So we all agree that the first two episodes were Blackino, right?
So we all agree that the first two episodes were Blackino, right?
Just relized donald glover is childish gambino
Hes talented
Also is this suppose to be a dark comedy
Yo its paper boy paper boy
is this like a black persons haiku?
>Also is this suppose to be a dark comedy
It's a comedy-drama. Not exactly dark comedy.
If its a comedy with all black people
Ipso defacto its a dark comedy
What did I mean by this?
Its pretty good but I'm surprised they're calling it a comedy. Felt too real to be a comedy. What kind of comedy has a scene with a mentally disabled man being beaten by callous police officers?
agree, it thought it was good but don't think it is a comedy. imo it was kind of depressing
Why didn't Dave say nigga when he told the flo rida story again?
Because Donald is a little bitch who wouldn't do anything about it. He knew those two other niggas would beat him to a pulp if he said it in front of them.
But like, why does Dave want to say nigga in front of Donald?
kek wow
part because he wants to sound 'cool', part because he knows he can get away with it
nigga plz look at how donald dresses compared to everyone else
People are saying (and glover himself) that it's a lot like Twin Peaks. Can anyone whose seen it tell me if this is true?
Is that a common thing for white people to do?
I get that Donald is a chump compared to everyone else, I'm trying to get in the mindset of why someone would make up a story just to get away with saying the word nigga to a black person
i don't see it
there's a conversation on a bus that reminded me of twin peaks
Felt hamfisted desu. I actually enjoyed the show. A bit cringe in some areas but I think that's the point
>Is that a common thing for white people to do?
not any that i know
>there's a conversation on a bus that reminded me of twin peaks
oh yeah that disapearing guy, forgot about him
that guy's dog was the same dog at the shootout scene
what's that about?
guess we will have to continue watching to find out
Pretty good so far, saw that Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 100% based on the first four episodes so at least I know close to half of the show should be enjoyable.
It's not about the white dude telling a story, it's that he's there to establish Donald as a chump.
He can say nigga in front of Donald because he knows he won't say shit
>Is that a common thing for white people to do?
It happens quite a bit, not as much since high school. But I still remember every occurrence.
t. nigga that's not a thug
>Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 100%
Now you know why these morons on Sup Forums are fawning over it
i liked the first 2 episodes
it's certified kino
Donald glover is a hard ass nigger I love this television program
I really like the idea that Earn spent the whole second episode in jail. It always annoyed me how quickly people get in and out in movies and TV shows as if they don't want you to see what goes on when in reality a normal person in jail is the most uncomfortable experience ever. It's a comedy and commentary goldmine if played right, which the episode definitely did.
It ended really abruptly though, like it didn't finish a thought.
>sexuality is a spectrum
what did he mean by this?
I can confirm that holding is exactly like this pure kino but why did he add that whole white DJ exchange ?? Was it to show that whites don't know everything about black culture ??
Didn't this show kick out all the jewish producers and jewish production companies or something?
Hot Like PaperBoy/10
Literally watching this show twice all the way through.
Best new show on television for sure.
me on the right
I like wen that white boi got his come uppince in tha first ep
There was a white boy who got his come uppince??
Wow I took a bad piss break.
>why did he add that whole white DJ exchange ??
Do you mean him saying nigga?
It's something that happens quite often to 'soft' black people, and it's uncomfortable but real. It's almost definitely happened to Donald's Star Wars loving ass.
I fucking loved this scene lol.
>You listen to Gucci Mane? I locked that nigga up!
Surreal, yet grounded.
Defiantly has that Louie kind of feel. Twin peaks I don't know, but it's promising.
He means that dude's girl Lisa didn't have to be a girl to be his girl, nigga.
That scene explains whats wrong with BLM
It's not a racial thing. It's a cop vs criminal thing. Cops and criminals just fuckin hate each other.
Stop posting from your phone faggot
100x Better than Louie.
They aren't jews pretending to be black.
This post is what happens when you get your 'real world' experience from fiction.
Fuck off cunt.
No, because Glover isn't a black pretending to be a jew?
The white DJ part is commentary on black appropriation. "nigga" is part of black culture and pretty much used exclusively by blacks to refer to other blacks. it gets weird when people of other races try to use it. (not a perfect comparison but imagine an american tourist in britain using british slang, you aren't british so don't try to act the part).
Dave uses nigga with Donald because he knows he can get away with it because Donald isn't hard. Dave knows he shouldn't use the word since he didn't say it the second time. But he did it anyways. Most black dudes have had this happen to them if they don't act like stereotypically hood niggas.
>he's never talked to a cop
Obviously there are more black criminals so cops are way less friendly with them and thus they are a less friendly with cops, but that originates from the non-cop involved crime that brings them to the neighborhoods in the first place.
Ah thank you kind sirs for clearing that up now as for his cousin why is he all weird ed out all of a sudden I thought he wanted to be famous
his cousin is spooked because he killed the guy and now everyone knows about it. at the gas station someone noticed him, then the BBQ guy, then little kids, then the guy in the batman mask who is probably running to tell his crew to lock and load. darius even says at the end "you're too hot"
he wants to be famous through music. he didn't want to kill anyone
Its wen dat cracka said nigger then he didnt cuz he be fraid of da black folks in da car
sorry white boi this is our sho
I mean this is a nigga that was sitting around playing Zoo Tycoon and now he's getting put into a box as a gangster because he had a bad night.
Now he's paranoid and overthinking his success and what it means.
I thought he didn't get busted for shooting cause the other guy ran away?
They got locked up for pot?
he did the shooting but the cops didn't have evidence that it was actually him so they let them go
not sure about the marijuana, I think thats what the later court date might be in relation to
Fuck you're dumb.
Have at it black guy! We whites will be on our way.
Louie is a jew pretending to be a depressed divorced white guy on his show who thinks about killing himself after his daughters turn 18.
The last thing we talked about... He mentioned I should watch the 2deep4U dark comedy "Louie"
After he shot himself with a shotgun in the mouth, I finally watched that show my uncle had told me about and wondered what tragic piece of shit could possibly portray a depressed, down on his luck, suicidal, single dad when I was watching that actors new hit show. I also saw some of his sold out standup routines and learned Louie CK is actually a really fucking successful stand up comedian with his own TV show.
Then I remembered my dude Dave Chapelle. He had a similar story except he quit his show and he did the whole africa thing for great reasons:
He didn't want to participate in show biz once he got big. An honorable man.
Louie CK got the chance to be evil and try to encourage depressed white fathers who have lost everything to kill themselves. He is a sadistic evil son of a hungarian jew that moved to mexico and then immigrated to the US.
Maybe I'm making this up, maybe it's copy pasta or maybe I'm just ranting on a tangent. It doesn't matter. Just think about it.
Atlanta is a great fucking show so far.
That was "come uppince?"
if you are white and watching this please kill yourself
The show is about dreams and deeper than the surface stuff a lot.
Remember this.
Yea sorri niga
It was a way to shame Dave. Both Donald and Dave knew exactly why Dave didn't want to say nigga the second time. It was Donald's way of getting back at Dave for Dave implying Donald is weak (which is what he's saying when he uses nigga around him and doesn't expect retaliation).
It looks like a good show.
Fuck that. Than the blacks can't watch Mad Men then.
Best show on tv because it portrays a RELATIVELY accurate depiction of a poor black community.
Felt very The Wire-like if it was about the rap game instead of the drug game and a dark comedy instead of a drama.
I just thought the white guy was awkward around black people and the protag was fucking with him.
Pretty common IRL
i'm black and you should kill yourself
what's wrong with white people getting an authentic and honest look at what black culture is really like? why do you want the races to be segregated?
Ok I just shud be reconize for shit that can be but shud like most imes with me
It's sad how accurate mad men reflects how you HAVE to treat modern women to get laid. Dumb biology and media makes them get wet for unattainable, give no fucks, successful assholes.
All I meant by the Louie comment is, I can see the slightly askew aspect about going on. It could go the Twin Peaks route, just needs to get a bit more unnervingly insane, but it could & that would cool to see.
He's a jew trying to divide and conquer us like always. Those fuckers literally founded the violent AB white supremacist gang. You know who started gangster rap and why?
Meanwhile black lives don't matter one fucking bit to black people in reality.
i know you are obvious shills so there is really no point in responding but i'll take the bait
you already know this show will portray whites as "le ebil raycist" so watching is basically asking to be brainwashed
>why do you want the races to be segregated?
because that would end conflicts between the races see every homogeneous country like japan or korea
The very fact that Madison avenue created a lot of that myth makes it even greater.
as a european, why do americans think there is one black culture? nowhere in the world is there one culture for blacks, even in america isn't it very divided? I'm real, can someone explain
>because that would end conflicts between the races see every homogeneous country like japan or korea
maximum kek
you just gonna ignore that little thing called ww1 or what
are people not gonna invade other countries in your fantasy world?
I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, man. But I disagree, I think Louie is an important show for a lot of people. Most definitely not just for white people (why do white people only single out something to do with white people in pop culture if it's implying something negative-- otherwise they're normal?) but for the pathos of middle America.
I hated it at first too, but I came back to really like the idea of a comedy show with people feeling things. It's very therapeutic, and I think the past 5 years have proved it's value since more shows and movies like it (Girls, Masters of None, and now Atlanta) have been dominating the zeitgeist.
People like seeing people with problems-- why we as a people are so adverse to talking about them with other people or seeking therapy is more to blame for your uncle taking his life than Louis CK is.
>He's a jew trying to divide and conquer us like always.
I honestly cannot even imagine how mentally ill you Sup Forums jizz stains are that you're capable of doublethink this intense. Your sheer stupidity turning me into an authoritarian; you should not legally be allowed to hold opinions.
>black lives dont matter to the media
>Black Lies Matter, the George (((Soros))) funded violent mob matters to (((the media)))
Man, we are very divided in society today, so some of those interactions may read a little true.
as an american I'm just talking about american black culture the likes of which is depicted in atlanta
in america black culture isn't really divided at all, the majority are the poverty types you see in the show
Is that poster supposed to be spoofing always sunny?
>you already know this show will portray whites as "le ebil raycist"
Says who? 2 episodes in and the only character that comes off looking like anything close to a saint is Darius and that's because he's borderline retarded.
How are you triggered by something that hasn't happened yet?
Why are you such a faggot?
Why can't you see that you're literally as bad at SJWs?
Dude Jew are essentially the black no one wanted them in there country not even Spain what the fuck does that say about them greedy fuck s
I browse Sup Forums and what the fuck is wrong with you?
Yeah this show is about mostly black people and the only white character has been awkward around drug dealing killers and a guy he went to school with because race relations are SHIT thanks to 8 years of that piece of shit Obama.
Seriously, in 1 sentence, why do you assume this will be some anti-white propaganda?
ww1 wasn't a war between the races but between european nations
a war between highly industrialized first world nations nowadays is pretty unlikely, civil wars between different races/religions/cultures happen around the world right now like in syria for example
What does it say about Sup Forums that every single one of you has the same writing ability I had when I was 3 years old? What does it say about Jews that the people who dislike them the most are the least intelligent people the world has ever seen? Everyone on Sup Forums deserves unimaginable suffering and pain. There's very few groups of people which that applies to.
>Why can't you see that you're literally as bad at SJWs?
Except SJWs have everyone by the balls I hate this fucking argument platform
why are white people on Sup Forums so fucking insufferable ?
the ones on reddit and irl are pretty chill, why are you faggots so different
relatively speaking none of those shows you mentioned are culturally important, they are barely watched by less than one percent of people in america. more people cared about snooki and the jersey shore.
Europe can kick out foreigners if they get rid if the jews running the EU, the IMF, the World Bank etc.
America cannot kick out millions of non-white people with a right to stay in the USA if they wish to.
If you are an American white supremacist, you're no better than the Israeli jews promoting this terrible multikulti propaganda in the first place.
When people state this fact, they're referring to your character, not your influence over society. It's funny how dumb you Sup Forums abortions are that you fail to grasp this.
There's a bunch of black cultures.
Then there's nigger culture.
Any blacks here that can confirm this? Nigger culture is what all the stereotypes are about btw
The SJW are just spoiled college kids paying way too much for an education. They get coddled, because their teachers know they're taking them to the cleaners.
Not much more than that.