I'm a 25 year old kissless virgin and everyday I wake up I feel like killing myself. AMA

I'm a 25 year old kissless virgin and everyday I wake up I feel like killing myself. AMA.

What is your favorite furniture ?

What do you like on your pizza?

lets see a pic

He probably likes cheese

Why don't you kill yourself? What do you keep on living for? The change that will never come?

I like office chairs. You can roll around and adjust the height. Beds are also nice because that's where I can sleep off disappointment.

I meant on the cheese, obviously.

I do like cheese. But I'm fine just about anything. Pepperoni is a classic, as well as sausage, even ham and pineapple is good!

how old are you

life is too fun to kill urself

I will be 22 on the 7th and the same. Shut up fag.

Not OP but I'm in the same boat. Thinking about losing it to a prostitute. Dunno if that's a good idea though.

I mostly don't kill myself because of my family. It would be too devastating to them. That's why I feel so terrible. I wish I could but I just can't hurt other people through my own actions.

Why do you measure your value as a person by how many times you've been laid?

Go and experience life numbnuts, the only other people who care are all the other fags sitting on their computers all day. Theres more to the world than a Mongolian knitting forum.

Ever consider you are an aging virgin because you are depressive and not the other way around? Of course you didn't, because poor me

The less you worry about it the better your chance is of being with a girl.

Get out normie.

It's not about how many times I've been laid. It's more about the fact that in 25 years of life I have never really developed any kind of friendship with a female. I was always the fat kid growing up and losing weight helped me to be more social and outgoing but it didn't do a thing for my own self-image.

almost 26 and same thing, But I'm on on probation for a violent crime for 5 years and I'm a convicted felon. I can't even buy a gun to kill myself the best way. But even guns leave a possibility that you still live and then you could be retarded or some shit. The best way is to jump from a height so high that there's no way you live. When I'm off house arrest I'll probably find that place someday.

I think I see the problem

atleast you got that going for you.

If you actually want to kill yourself why the hell are you worried about house arrest?? You go find the nearest cliff and make sure you do a flip. Fake and gay, kill your...oh...NVM.

You want certain death? car exhaust hosepipe
Drift off and never wake up

I don't find myself depressive, currently. I lived with severe depression and anxiety before. After I took control of my health I found myself far less depressive and anxious. This feeling I have is more existential than just "I need to get laid." It's knowing that there's not a single person besides family that "chooses" to love me.

>25 years
>of my life

Thinking that 25 years counts for having lived a full adult life.

Stop wining, you just got out of the gates kid.

mfw i am fat, shitty job , no gf, but i am happy, yes i've done the sexarino and a long term relationship, but they really don't matter in the long run, Go out more, travel to different countries, go hiking up moutians in sweden/norway, learn and instrument. Feeling sorry for yourself isnt going to change matters.

excuse the spelling, i cant be fucked right clicking it


go fuck yourself

be confident

show us a pic or yourself

forgot pic

>I feel like killing myself.
pussy is so overrated. you're not really missing that much



what kind of wizard are you?

Would You ?

You've ruined the thread you ducking dope.

HEY Sup Forums!! This piece of shit just ruined an entire thread with his autistic retardation.

Close your laptop, turn off your phone and throw that sorry excuse for a PC out the window because you have just been permabanned from the internet, guy.

It's time to buck up and look at yourself in the mirror. If you think you can become a master then think again buddy. Your life is about to get waay more difficult because I am on my way to find you and teach you a lesson. When I get to you I will release the skills that I've honed for the past 3 and a half years. I've become a black belt in 27 different martial arts. Some that haven't even been discovered by modern science yet. That's right I've ascended past the normal level of power that regular humans can achieve. And now it's time to put it to use. Watch your back buddy because you won't have it for much longer.

I like pinapple you liberal nigger

the red line thing, you right click and gives you the word

i used that shit in microsoft word 14 years ago.

