Thoughts on this painting I did?

Thoughts on this painting I did?


8/10 i love it

lovin that shading and the contrasting background, who's the lady?

although the colors are bright, it's dark, like a scowl. like you just did something stupid and her anger is building inside.

Is this piece inspired by someone you know in real life?

Neck is a little long but I suppose thats just the style, and one eye is bigger than the other, but I'm not trying to be mean, just give constructive criticism. Overall, its very good, nice work.

5/10 looks like a giraffe and background is weird

It's not very good. If you keep painting then maybe you will start improving if you're dedicated

It's based on a picture of Vivian Leigh.

It's painted from a reference, but the emotion in it is inspired by my ex girlfriend

Yeah I noticed the eye after I painted it. I'm fixing it atm


Very cool. New screen for iphone.

I'm aware that the neck is long. It's a choice. I find long necks beautiful.

Tha fuck do you know?

hey thnks for standing up for my painting, but I wouldn't even try arguing.
If someone doesn't like my painting that's fine. You can have your own taste and opinion

I dig it. Fuck you want?

The green doesnt rly work in my opinion it builds a weird contrast to the warm red you used in the face

I approve of it.

go to

you should do book illustrations. I can see your style working really well there.

Just didn't go for the attitude.

I like the proportions and facial expression. Would love to see her nude ass.

Good idea!
I'd love to be a fine artist, but until then I'd have to do commercial work and illustrations would be a lot of fun to do!

mommy dearest


Pretty good actually

Thanks hunny