screaming at me «what ur doing is wrong»

Nah dude work through the fall semester. I'm feeling the same thing but it's just those rotten old self destructive tendencies. Finish your program, it's not an epoch but it's something you did for yourself.

I imagine you have enough structure around you to see it through. If you're in it to get a job, you'll be making more money than you know what to do with.

If you're in it for the arts, it is meaningful to have succeeded and you can find more motivation from that.

Or, consider what I'm considering. Take all of your classes through distance education and use your loan to move sonewhere cheap.

you're going to get two things out of it for certain

knowing that you completed it with a diploma as proof..forever

and the knowledge of learning how to learn
across any spectrum..and any field of subject

it's worth your time

redouble your efforts


thread theme song

Almost everyone I knew who was depressed was an addict in some form, stop your addiction and suddenly your general mood will improve massively and not spike all over the place. That is if you can.

My addiction is watching kino and discussing it


Just watch a film dude.
If you are going to watch something I recommend Martyrs 2008 the French film and holy shit did not expect it to be so open ended and having the balls to torture a lady for 30min.

Also the open ended ending is pretty good, the explanation from the secret society is kinda dumb but its not so dumb, you need more explanation than what they gave.

Well, good job blowing the twist.

Not much of a spoiler could go on and say about the ending that is so open ended, and why its so open ended.

this sounds like me.
I dropped out, but I actually had a plan to go into a different field of further education.
Student loans aren't anything to worry about and your parents will understand.

Just dont quit and do fuck all.

Do it you turbonigger, it doesn't matter since it's being paid for by not you. Decide you're really not into it afterward? Get a job in the field to pay for whatever you realize your passion actually is.

As it is right now, over the course of the past few months I've managed to lose a job, a relationship, and a grandparent in that order. To put the cherry on top of the shit sundae, in an unparalleled feat of genius I managed to overdose on international overdose awareness day. Nobody has been willing to hire me or even give me an interview for the past few months and I'm also down in the dumps about it.