What did she mean by this

What did she mean by this

even the dog is ugly

>sidewalk cant support amy

amy wants to be jlaw


Jesus, those are some raggedy ugly people. Even the dog is rough as shit.

>Hey look, it's the quickly out of vogue crew!

>In picture: People who suck jew cock.

is aziz hitting that

is this how amy works out?

none of them seem like they'd be enjoyable to be around

Why does everyone look so discontent?

jesus, amy schumer looks like she's 47 years old minimum. jennifer lawrence looks exactly like you would expect someone of her character to look

Because they're miserable fucks.

How do you Jennifer Lawrence feels about how millions have seen her naked body in awkward positions

is that Shailene Woodley on the left?

Imagine how they'll look when Trump wins.

this what he said

I never understood going out in public looking like a complete mess. Considering these people are celebrities, they are probably doing it for some retarded reason like being "ironic" or their PR people told them it would make them seem more relatable to the numerous fat slobs in America. I'm your average, ugly normie and I feel like a complete failure if I go out in public unshowered and looking like a homeless person.

>schumer not even part of the main group



Her pants look comfy.

Jeez, people just don't give a shit anymore, not even celebrities.

stop insulting the pupper

Probably because if someone recognizes them they won't care because 'normies' act like celebrities are gods.

it's to see what they can get away with. and it's a disgusting trend



me on the right

kill yourself faggot


Do you think that is the right thing to say to someone on the internet?

Off yourself pupper-hating scum

Do you think he scored with Lawrence?
I'd have never guessed how great her body is if it wasn't for the leaks