be a virgin and enjoy asses
Be a virgin and enjoy asses
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Any more of her specifically?
who is this?
Whale returns to its habitat.
more of that ass and asshole!
>enjoy asses
where the shit comes out?
you may want to examine that about yourself
i get that niggers like asses, but then they don't really have a choice do they?
they pull from a pool of fat-assed nasty black turds
what are they going to do?
claim they want a nice, tight, firm ass?
they'd never get laid
and that's not niggery enough for niggers
they have shit dicks and want to stick their dicks in shitters, cuz, you know, shit
any other fool who has been brainwashed by niggersociety propaganda into thinking "hurr-durr, big asses" is about a retard
This I don't get it.
But the 12 posters (only) in this thread tell the story.
OP samefagging the fuck out of his lil weirdo fetish.
So sad.
Glad you like nice dubs here is more. Wwyd I'd glad to post more
Nice more and details
mfw asses are a fetish now
I want to spread that crack and lick from top to bottom, run my tongue all over that hole, and then wiggle it inside her.
Please more!
How do you like it?
Me, post more
>being this much of a virgin
it's instinctive for all males to like asses. big asses are linked to big hips which back in the gap (thousands of years ago) was a way to tell if a mate would be suitable for giving birth to a child
if you don't like asses you're either gay or have extremely low testosterone
Needs to be filled up
umm, are you retarded or something?
mongoloids are obsessed with asses because their women have none and have to get implants to show anything
there is practically a whole district in hong kong dedicated to ass-whores (prostitutes with American-sized asses)
maybe leave the basement, user?
I accidentally dropped into the thread because you forgot to disclaim it as a Ham Planet worst ass contest thread. . I'll show myself out.
not gonna take the bait enjoy the (you)
You're either a troll or gay.
Sure some men are not "ass men." But every man enjoys ass, even if it's not one of the most important bodily feature for him. Maybe he might not even like very big asses. But he likes asses nonetheless.
OP here
thread uprising
be a virgin and enjoy tits
It's really one of the strangest fetishes when you think about it.
Having a fetish over a fat ass, which serves as nothing more than an area for fat deposits, is no different than a fetish of fat bellies (not from being pregnant). It is psychologically a fetish for fat women as fat women almost always store most of their fat in their ass and into their thighs as well. Think of it as the hallmark of a fat woman. Hence, this thread is full of fat asses, not coincidentally on fat women.
Yeah, fucked up fetish when you really think about it.
Lurking, ignore the low effort shitposts and keep dumping
For the record, most of the asses in this thread are really big. That might not be your thing. But if you actually don't like ass in general then I have bad news for you.
>really big
Not him, but these are fat asses.
It's a nigger thing. Normal ass fetish is for firm ass (muscle, not fat).
>for the record
Lol. So when you speak, it's fact? Your "fact" is pure bullshit. These are fat asses, not merely "bit".
bad photoshop
OC. My wife's ass.
Correct. They are fat asses. But you were criticizing enjoying asses in general.
how old are you? haven't you ever been asked the question: are you a tit man or an ass man? the very fact the question exists (and has for decades) proves that male predilection for nice big asses is a long running thing in the culture at large. how could you not be aware of this basic fact? again, how fucking old are you?
I need to rim and fuck that asss more!!!
Miranda Miles
>predilection for nice big asses
more like predilection for nice assess. Big and fat is a mid characterization of what the vast majority of men like. Most men like a healthy, fit, shapely ass. Not a huge pile of lard.
you're wrong. big curvy asses have been celebrated and sexualized for literally thousands of years. educate yourself
best girl
Sauce if not shopped
source: Baghdad high security prison
>big asses are linked to big hips
Wrong. It's actually the other way around anatomically, and the measure is of the proportionality of the distal-to-distal length from each iliac crest as compared to overall height to weight ratio. It turns out it is inversely proportional. That is, women with more adipose tissue over their gluteus maximus have proportionally smaller hips than their height to weight ratio than most other components of their body. The reason for this is that the fat actually assists in compression (along with the muscle) making the ligaments and tendons less susceptible to stretching.
Bone is otherwise fixed.
So your bullshit about "big asses are linked to big hips back in the gap (thousands of years ago) was a way to tell if a mate would be suitable for giving birth to a child" is just that . . . complete bullshit you made up, notwithstanding offensive to pure common sense given the compression and your apparent belief that men chose fat women because they are thinking about whether or not they'd have an easier childbirth while they are attempting to get laid.
You are fucking retarded.
Read watermark tessaflower .com
>instinctive for males to like asses because they want to fuck women suitable for giving birth to a child
>male . . . think . . . childbirth . . . when wanting to fuck women
literally the most retarded post i've ever read on Sup Forums
how funny he calls others "virgins"
kid, by some fluke you are NOT an actual virgin, you are one dumb motherfucker
in fact, you must leave Sup Forums as you are just too dumb to be here
you need to either go read a book or kill self
you choose
do it now
This imbecile must be the dumbest virgin on the internet.
Bones don't grow in length as you get fatter. They don't grow at all. They seal after puberty, you dumb cunt. You can't get wider hip bones because you get fatter anymore than you can get raging biceps from eating french fries all day.
And the comment about men looking for birthing women is easily the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
Go away, fuckwit!
Fuckin saved!
Got new material for a YLYL thread!