Why is being a cuck a bad thing?

Why is being a cuck a bad thing?

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It isn't.

Cucks are more intelligent because we don't see human beings as OUR property.


it implies you aren't emotionally fit to be intimate with a woman and/or procreate

Okay but why is that a bad thing?

Lana Rhoades and Leah Gotti

it ruined my life. i livce in los angeles tried it with a girl i loved, talked her into it. she did it & she had a nervous breakdown. mental health hospitalized her family found out told everyone everyone in my life now knows. i had to shit down my social media and move because of the embarassment... plus they still know so my parents try to pretend they dont when im around them but i can see them looking at me trying to hide their disgust & dissapointment... also it wasnt anything like i thought it would be in real life seeing a big ugly nigger climbing on the woman you love... keep your cuckolding to your privacy jacking off.. after you blow your load you are disgusted with porn in real life you have this nigger insulting you and fucking your woman who is scared and looking at you for mercy it was the worst decision of my life

Because miscegenation is sinful degeneracy.


It means you're not a full man. You are not fit to be a father, your DNA should stop with you. It's natures way of telling you you're a failure.

cause it went from being cheated on to cucked

what the fuck do you mean? it's all subjective you lifeless goblin. to answer your brain dead question it's because the typical functioning member of society desires intimacy with a person of the opposite sex and find cuckold to be unpleasant and really rather disgusting

Why though?

I just love seeing white women take the BBC.


>after you blow your load you are disgusted with porn in real life you have this nigger insulting you and fucking your woman who is scared and looking at you for mercy it was the worst decision of my life

Weakness in the gene pool. Regardless of race, weakness affects us all in the end.

that's pretty hot but it doesn't have to be cuck

Okay and that's bad because?

I don't want to have kids. I don't really think white people should reproduce at all tbh.

Okay cool so it's not objectively bad then.

No, being a Jew isn't bad, unless you shill cuck porn on Sup Forums

what are you fucking doing? there is no "objectively bad" when it comes to fetishism but similarly there is no "objectively good". it's all disgusting. what are you even looking for?

>Okay and that's bad because?
>It's natures way of telling you you're a failure

The cuck aspect just makes it hotter IMO.

Almost all cuck porn is BMWF.

Black men are just naturally dominant bulls whereas white men are usually submissive cucks. It's the natural state of things.

you should write a book about it no sarcasm

Not really. I mean I can just donate sperm if I want to and I will have passed on my genes.

I just prefer it when white women are impregnated by African men.

i urge you DO NOT lie to yourself about these things...it sets you on a very dangerous path

It's not, I enjoy letting my gf fucking around, acting like the slut she is

Normies will find that shit hot.

Who's lying?


>Fap like mad to IR/cuck shit
>Feel like shit afterwards
>Just thinking about it gets me hard
>The cycle continues

>Cucks are more intelligent because we don't see human beings as OUR property.

So i can fuck your wife or gf right? I mean, its ok to be a cuck.

Are you black?

>I just love seeing white women take the BBC.

I love seeing jews and degenerates being put in the oven. When will my type of porn be legalized?


Of course


>I don't really think white people should reproduce at all tbh.
Why stop there? I believe very sincerely that no people at all should reproduce, ever.

Then yes.

I'm not into cuckolding unless it's with a black or Arab bull.

meh, I don't care who fucks her, they just need to have a good time


>white men are usually submissive cucks

What sort of fetish fantasy is this? Absolutely disgusting. Gas yourself.



It's natural for (especially white) men to resort to cuckolding. I know this myself, it's just inevitable when you realize that men with bigger dicks are superior.

They are though. White men don't make good bulls. They are better as sissies or cucks.



it destroyed my life.

>I don't really think white people should reproduce at all tbh.

The only one who should not reproduce is you. Do not pollute white gene pool.


laugh at my pain. yhis is Sup Forums i guess i had it comin

It's not about dick size. Not matter how big you are, you're still white.


Do Mexicans count? I can grow a beard, look just like any Mohammad you see on the street

But that penis there is small. Mine is bigger than the one in that pic. You're an Asian with a tiny penis. Asians statistically have the smallest penises.

>I don't this I should reproduce
>You shouldn't reproduce
>T-t-that showed him

I cringed, but not because of your story.

Learn 2 grammar you fucking moron. That was painful to read.

Moar like this pleassseee

How can the race that colonized the world be submissive? You're just mad white men steal all the Asian women.

I don't plan on reproducing since I'm white

What are you basing this degenerate fantasy on anyway? Other than your weak brain fumes?

Please do not come back at me with, hurr durr muh big dik so A > X black bulls.

Good. I do not agree with your logic, but if you are this retarded. You are making the right choice.

It's just the way white men look and behave. They're natural cucks and submissive to darker men.

Asians are arguably even bigger cucks. I love seeing black men with Asian women as well.

yeah it still feels surreal. i cant do anything in my life now that will lead to publicity if i ever became a celebrity or somethingh it would all come out and id probably have to pretend to be a super liberal guy & play it off like "mybedroom my business" but holyshit my life is fucked i can never ever have any social media again .. im literally a punchline when someone i knew fucks up or acts like a pussy they all say "you got cucked like chuck" my name is charles


Do you want his kid to be walking on this earth? We have more than enough weak minded morons here already.


sorry driving voice text and yes the nigger that fucked my bf is a open bull still on twitter

Greentext it bro let your story serve as a warning to these other cucks

What happened to your GF?

You kids don't know the real reasons behind cuckolding.

The fact is, women get increasingly horny as they age. A 40 year old woman is about as horny as an 18 year old boy. Sex is all she thinks about.

But when you're 50, you're view having sex with your wrinkled used up wife as a chore. The reason you get a nigger to fuck her is so that you don't have to stick your dick in pic related 3 hours a day. It can be a second fulltime job keeping these older women satisfied.

That's the real reason you cuckold. It's to keep your used up, wrinkled wife happy without having to lay the pipe your self.

Black men have more sex appeal overall, not just bigger penises. Big White Cocks exist of course but when it comes to sex in general black men are easily superior.

Wait it was your bf? You a gay cuck?

Then why did white men enslave blacks and colonize Africa? Blacks literally have higher estrogen levels than whites and the same testosterone levels. Who is dominant here?

>It's just the way white men look and behave. They're natural cucks and submissive to darker men.

So naturally it comes down to your weak brain fumes. Wow who would have guessed.

Explain this genius. Why is the strong brave black bull the last choice for any female as a possible dating partner?

Pic related.

What that sounds great dude

This. The largest penis in the world is white, but it's attached to a bisexual male who still lives with his mother.



A white woman is the epitome of female beauty and submissiveness.

A black man is the epitome of masculinity and dominance.

The contrast between the two is just so hot.


I love this thread! A shekel for the good goys!

i honestly don't know. im scared to open my old facebook page and creep look at her life before shutting it down again quick. im pretty sure i ruined her life im scared to confirm

They had guns. Whites are smarter like the nerds in high school but blacks are the jocks that fuck the cheerleaders.

That's just bullshit. Women are naturally attracted to blacks since they are more dominant and masculine. Whites are what they go for when they want a safe guy to settle down with.

Blacks have more estrogen

that's the most stupid thing I've ever read

just don't have sex and if she leaves let her go
the "problem" you make up to excuse being a cuck to your sorry self doesn't even exist.

gf sorry voice texting while driving iphone voicetext isnt perfect


Who the fuck wants to stick their dick in an old, stretched out pussy?

Why bother when you can just get a nigger to do it for your while you go play golf? It's a whole lot cheaper than a divorce.

But you can see in that picture who is bigger and stronger. The African is small and weak

Spent most of college as a bull, it's fun but pretty degenerate stuff. I myself ruined at least two relationships cucking guys with their gfs. Or maybe the cuck did the ruining, idk they asked me to do it but either way their gfs dumped them afterward. After the last one (right after college) I felt really bad and stopped doing it. Now I just fuck single girls like a normal guy. It's pretty fun still and no guilt afterward


Im trying to my gf to fuck a BBC, she is so shy. Probably a good thing.. i think she would be hooked. I or any other guy she has fucked except one has ever made her cum.

And what so you know.. he had a big dick.

>old wrinkled vaginas don't exist
>divorces aren't expensive as hell

just leave her then you stupid cunts

Damn you should greentext this story with all the details when you're home

That's one picture. I'm talking in general. Whites are feminine. Everything from their pale skin to their small noses and lips, delicate features, light eyes, etc... They look like women. White=feminine

>That's just bullshit.

Right. Sadly for you. Statistics > Fantasy.

>Women are naturally attracted to blacks since they are more dominant and masculine.

Again, talking out of your ass. You are replaying your fantasy over and over. Sadly real life is quite different. You will find that most chads are white.

>Whites are what they go for when they want a safe guy to settle down with.

Not untrue. They will go for a responsible guy if they know what is good for them in the long run.

Says the nigger lol

Wait until your 50 years old.

Even if you leave her, your options of replacing her are severely limited. Young girls don't want to be in a relationship with a 50 year old.

That doesn't make any sense. Lightness has nothing to do with masculinity or femininity. Is a polar bear feminine?

Yeah they'll go for whites after they've had their share of BBC and, hopefully, continue to get their dose of BBC while they're married to a white guy. You can't change womens natural instincts user.


>married the girl noone else wanted, now realize shes ugly
>made stupid decisions when marring, now devorce is expensive

yeah sure, better keep that ugly wife satisfied and not end this shit with a least a little bit of self-respect...

some of you idiots really deserve what you got yourselves into

Flying pyramids when?