What went so right?

What went so right?

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budget probably

Everyone was relieved because of how unrealistic and over the top spy technology had become. Pierce Brosnon's 007 was good but his gadgets were absurd.

But it just felt like a 100% classical Bond film compared to Craig's other Bond movies that didn't have this feel

Eva Green.

Just the casting in general.


>comparing Brosnan's gadgets and not Moore's gadgets
We all know that Moore was the most over the top Bond (that A View To A Kill car chase scene when the car falls apart and is still working).


Great script but also the incredible directing from the guy who had directed the previously-best Bond film, Goldeneye.

Of course, currently they've switched out to the director of Plastic Bag: The Movie, so that's working about as well as you'd expect.

It was directed by the same guy who made GoldenEye.

and Green Lantern

just sayin

This. Campbell needs to direct another Bond film

He's not the only director to make one bad film and make 10/10 legendary ones.

Alex Proyas went from making Dark City to Gods of Egypt.

I am still having a hard time believing this

>she will never hold your hand while she drowns in an elevator

God its always so hard to watch a James Bond film because they need to fit the entire plot into one movie, I honestly wish they would be able to flesh out a Bond movie where it took multiple parts and a full fleshed out story.

Like think about how quick Spectre and Skyfall had to be, when they both could have had so much more time to really run through the actual plot, which in itself was really good.

I blame the audiences that need the movie to be both a popcorn movie and a high budget story.

it pisses me off how everyone goes on about skyfall when it's literal garbage compared to casino royale

Proyas also did that lame Cage movie. Idk what happened to him. The Director's Cut of Dark City is a damn masterpiece.


Spectre is better than Skyfall although Skyfall was better written if that makes sense.

Spectre could have been something really special but the writing and fast pace of Waltz's Blofeld made it fail (Waltz only got 10 minutes of screentime when he could have been memorable).

I hope he returns in a sequel with Craig

great script, direction, acting and pretty much everything else and it actually had a story and structure that made sense.

while Mendes makes skyfall and spectre where most of the plot makes no sense and scenes are just put in because they "look cool"

Proyas is a fine example, but my response was going to be, "Shit script = Shit movie."

Sorry i disagree Spectre had such high potential but ultimately was a disaster.
i barely remember the plot it just seemed like it was going from scene to scene with no actual idea what was happening or where it was going.

saw part of this the other night, man it was Cozy and well paced

>Proyas also did that lame Cage movie.
HEY! Knowing was a brilliant film

>mfw the ending to the movie is spoiled in the poster

>i barely remember the plot
Bond undercovers a secret agency that has been responsible for his life's suffering and he runs into his old step brother.

That's basically it

the story was self contained.
the action had immediacy
there was a strong momentum to the plot
the story was self contained
bond was just quippy enough
vesper was just coy enough
the villain looked great
the story was fucking self contained
the plot was globe-trotting
the set pieces were grounded enough to have impact
the ending was satisfying.

What are the chances of Campbell doing the next Bond

They pulled every Bond string in the book while giving it a slightly more relaistic tone. None of the sequels were as good because they already ran out of juice after the first movie

No way, he's too old. Plus his chin is way too big.

They went back to the roots in the books and tried to make a good stand alone movie, not live of the others

it ended on a cliff hanger
skyfall was more self contained

>Spectre is better than Skyfall
I don't get this opinion. All Spectre has going for it is the opening scene and it's all downhill from there (parts of it legitimately damn boring), esp that cliched "yeah, let's walk into a trap knowingly, everything will work out".

Skyfall, for how unspectacular it was at least manages to shake things and end on a very un-Bond note. That showdown had some heft to it compared to Spectre's excessive contrivance/convenience.

Regardless, Casino Royale aside, all these Bond movies have been pretty damn mediocre.

What I don't get is how come people rank Skyfall and SPECTRE so differently even though they have the same director and lead actor and the only notable differences are in plot structure which is pretty irrelevant as far as the filmic quality goes.

Casino Royale > Skyfall > Spectre > a bowl of shit > Quantum

If you disagree you're automatically a pleb and should go back to le r3dd1t

It was a grounded reinterpretation of a franchise that had gone from fun adventure to retardedly camp shit

The sequel was not very good. So they followed that one up with two post-ironically over-the-top abortions of modern hollywood

I don' think reddit would be dumb enough to disagree with that

The train flirting scene was the worst in the film. Fact

Orphan detected

I don't know where you're going with the self contained thing. Sure it's preferable to have all your eggs in the basket but if anything CR works because-

>Bond girl is great AND plot relevant
>Villain is great AND believable
>Insecure, tentative Bond is infinitely more interesting a character then perfect, unflappable Bond
>No retarded gadget faff
>Central scene of the movie that's supposed to be the climax ISN'T the actual climax but is shot and edited and has the impact of one
>The plot still develops meaningfully after it
>For once in his life Bond is actually caught with his pants down
>For once in his life Bond actually goes through something resembling a character arc

S-shut up

I don't, tbqh. See . The one I rank differently is Casino which is much better and if anything, Quantum is the one I'd single out as worst.

>no retarded gadget faff
>Bond has an AED in his glove compartment that he can self apply

i feel like Casino Royale may eventually go down as not only one of the best bond films but one of the best actions films in history. it's just such a great film from start to finish.

the rest of craig's bond films pale in comparison

Are you seriously comparing that to a subcarmarine?
And the point was more about those stupid conversations with Q where Bond is told exactly how this inconspicuous pen that's actually a thermo-nuclear bomb is going to become useful in scene 43 when he meets hilarious clown-nosed henchman. And then surprise, there's a stupidly contrived reason for Bond to need the precise gadget he was given and told how to work 20 minutes in.

meant for

> saw this in 2006
> Eva Green wasn't even the hottest in the movie and didn't even stand out to me at the time.
> Didn't realize Mads was in the movie for years.
> thought I might have face blindness

Just realized they weren't decent enough actors to pay attention to.

I unironically enjoyed quantum of solace, didn't like skyfall and didn't bother with spectre. It's not on casino royale's level but it's an enjoyable bond/action movie.

What, Quantum? Eh, it just felt shallow and dull to me.

And right, if you didn't like Skyfall there's no reason to think you're going to like Spectre. If you can watch it for free, do watch the first 10 or 15 minutes because it's a legitimately great action scene and just turn it off once they get out of Mexico.

Casino Royale was just solid in every way.
>Opening scenes establishes a new bond perfectly, following the suave yet campy Brosnan, we are treated to a ruthless assassin who is more of a tool for the British government than a human being, only distinguished by his unpredictablility and aggressive approach to getting the job done.
>The original bond story beautifully encapsulating the tone and settings.
>The premise is simple, Bond must win a poker tournament in order to prevent a businessman from funding an international terrorist syndicate and potentially endangering the lives of thousands.
>Bond Girl is Vesper Lynd, not only staggeringly beautiful but also a highly complex character who has her own ulterior motives, maybe she's not the best Bond girl, but she is up there.
>Masterful action scenes that get the balance right of being exciting and engaging yet not suspending total disbelief, in most Bond films the stunts are real but the bar is set by an adrenaline filled parkour chase scene, an intense game of cat and mouse in an airport, a record breaking car crash and a staggering climax involving a sinking house in Venice. Only a Bond film can do that
>an amazing soundtrack, the grungy rock theme of casino royale is perhaps overshadowed by the flashy opening credits but the music perfectly fits the tone of class and chaos.
It's just a shame that the next films haven't really been able to follow up, Skyfall was closest but perhaps fell a bit short, Spectre had its moments but wasted potential and QoS is forgettable, but Casino Royale is truly a great bond film

TBF, that italian- mamma mia...

They actually looked at Flemings work and translated most of it to film

They dropped the ball in the next film because they asked themselves "what did people like about Casino Royale? The story or the action?"
And they answered "The action".
And so we got a film with a car chase, a motorbike & boat chase, and an airplane chase.

So I watch Spectre yesterday, and make this thread today , check catalog and see this thread.

I'll just copy paste.
>We all agree Spectre is the best >Bond movie and Casino Royale is the best Bond movie?
(Except two three cliches in Spectre. Most cliches are fine.)

the fuck was quantum even about? water or something

It was a genuine attempt to make a smart Bond movie. Damn shame they threw it all away with Quantum of Solace.

so they actually went and read the book

they had a chance here to start over from scratch and keep going with the next film adapting the next book
but no

Best Bond girl.

Why doesn't it get recognition as the best Bond theme? Even though it's a good song, why do people prefer Skyfall over You Know My Name?


Neoliberal reform agenda
Water rights in Bolivia
Privatization of public assets and utilities
Overthrowing governments that dont conform to the Washington Consensus

That whole credit sequence is great.
>why do people prefer Skyfall over You Know My Name?
Name recognition. Nobody knows who the fuck Chris Cornell is, everyone knows Adele.

>chris cornell
>shitty imac rotoscoping that would make Maurice Binder role over in his grave

Spectre music is fucking beautiful. It's one of the rare modern movies that made me smile. I agree some cliches were bad, but it's truly an enjoyable film and a great Bond film.

Skyfall, they didn't know what they were doing. Too cheesy. Bad way to do tragedy.

Casino Royale >> Spectre > Quantum > Skyfall

Change of mind.
Skyfall = Quantum

Also, Spectre got both girls right. Girl rating, CR > Spectre > Austin Powers > Skyfall > Quantum