What do I think about Metallica?
What do I think about Metallica?
their first four albums are great but then they started to suck, although their last 2 albums (excluding that shitty Lou Reed collab) were decent
1. Ride the Lightning
2. Master of Puppets
3. And Justice For All
4. Metallica
5. Kill Em' All
how the fuck should i know
After they kicked out Dave and lost Cliff they went to shit.
First two records are great, went down the drain after that.
You think And Justice For All is a masterpiece.
Am I wrong for thinking that if they stopped after AJFA they would be a more reputable band or nah?
forgot pic
I went to see them once. The audience woke up at Enter Sandman and fell back asleep after it.
Megadeth is better overall
I don't know, OP.
Please tell us.
What do you think abut Metallica?
bunch of assholes
but on a serious note I fucking headbang to their shit in the morning driving to work, no greater feeling
Daily reminder that lulu is underrated.
They manage to be the most overrated band of the most overrated genre without even being rated that high.
Stop living now and get better taste
I've probably listened to thousands of thrash metal albums in my 11 years as a metal fan, but there has always been something special about Metallica's first 4. Highly recommended.
>Ride the Lightning
>...And Justice for All
>Master of Puppets
>Kill 'em All
Same. We aren't psychic, OP.
you mean stop living now "or" get better taste?
If I stop living I can't get better taste
and also taste in music is subjective. Your most darling music can be fucking trash to my ears as well.
Switch RTL and MoP, then switch KEA and s/t and you're good
Their first four records are absolutely essential metal and anyone who disagrees is a contrarian
2. Master of Puppets
3. Trapped Under Ice
4. Enter Sandman
5. For Whom the Bell Tolls
Try me
Kill 'Em All is their best even though James Hetfield's voice sounds better on the No Life Til Leather demo. Ride The Lightning is pretty good too. Master of Puppets has is moments, but is the signal for the things to come. And Justice For All has a few good songs. Black has a few good songs. After that, it doesn't really matter. I thought their version of Ecstasy of Gold was ok though.
I genuinely think Master of Puppets is a great album and that Hetfield is one of the few memorable metal vocalists.
I enjoy Metallica even though I don't like metal like many other white boys. I like noise rock, and it's 100% different, I guarantee it.
what a basic bitch
1. Creeping Death
2. Whiplash
3. Dyers' Eve
4. Master of Puppets
5. No Remorse
Master of Puppets [Elektra, 1986]
I feel at a generational disadvantage with this music, not because my weary bones can't take its power and speed, but because I was born too early to have had my dendrites rewired by progressive radio. The momentum of this band can be impressive, and as with most fast metal (as well as some sludge metal) they seem to have acceptable political motivations--antiwar, anticonformity, even anticoke. Fine. Problem is, the revolutionary heroes I envision aren't male chauvinists too naive to know better--they're not Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan the Barbarian, all flowing hair and huge pecs. That's the image Metallica calls up, and I feel no more obligated to summon their strength of my own free will than I would the 1812 Overture's. B-
...And Justice For All [Elektra, 1988]
Problem isn't that it's more self-aware than Puppets, which is inevitable when your stock-in-trade is compositions rather than songs. Problem is that it's also longer than Puppets, which is inevitable when your stock-in-trade is compositions rather than songs. Just ask Yes. C+
Metallica [Elektra, 1991] *bomb*
Load [Elektra, 1996]
The good thing about being old is that I'm neither wired to like metal nor tempted to fake it. Just as I suspected, these Johnny-come-latelies-meet-the-new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss-es can no more do grunge than they can double-ledger bookkeeping. Grunge simply isn't their meter. So regardless of what riff neatniks think, this is just a metal album with the song lengths shortened and the tempos slowed, which is good because it concentrates their chops and tightens their songwriting, and bad because it also means more singing, which they can't. C+
>these Johnny-come-latelies-meet-the-new-boss-same-as-the-old-boss-es
What did he mean by this?
1. Metallica were a little late to the party as far as jumping on the alternative rock bandwagon
2. It's not really alternative rock anyway, it's just a shorter, tighter metal album without the 6-8 minute tracks.
I hate this cunt. I know exactly why he writes every word he does, and he makes me hate Boomers that much more because he's just about the inverse of what I like outside of rap. The fact that he nails a lot of the rap I like pisses me off because he's so clueless about anything without coherent lyrics.
>The fact that he nails a lot of the rap I like pisses me off because he's so clueless about anything without coherent lyrics
All critics are like that. The problem is that metal is mostly based on sounds/riffs rather than lyrics and it's kind of hard to describe sounds, so critics really can only write about lyrics. This is why they have a hard time with metal.
found the try hard plebian
>giving AJFA a C+
What a giant, flaming homo.
St. Anger is better than a good 50% of all metal albums.
I don't even like metal. He's just totally lost without a lyrical reference. Look up his review for Loveless and this will be clear to you. He has no idea why it's a landmark, but his peers told him it was, so he reluctantly caved. Look at his writing and this is clear.
He's pretty sharp as far as rap goes for whatever reason. He's obsessed with black music. But as soon as you make something disorienting on purpose? He's lost.
>He's pretty sharp as far as rap goes for whatever reason. He's obsessed with black music
Admittedly not many white music critics are, he said when he first started in the late '60s that most of his peers had no interest in black musicians other than bluesmen and Chuck Berry.
That doesn't make it justifiable to dislike metal simply because blacks don't play or listen to it.
That's fine. But it doesn't make it him a good critic for anything else unless I want to know the best artists for sociopolitical lyrics, which I obviously don't care about like most normal people.
I'm just fucking around. He understands the rap tradition. It's sort of a balance between lyrics/rhymes and vocal performance, and he somehow can parse it when most critics cannot. I'll give him that, as far as I've seen of it.
He's just the typical muh Beatles-listening Boomer otherwise. He probably took a shit in the middle of the only time he listened to Sister Ray and never thought about it again.
>He's just the typical muh Beatles-listening Boomer otherwise. He probably took a shit in the middle of the only time he listened to Sister Ray and never thought about it again.
IDK, he said that punk rock was more effective protest music than most hippieshit. I think he never has been able to figure out metal but then most critics don't unless they're specifically writing for a metal website/publication.
>IDK, he said that punk rock was more effective protest music than most hippieshit.
I'm sure he did say that, and that isn't why Sister Ray is the best song of popular music ever. It's like he listens to the same music as me but doesn't hear the same music. I can tell the difference between music that is meant to enhance a vocal performance and music that is just excellent (outside of Jazz, maybe he has a good taste in Jazz -- can't remember).
>And because I'd listened to a lot of jazz, I was thoroughly unimpressed with the cult of the guitar solo. Thus I came to believe the essence of good music lay in momentum and song form.
Christgau seems to really like the mid-60s British Invasion-era stuff, which was mostly power pop and proto-pop punk. He seems to not like so much the late 60s when the music got longer, druggier, more technical, and more oriented towards AOR over pop hits.
>It's like he listens to the same music as me but doesn't hear the same music
See, when I listen to something like Pantera or Slipknot, I almost get a kick out of the over-the-top vocals. How seriously can you take the stuff? Evidently Christgau thinks it's some angry, overwrought, tedious bullshit not worth his precious time.
Reminds me of Noel Gallagher calling metal "fucking nihilism". It's like some people don't get the whole campiness and humor of it
>no motorbreath
you're just a couple of pansies
This guy gets it
i feel the same way, and i find people often do the same to hiphop
like why are you mad about someone like lil pump or carti, shit is fun and not meant to be taken too seriously
you already lost when you put enter sandman on it
>Evidently Christgau thinks it's some angry, overwrought, tedious bullshit not worth his precious time
He's right, you know.
>only about 14 songs from the first 4 albums are good
>totally 1.5 hours of runtime
>after removing the instrumentals
>slow opening ending with shredding trope songs
>overall corny hooks
>shitty mastering of the KEA