Have you seen every film on Chris Stuckmann's "Film Buff's Bucket List"? He's an expert on cinema, so don't feel bad if you haven't.
Have you seen every film on Chris Stuckmann's "Film Buff's Bucket List"? He's an expert on cinema...
>Social Network
>Mulholland Drive
>Assassination of Jesse James
Those three are in the top 10 of movies since 2000, so why doesn't he have them?
that is the best capeshit evermad
46 of 50
Not sure why Last samurai is on his list though.
>Social Network
lol. If this unremarkable filtered shit is in your top 10 movies of the 2000's you need to stop taking movie recommendations from Sup Forums
>the pleb speaks
you should give it a rewatch
>chris mememan
>film buff
More like "The Flick Detractor's Fuck-It List" ammirite or ammiRIGHT??????
Not a bad list for mainstream cinema. Obviously Chris isn't the kind of guy to watch a lot obscure or foreign films.
Last Samurai is great though for what it is.
Social Network is pleb trash for pretentious pseudo-intellectuals, much like most of Fincher's (and Sorkin's) work.
>Last Samurai is great though for what it is.
for garbage, yes it's really good
I haven't seen Cache or Creed
>Unironnicaly holding a light saber
Woman detected.
>American Psycho
Meme film
>Pirates of the Caribbean
>Any capeshit
>The Departed
Probably Scorsese's worst film, everything he's made since Goodfellas has been self indulgent dogshit
>The Bourne Ultimatum
All three are some of the blandest action movies I've ever watched
>Anything Nolan
The most overrated director of all time, all of his films have god awful writing, editing and soulless direction, FUCK OFF
A lot of the movies in there are actually alright.
Did he name this list tho? If so he must be one of the biggest douchebag that ever lived.
Is Cache any good bros? Only one I haven't seen.
Yes, it's for his book.
lel. Douchebag it is then.
The majority of those aren't bad movies, but would you really consider them a "Must watch before you die" movie?
I mean does a dying person really NEED to watch Edge of Tomorrow or The Force Awakens? Surely there have been better post 2000 films that a dying person would need to watch more than these
Almost puked up my Bulgaria just looking at that list
Fucking auto correct
>Trying this hard
Your opinions are worse than his.
half of his reviews sound like he didn't even watch the movie, most recently his Blair Witch 2 review sounded like he just watched the goodbadflicks video
I've often wondered if he actually thinks he looks cool or if this is some kind of in joke I'm misunderstanding
>suddenly Caché
>literally nothing pre-2000
jeezus, fuck off.
This is good for a personal list. For a "film buff's bucket list"? Holy fucken shit the man's the biggest fucken normie. My friends would've seen most of these movies.
Definitely not a joke, this dude is emotionally still a child
>open list expecting good things
>its just fedoracore