This fat disgusting Wailord won't leave me alone. SO Sup Forumsro's I thought you would enjoy this more than I would. Here she is on all her blubbering glory. All pics RELATED. And 1 Video, will post if i happen to get more of her fat gross amoeba self.
This fat disgusting Wailord won't leave me alone. SO Sup Forumsro's I thought you would enjoy this more than I would...
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Video is too long, any idea where i can post so you can see guys?
I'd hit it
I'd Hit it for a week pump her full of cum and disappear like a Nigger in the dark.
And what kind of a stud like you to catch this satellite into your orbit?
Why are you posting thumbnails?
upload to mega?
Just be happy with this fat skank
I wish I had a fat chick that won't leave me alone but not even fat chicks want me :(
almost got the video uploaded
Keeping it alive!!
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On the real, id smash
Gonna Drop Box the 2 vids because idk how else to go about it so fk it. Just saying mega doesnt help lulz.
good yes
i would just nut on those fat milk tanks and tell her to fuck off if i were you
I know this is actually your girlfriend and you're fishing for compliments. Fuck off.
Your a fat.
seems like everyone knows everything on here nowadays
you going to drop box this shit or not?
Will op deliver? find out next episode on dragon ball z!
Sup Forums wont let me post dropbox link, so fuck it here type this shit in. You'll find the videos there. Fuck the servers for saying the link's spam yo FOR MY Sup ForumsROS I'VE DELIVERED! DEUS VULT!!!
OP is myth that can only be busted once we get THIS FUCKING DROP BOX.......innit
can someone screenshot the page?
OP Here. Sure
there you go just take the spaces out
Anymore OP
OP here, Thanks Sup Forumsro Now I'll know for future reference!
None right now but if i get any more throughout the week I'll be back. OP has spoken.
Welcome dude is there any more vids have a thing for the whales you see, more to cover in spunk XD
OP here. duude when i get more I'll make sure to include your Nick in the post so you know I'll start with your nick, Give me a nick to use an alias man like
Is her name by any chance Alexa?
Nah Kassandra no last name yet, I'll do it on the last day i post her shit
just re-read that jesus. Just give me a random name to throw infront of the post an IGN or some shit.