Found out dad who went to jail for raping me when I was kid is getting release next month
>what do?
Found out dad who went to jail for raping me when I was kid is getting release next month
rape him, show him you're the alpha now
prepare your butthole
prepare a knife, it's easy to hide, easy to use (aim for throat or right side of belly), and you already have an excuse
good luck
Revenge rape.
how hard did he rape you? was it full on hardcore rape or just mild rape?
Idk what mild is but he had sex with me from 10 yo to 12
depends on how badly he fucked you up. if you try to get revenge but get caught you could be in worse shape than you are now. maybe just forget about it
He raped you for 2 years straight? Jesus Christ that's a new record
Spread it like a good litltle ungrateful shit. You locked him up for years. Give him a present when he gets out. Then turn him in right after he finishes. Lol
buy vaseline
What if he contacts me
Stop being a pussy about it and acting like it's even relevant or a big deal now. Move on
Do you want to even entertain reconciliation? I'm assuming not, so just tell him to fuck off and never contact you again and say you'll get a restraining order if he tries.
Well could you clarify whether you are willing to do damage?
If he made you cum you shouldn't take revenge on him.
Post pics, we will decide if youre rapeable