Why tho ;_;
Why tho ;_;
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Because she was ugly and a bore.
Why are sjws and feminists so fucking obsessed with her
only monstrosity in the series they can relate to
>Because she was ugly and a bore.
her getting monster raped/killed was pretty gross
They were all Barbs back in high school.
It's kinda like if Tomoko from Watamote was a side character in a show and got killed off halfway through the season for dramatic effect
who cares about that slut?
rip benny
Because she was just a red shirt.
She's a fat ugly pig.
I liked him for the short time he was around. Was hoping he would stick around as a minor character.
>you will never be there to pound Barb's ass, pussy, and mouth at full force so she didn't end up getting monster'd
We could have saved her ( ._.)
I was so happy when the bitch who shot him got shreked
They had to show that no tertiary character that was included for the express purpose of dying was safe.
He seemed like a genuinely nice guy
Whatever you say friendo
>killing off based Cleary in the first episode
the only thing I didn't like about the show
She's a babe, fag.
did the actress lose weight after the show
ayyyy lmao eyes and head width
She looks like Maisie in that pic
She was cast because she has the look of someone nobody would give a fuck about. you're just so fucking pathetic that you'll scrape anything from the bottom of the barrel and claim it's attractive. Even a pig like this wouldn't want someone with standards that low.
Am I the only one who fast forwarded through pretty much everything but the operator cop, the super milf, and the qt 3.14 adventures with autism guy?
Because she didn't have sex, turning the classic horror trope that the slut usually dies while the virgin lives
It's an outdated sexist trope, good
Don't remind me
if Benny lived would he be a more based character than Hopper?
this. the plot of the show was pretty terrible but watching her bleed from her eyes as she died made it worth the watch alone.
Too good for this world
Taken too soon
RIP in burgers benny
>mfw people empathize with a crab mentality bitch like Barb
>Oh no my frend is getting popular, I hope she doesn't have sex with her boyfriend or something! That would be awful because that would make me feel insignificant (Because I am)
>Everyone thinks she is based
Barb was in the wrong.
>Child in need of some food
>Cooks them up some burgers
Truly an American hero.
I was genuinely surprised when the Chad ended up being a goog guy in the end. That's what probably triggered the feminists more than anything.
He did everything right. By true 80s horror standards he lives to help the protagonist slay the monster. Stranger Things is not kino.
I'm glad it ended up this way. I was initially expecting it to go the cliché way where the girl would end up with the guy who had serial killer eyes.
I loved that. It was subversive in the right way. Everyone knows the weird, creepy beta doesn't actually deserve the girl.
best woman coming through
>Pic unrelated
Fuckin put a spoiler on that. Spooked man need my night light now
keep your ladyboy out of this thread pls
This bitch needs to EAT
what the FUCK
I had heard she was anorexic but jesus christ
Sorry wrong pic
Don't look at the feet.
Bitch shoulda gone to Benny's Burgers.
nonetheless she got perfect woman body proportions. yeah, maybe a couple of pounds here and there, but she's already has a gorgeous femmine silouette
I'm mesmerized by her tiny hands
Oh, fuck me..
She is cute!
It's kinda weird that the bad government guys were too harsh with this guy and shot him immediately but they gave several opportunities to the other characters to escape.
>that video where he talks about pain olympics and 2 girls 1 cup
the bad guys were the worst/laziest part of the show's writing
It seemed like pretty shitty writing to instantly off him desu. I also don't understand what their plan was after killing Benny. How the fuck were they actually going to capture Eleven when they knew she could pop people's heads like a over baked potato?
That dude got a kiss on the cheek and respect from the girl. Plus a brand new fucking camera.
I'd say he did pretty damn well.
It's not like she can kill people whenever she wants and since Brenner visibly doesn't care about his agents' lives Eleven could just kill a few folks and the rest of them could then capture her while she's drained, tired or whatever you want to call it
>There will never be a buddy cop drama about a retired cop (benny) finding Eleven and recruiting Hop to fight the suits
That chin could seriously injure someone. How was Steve not kill?
they know she doesn't want to be caught and they know she can kill at least two every so often since she did it multiple times
what was their plan after they captured her?
I only felt bad because she had a pretty face (Hollywood ugly) and a HUGE ASS.
Would have grown into an intelligent and attractive woman. ;-;
killing everyone in hawkins with no survivors
They would continue experimenting with her abilities like they did before everything went to shit I suppose
...I don't know guys.
I think El is best girl.
>stranger thins
Yeah but 'throwing agents at her until she gets tired' is still a pretty shitty plan. They didn't even turn up with that many agents despite knowing she was right there.
Brenner didn't give a shit about his agents but they're still a resource. Surely they could have come up with something better than basically:
1) Kill Benny
2) Throw agents at Eleven until she gets tired
3) ???
4) Capture Eleven
He's so not sheltered from the internet I bet he has at least came here once to check out the stranger things thread.
You got a better plan? It's shitty yeah but it even worked although the Demogorgon showed up and ruined it
Brenner could pacify her. It wouldn't gone back to standard training routine.
The government did all they could have done. It was only a few men at a time to begin with, but by the end they were chasing the kids in multiple vans full of agents. When you're running a covert operation that suddenly enters the public eye, especially in a small town, you can't just flood it with search parties. You need to stay covert. They were doomed to fail, really.
Really? Why do you give a shit about Frumpy Barb? If Molly Ringwald did Norbit in her prime, this is what she would look like. There are zero redeeming qualities about Barb, I cannot believe you sperg fucks are still talking about her.
I doubt he browses on Sup Forums, he is a normie after all. He probably goes on twitter and instagram all the time and reads mean comments to deepen his already deep angst.
>You got a better plan?
No but I'm just more surprised that the black government agency developing a psychic being didn't come up with some form of counter. Also:
>It's shitty yeah but it even worked although the Demogorgon showed up and ruined it
Yeah but my point being is that at Benny's Diner or whatever they didn't even seem to turn up with that many people. Despite the fact they knew she was there. Didn't Eleven kill like 2 agents and then escape out the back?
>Didn't Eleven kill like 2 agents and then escape out the back?
Yes. There were several agents in the front and a couple in the back to pincer her, but she escaped before Brenner could even get near her. Again, he was the only one who could pacify her, but by the time he physically got to her she was already emotionally attached to Mike.
They were supposed to be child services but then again they were going to kill Benny anyway so it's a bit strange. One could argue they didn't show up with *that* many people as they didn't expect her to just go and kill agents but then again she'd killed two guards in the past at the facility. I don't think it's a big deal
can we start a good old fashioned raid to get him looking at the 4plebs archive of the froggo threads?
He already quit Vine because of some negative comments. If he saw that it'd blow his mind.
Yeah it made later parts make no sense.
>Benny interacts will Eleven, has no idea about her powers, gets iced immediately
>Hopper straight up breaks into their building and gets a slap on the wrist
She was clearly spooked by Benny's death. She knew they were all "bad men" and had made up her mind not to go back, but at that point Brenner would've still had influence to coax her back. By the end, he didn't and she wanted to stay with Mike.
But in the context of script writing, Benny was obviously the sacrificial character to keep the audience in suspense over the safety of every other character.
Barb you fat cunt.
I love you. ;_;
She has the structural integrity of a pencil.
>a slap on the wrist
Did you miss the part where they were preparing to overdose him? They avoided killing him before that because he was the chief of police in the small town they occupied, and creating more investigations was exactly what they didn't need.
The only thing that really bugged me was that Hopper gave up the location of the kids. That goes completely against his character, why the fuck would he do that?
>this borderline amazon redhead will never put her huge ass on your face.
Why the FUCK do we even try, lads?
Because his priority is to save will and he had to make the deal for that to happen. You can see him leave behind Eggos for Eleven at the end of the finale so hes either forcefully loyal to the government to try and find El or hes trying to get her back one way or another to save her from the government or whatever. I guess we'll have to wait for season 2 to get more clarity on that matter
I would do that, but I don't know how. Twitter is flooded with BRs. I want him to look at this one very positive Froggo thread with 300+ replies
Froggo threads are full of positive comments most of the time, he would be fine
Is it really a good idea though? Brazilians will come her and steal our rares.
Kill yourself desu senpai
Leave the kid alone you pedophile faggot autist.
this is what autism looks like, folks
Is Sup Forums super gay or is Sup Forums secretly infested with pedrophilic women?
>based cleary shows up
>gets killed in the same episode
Sup Forums is Sup Forums, that's just how it works.
They were about to OD him, he had to bargain to save Will, or they'd eventually find the kids themselves and then nobody would be saved. Plus he already knew how incompetent the feds were, and how the kids had dodged them several times in the past, so the odds were pretty high they'd be okay.
El's in the Upside Down and Hopper is either sending the feds on a wild goose chase while bringing her food, or trying to coax her out to hand her over, which seems less likely. There's an episode next season called "The Secret Cabin" which is probably where she's been living, a building in the Upside Down that no longer has a real world counterpart. That box he puts food into looks like a firewood box for a cabin, I bet it's right there. And I'm pretty sure the Duffers said something about a possibility of Eleven and Hopper sharing scenes next season. He probably ends up adopting her in the far endgame.
literally didn't deserve getting involved with this shit
>Barb Holland
>Benny Hammond
What does BH mean and are there any characters with those initials?
Rip the hottest bear, woof
>cropping feet
kill yourself my lad