Why do Atheists complain about what Christians believe, when they have no proof for what they believe either?

Why do Atheists complain about what Christians believe, when they have no proof for what they believe either?

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Fucking A. Was going to call OP a cuck. But I actually agree.

what do you call it when you dont openly admit that gods real but somewhere deep down theres got to be something there??

As someone who is not religious or an atheist I agree. Both are absolutes at the opposite end of the spectrum thay believe something with no proof. Both are faggots.

Christians believe in some incredibly specific story for which there is no evidence.

Atheists DON'T believe in it.

That's all.

Three people sit in a closed room wondering if there's someone at the door. The most devout of the three says there must be someone, what other reason could there be for a door? He suggests we should open it immediately. The agnostic agrees there could very well be someone, there's no way to know without them coming in. The atheist days he'll get the door when someone rings the bell.

Everyone is obsessed about having there be some meaning to their life or how they got here, while believing in something and autonomously living their lives based off that belief instead of just concerning themselves with improving the quality of their lives. If you're someone who is obsessed with what other people may believe, you're wasting your time.

We do have evidence. It's called science and facts.

Seriously, damn near every scientist says evolution is undeniable, and the number of 'creationsist scientists' out there can be counted on one hand.

An atheist and an idiot look into an empty box.
Idiot says there is something in the box "because the book says so".
Atheist says there isn't... but is required to prove it?
Has to prove theres nothing in an empty box.
Think about that.
Idiot uses that as "proof" that he is right.

Spirituality I guess ?

We have facts from science, you have belief.
Not knowledge, a belief

Why do Scientists claim there are microscopic particles that created the world but they can only be seen with an invention created by Scientists?

God is a single fragmented consciousness that inhabits everything. Humans, animals, trees, etc. This is why everyone has a little voice deep down that lets them know what's right and wrong. Deep down everyone knows the fundamentals as 'God' (the single consciousness we all share) perceives them. When we die we return to the single consciousness and then inhabit another vessel. The purpose of our life is to experience as many things as possible, since 'God' as this single consciousness we are all part of is ever expanding, ever thirsting for knowledge and wants to feel everything that can be felt.

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

I'm not even religious, but saying there is no god because you haven't seen it, is just as stupid as saying there is only a certain god.

People who believe in the existence of a god but don't subscribe to any specific religion usually just call themselves theists, I'm pretty sure.

"microscopic particles that created the world"
The fuck are you on?


Atheists don't share any beliefs, by nature, they simply share a lack of belief, for different reasons. You don't need to proof to say you don't believe a thing that admittedly can't be proven. I could come up with a thousand crazy ideas, and say they are true, say I can't prove them, but when you get annoyed at this odd belief I hold, I just say, "Well, you don't have any proof for what you believe, so, why do you care?". Furthermore, some atheists, Gnostic Atheists, suggest it can be proven, and give either empirical or logical proofs as to why there can't be, and, therefore, isn't, a god. Your question is malformed. To answer it, however, in some sense, some atheists value the truth, they think you're wrong, and want to show you why they think that. That's, really, all. We just think you're wrong, and want to show you why.

Believing in God doesn't necessarily mean believing in creationism. And to say that science disproves God is just wrong, on the contrary what scientists discovered is that the universe is organized, that you can describe the motion of billions of billions of particles in a single sentence/equation, that it is really well-designed. What science has proved is that there's a supperior order in the universe

But the machines operate the same way every time. Proving undeniably the workings of the universe. Knowledge on how they're constructed is shared, the same experiment done on two machines built by different people will yield the same effects. There is no trickery involved.
Theist all have their own unique way of experiencing and explaining god or gods. Many different names, different rules even when using the same historic sources interpretations vary wildly. If the universe is so easily explained by introducing this divine maker, then went must it be so hard to define this maker in any way a majority can agree with?

Of course, that's just something that sets me off.

But let me phrase it this way- scientists have produced no evidence of the divine or of dragons. I'm not going to believe something without evidence or good reason.

Also you are making the watch argument.

The new shreck movie looks great

The universal constants are all completely arbitrary as far as we know. E=mc2 still relies on the speed of light, which looks to be completely random. The universe at its most base levels has no rhythm or form. If God created the universe, he rolled a dice to do so.

>scientists have produced no evidence of the divine
And it never will because What is the watch argument ?

So someone knocking on said door if not enough reason to check the Door ?
all the knocking , pounding , calling , and doorbell ringing will not make an atheist answer the door.
the point is , there is no amount proof that will convince someone who is an atheist that God is real..

Evolution is supported by science.
Religion is supported by nothing.

Its still shaky, but they feel it puts them ahead

This is bait. Nobody actually believes this.

Its not our job to disprove your idiotic beliefs (to prove ours).
Anyways we would have to disporve every degenerate belief out there to do that, since atheism is the belief that no divine power exists

Nobody would give a shit what Christians believe if they didn't use it as an excuse to make laws that make life terrible for people they dislike.

none is knocking on the door.

A man walks in the wood and discovers a watch. Looking at it he sees it is much more complex than say a rock with a clearly intended purpose. From this the man deduces there must be a watchmaker.

The comparison is usually with a human eye. Complex with a clear purpose. From which it's deduced there must be a watchmaker for the eye.

It suffers from the fallacy of passing the buck, aka turtles all the way down. We deduce from the watch there is a watchmaker. But whoever made the watch must be much more complex than the watch. The watchmaker being human, with an eye, supposedly made by God. But who made God then, presumably something much more complex. Turtles all the way down.

yes, order. that would be matter and energy doing exactly what they do. nothing else.

Agnostic doubter?

evolution IS a religion, because you must believe in it , even thought this is no proof of it , there is nothing that is or has been in current transition so as to be EVOLVING , everything that scientists have changed and fiddled with ( see the fruit fly with 2 sets of wings experiment) has remained in the condition they changed it into..the next generations reverted back the original DNA spec.

and you prove my point .. or you are to stupid to actually understand what I am saying..

>There is no amount of proof that will convince someone who is an atheist that God is real..
Any non-zero amount will do, given that it's proof.

>The universal constants are all completely arbitrary
It's not because we don't understand how they work (yet) that they're arbitrary/have no meaning. You're just saying "we don't know why it works so it has no reason to work that way" which is really stupid.

>The universe at its most base levels has no rhythm or form.
You're serious ? Early 1900's science has proved that every particle (and therefore everything in the universe) can be describe as a wave; rhythm is inscribed into matter. Moreover, the current theory which is most likely to solve the problem of the grand unified theory is the string theory, stating that particles are in fact string vibrating at different frequencies.

You confuse mutation with natural selection.

You are also a stupid person.

just stop. take your meds or ask your mom for a cookie and go sleep it off.

There's a difference between something having a reason and having a meaning. The tides change because of the moon, there's a reason, but no meaning to it. Its just something that is.

I understand perfectly. Your argument boils down to "it's obvious". It has no logic or evidence behind it. You are simply parroting nonsense so that at the end of the day you can lie to yourself and claim you came out on top. Your counterarguments are "you have no proof" even when proof has been clearly provided. You live in an isolated fantasy and have no will to change that. You're a lost cause, as far as I'm concerned.

It turtles only if you state that the universe had a begining. If you state that God and the universe has always been then it doesn't need a watchmaker

and what pray tell would like as proof ?
any number of charlatans can do things tht appear to be powers given by god ...
however if god showed up and asked you to believe he was god ..what would you have him do ??
magic tricks like David Copperfield ? when he made the statue of liberty disappear ??...
when Dynamo walks on water ?


no amount of proof will ever be enough because there have been so many charlatans

wow just freaking wow...
and what is natural selection but some that has gained some advantage over everything else ?...or you know what is called a MUTATION !


>Mutation: something that has gained an advantage over something else
What? That is neither the common nor dictionary definition of that word. It isn't even close.

What you need to realize is sperm and eggs have different rules than the rest of our cells, like having half the chromosomes.

I get a mutation like say sharper nails, that doesn't get carried to my sperm so my kids don't get them.

Similarly if the sperm that impregnated my kid mutated, that mutation doesn't carry over to me.

Which is an entirely seperate issue from breeding, where a trait becomes so common as to render another trait extinct. Like if everyone but redheads stopped having sex it would eventually result in a redheaded master race.

In conclusion we need better sex Ed.

and I agree with you ...PROOF HAS been clearly provided ...
but if you are not going to accept the proof given , then no amount of proof with ever convince you that God is real ...

Then what's Gods purpose if he didn't make the universe?

You clearly lack imagination.
If any charlatan can do what an almighty god can do. We would have no further need for science.
I could ask an almighty god to turn a glass of water I provide into wine, I could ask him to split the moon in half and pit it back together again, I could even ask him to change my mind as to believe in him.
If your god is as easily shaken by close inspection as a magician or charlatan, maybe he isn't deserving of any worship.

Everything has a meaning : everything is here to help the universe stay in a balanced state. If a "thing" is here it's because it contributes to the balance of its environment, remove it and the environment will evolve toward another balanced state.

As for the "Its just something that is", go read

Question: say God is real. Why does he allow Athiests to exist through his absence? Or Hindus for that matter. Or all the different God worshipping sects like Judaism and Islam who all think the others are dead wrong.

Why doesn't he show up each Sunday to clarify things like whether it's more important to not take it up the ass or to not eat shellfish?

Your opinion isn't proof.

wow ..you really are to stupid for words..

And what is it that makes you think that?

Also- what's the meaning in say disease? Famine? Natural disaster? The Trump Administration?

No God works in mysterious ways BS.

>saying there is no god because you haven't seen it, is just as stupid as saying there is only a certain god
is stupid.
so you believe absolutely everything presented to you without evidence? and then hold that belief until it is proven otherwise?

You don't understand genetic mutation like how when and where it's performed and passed on.

i'm an atheist and what pisses me off about a lot of other atheists is how they will shit all over christianity but won't say fuck all bad against islam

end of the day they're pussies who go for the easy target because they know it less likely for a christian to flip out

The onus is not on atheists to provide proof, but on theists to provide it. For proof is all that is required to end this argument, yet there is none.

God has no purpose, God just is. Whether you call it God, the universe, life, nature, it's all the same thing.

I don't. I only complain/do something when their beliefs get in the way of the happiness of me or my friends.

Nice bait. Nowhere in that statement is there someone knocking on a door.

Well, we have a proof. We call this SCIENCE moron

Believe what the evidence shows until evidence is provided to say otherwise.

The onus is to prove or at least provide good reason to believe there is a god. Not believing is the default stance, given how many faiths there are in the workd.

Convince me it's God, and Thor or Odin.

But they don't believe in anything. Asking them to prove nothing makes no sense. Your question/argument is very very dumb.

Don't pretend you're the only one with integrity and that everyone else is a hypocrite. People go for Christianity because it's most prevent in western countries ( the ones that matter ).

is your mom standing next to you as you post this stuff? did you get a pat on the head?

mutation is not natural selection, is not evolution.

>god is like, everything, man...
go fuck yourself. these threads always devolve to that and that's the end because you cant have a discussion with the intellectual equivalent of a stoned 10 year old.

you to shallow minded to understand the point I was making ..
it was said that atheist would only anser the door if someone rang the bell...THAT is very very specific in terms of proof...
I postulated ,, that there are many forms of proof that must be taken into consideration :
I.E. someone knocking on the door,
pounding on the door
calling thru the door..
and then evening ringing the bell:

BECAUSE to someone who has already made up there mind , no amount of proof is going to change there mind.

you are showing poor reading comprehension. try again.

>And what is it that makes you think that?
About which part are you talking exactly ?

>No God works in mysterious ways BS.
God doesn't try to change the course of the universe, everything happens because it has to. Everything acts as a response to its environment, some with their own purpose (living beings), some because they were set in motion (a rock falling cliff because the wind was blowing which is the consequence of the movements of the clouds,.....)

Bottom line is, If you are not agnostic, your belief is still biased, therefore you are objectively wrong. That being said Christians are fucking idiots "He died for our sins!!!" Lmao the entire plot of the bible is so poorly written it's funny.

wow you are just fucking retarded aren't you

such a clever boy you are. go tell your mommy that she has a clever little boy.

when there actually is some real proof, then you can start talking about whether or not people believe it.

Lmfao you're an idiot. All those tricks were proven fake.

Kek. Don't get that angry man. All I'm saying is that everything is a part of God. Don't you agree ?

great, you can look things up on the internet. now try reading them.

Ad hominem is all you have left ?

Religion is just so obviously a construct of humans that was passed down, pre science literature to explain the world we live in and to justify how and why to act, what they considered "morally".

Religion is constantly being pushed back in our lives and is taken less and less literally. You don't need a god to lead a happy and moral life.


Kek. no really, go fuck yourself. you are stating nothing and so contributing nothing. Don't you agree?

I said think for yourself dipshit.
By the way, I'm pretty sure everyone 'holds a belief until it is disproven'
Just because you can't prove it, doesn't prove it doesn't exist.

when presented with nonsense, respond in kind.
if you want a meaningful response, make a meaningful point.

Science and religion have two very dinstincts purposes:
Science is answering the question of "how does the universe works?"
Religion is answering the question of "what should you do with the life that you were given?"

that is the point you fucking moron..

so what would you have do to prove he is GOD ???
because even if he did the most amazing things YOU STILL WOULD THINK IT WAS A TRICK ,
god damn you people are just fucking retarded.

now you are just trolling ...gkys
you are a waste of meat and air.

It's called being a cuck

true, your original statement could have been better made, but it definitely reads as that, you are stupid to say there is no god just because you have no proof.

I waiting for you to post a coherent and meaningful statement.

And that doesn't mean the christian god.
Any kind of god.

Not guy but it's very easy.

Rearrange the planets or stars to say Jezus Christ, so I can confirm with my telescope.

Otherwise I'll just keep cockslapping Mohammad and Jesus in my dreams

uhuh ..fkys

what ever helps you sleep at night,

yup, still waiting...

So who gives a fuck about religion!!

You got more pics of that Aryan goddess Zara

sure, okay. still no proof of any kind for any of them.

okay what ever make you happy

You think it's not possible to have a happy, moral, and secular life?

I stated that the universe has a superior order, that science will never be able to prove the existence of God, that the universe has always been and always will be and now I'm stating that you can apprehend the concept of God the same way you do for the universe, as the great whole we're all a part of.
But it seems like you telling me to go fuck myself and calling me a stoned 10 year old is a better contribution to the discussion

>the universe is organized
>that it is really well-designed

so that's it, you can't defend your position at all. I'm good with that.

Where did you read that I wrote that ?