Black drivers think that they can fly when they accelerate

Black drivers think that they can fly when they accelerate.

Other urls found in this thread:

what did

>and people hate the chinese, when they are actually based


Because he's higher on the social ladder than all those gravel grabbers.

It's the new virgin boy pee cola.

He wasn't aside for a few instances. Most of the time he just seemed irritated or frustrated.

What's he from?

Why did you save that?

because it's funny and guarantees responses, desu. (~_~)

A documentary about chinese contractors in africa. It's like watching robots interact. Looks like a mockumentary but isn't.
Also, nigger-lovers on this site love the bit where the chinese gives the black guy a new asshole by shitting on "his people". When he's actually the only vaguely competent black dude in the movie.

In all it's like The Gods Must Be Crazy except depressing instead of funny.

Empire of Dust

post more Lao quotes

How is he vaguely competent? The only thing he can do of use is speak Mandarin and that's only for translating the nigger excuses.


>no matter how competent you are as a black man, you'll always be black

This is the feeling he was going through

because he actually know how to do shit

whats the name of the documentary? l've seen these threads and a few webms and have been meaning to watch it

empire of dust

He is a translator. He translates. You sound like one of those idiots that blames the Television when nothing good is on.

ty ty

Kids pissing in public isn't even a meme. You see kids doing fairly often, even in Beijing.

He conspired with the niggers and makes excuses for them instead of acting in the interests of his employer. He looks so despondent when he's getting btfo because he's aware that everything that's being said is accurate.

i don't even know what point you're trying to make. are you implying that everything needs to be an "approved meme" in order to be posted on an islamic image board for little girls?

I mean you're not taking an unusual picture out of context and that is a fairly common sight, unlike Americans sharting in the mart.

I live in a huge city and i've never seen this happen.

Only chinks would let their kids piss in public like that

Yeah, no. The chinaman isn't fucking stupid which is why he debates everything to the last fucking inch (also because the niggas aren't reliable). You really think he'd have let that guy "conspire" against him and done nothing? And what evidence is there of this?

And I know he knows. I never disputed that. What I do dispute is keyboard warriors thinking he gets btfo as if one guy can be held or made to feel responsible for decades worth of shit he didn't do only because "lol nigger btfo". That's retarded.

fix your google translator, baka

>free refill

>Only chinks would let their kids piss in public like that
This desu. I live in a port city that fills with Chinese tourists every weekend and they are the rudest people you can imagine. Not even Americans are that impolite and ill-behaved.


>he doesn't know

>acting in the interests of his employer
no one gives a fuck about the other so hes like whatever bro

>designated shitting street and pee in cup with assless pants are the 2 most populous countries in the world
Future's lookin' up!

I live in the UK and this is uncomfortably true

Because he's based chinaman, that's why.

Do you think he'd get to keep his job if this was the case? Think with your money not your asshole.

Also, sometimes it's better to hear an opposing view than get lackeys who suck your dick.

lol i'm from the US but i can't even deny it, this meme is funny as fuck

Walmart shoppers are literally trash.

At least East Asians use less welfare and commit less crime than any other demographic of immigrant. I don't mind them too much.

t. Canadian

>I don't mind them too much.
as if you have a choice.

>I wish Mao was here to gas these worthless fucking niggers

Was he taking it too far when he said this?

I'd choose crime over annoying Asians though so what's up

na, he was just a bit upset and tired .. i'm sure he didn't mean it

Of course. He's a nice Chinaman.

What the fuck is an east asian? An Arab? A Sikh? A Paki?


Are those on the fucking eastern part of asia?

>Round up all these apes for the re-education camps

Was worse imho

t. faggot aussie dick tickler

That's the basic races from turkey to china, yes. Unless you want to add russians.

And that still doesn't answer the question.

It's basic geography:

East Asia = China, Korea, Japan, etc.

South Asia = India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

South East Asia = Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.

Look at a map. East is on the right, retard. He means Koreans, Vietnamese, etc.

Beh, had it backwards. Disregard, suck dicks, etc.


Imagine if you'd looked up your simple question in a search engine, east asian as a well defined term you illiterate slob.


best scene

Google East, you'll be surprised to find out it's actually the opposite of West

Me Chinese me play joke me go pee pee in your coke

that black guy was based, the chinese dude in all the screencaps was a massive autist

anyone thats actually watched the documentary would know that

Yeah no, chinese guy was best.

Etiquette and manners dont exist in China. Aside from hotel and restaurant employees on the clock.

Based Eddie bringing the bants

That's pretty fucking useful

He was a knobhead like the rest of them. He was just the one nog in the country that wasn't illiterate.

the chinese guy was shit at his job.
you only side with him because he's less dark than the african.

>anyone thats actually watched the documentary would know that
I just consume whatever bits and pieces of information Sup Forums feeds me.

The thing is while I'm trying to be ironic in saying that, the fact that I thought this film was literally just "Chinese guy talks down to disadvantaged people: the movie".

everyone point and laugh at him!

Would liberals identify with the black guy? While watching all these?

I am curious about how much does Yang represent the Chinese people working in Africa.

Do they all think like that?
Or do they have some third world solidarity with Africans ?

>third world solidarity with Africans
For a super satan you're very compassionate

nice bait m8

>only thing

He could also speak African French, African English and I think they implied he could also speak one more language that wasn't Mandarin.

I'm not saying being multi-lingual to that degree is a sign of mega intelligence, but I've personally never seen a black guy know that many languages.

Speaks more than most white people I know, as well.

dude was apart from the rest of the africans working, probably because of his education.
being eddie must be suffering

Watched this because of this thread. The chinese are cheap and incompetent as fuck. Fucking camp manager spending his time trying to cheap on some chicken and bluffing they didn't have the money buy rocks at 5$/1m2. Also, cheaping on they pay and not hiring people with actual contracts but a day at the time, shitting on the actually competent workers and not having middle managers who actually speak the language and are motivated.

I'm not defending those workers who take hour long breaks, steal and don't do shit but c'mon people.

It says a lot when the Chinese, who are basically considered the absolute worst to work with in the world, find Africans even less tolerable.

I liked the part when they were soldering the door for the gravel truck (I don't know what they are called) and he yells at the African guy for not having the door connected to the piece he's going to solder.

This documentary says a lot more about the Chinese than it does the africans
>hire a team of random africans who all only speak french or some literally who different african language to save money
>only bark commands at them in chinese even when you have an interpreter right there doing nothing
>surprised nothing gets done and the africans are laughing at you.

based chink. at least he tells it like it is. no bullshit

The wielder probably didn't understand what the fuck he was supposed to do. Why didn't they fix that shit in the camp but had to drive to the gravel yard and make the gravel workers do it?

I don't know how they make contracts there but it seemed the Chinese just went to places, didn't say how much gravel they actually needed and tried to haggle the minimum price. Absolute disrespect to the supposed business partners.

this. people spit everywhere, even women. fucking subhuman chinks

>I don't mind people stealing and killing as long as they are funny

wew lad

Holy shit all these niggers apologists blaming chinks in this thread. Just let it go americucks, China will one day take your role as world leader.
No need to be so butthurt.


I'd add shit worker housing in 10$ tents.

Now that I think about it I guess the CREC 7 was just they infrastructure building company so they were put to work with minimal budget.

And those who criticize Eddy aren't probably even half the employees he is. Constant verbal abuse from superiors, knowledge he is looked down upon all collegues, has to haggle for his boss, has to probably spend his free time at the camp, etc..


I've seen nobody defend anybody else than Eddy.

You chinks cannot win because you don't give shit about anything else than the fucking dragon rising and class hierarchy.

>t. Xiang mei li

It is available on YouTube minus the music.

The black guy spoke at least four languages. The Chinese wasn't autistic, just very cheap and casually racist.

The Chinese try to make as much money as they can. Isolationist policies meant that they didn't participate in mass colonization. The current exploitation of Africa means to remedy that. They will get massive amounts of resources from Africa in exchange for loans and infrastructure projects. In this documentary, you see that they don't get the stone that they need, but use it anyway, because fuck it.

Isn't China also under colonization?

So do Chinese actually
>t. Chinese.

>black men have big dicks
>asian boys have tiny dicks
really makes you think

There was nothing casual about Yang's racism.

Also the documentary is about how when no one gives a shit, nothing gets done. Africa doesn't give a shit about china, china doesn't give a shit about africa, neither give a shit about working together or bettering each other, all either cares about is personal profit.

>muh disadvantages

We've been giving niggers all sorts of advantages and they don't do shit with it. They don't want to do shit with it. They will never do shit with it. Their entire civilization from the dawn of man to now is not doing shit.

I don't know how many times it needs to be said before you realize the truth.


the entire movie is the Chinese guy trying to coax the lazies to work. They give them a job, food, a place to live, and the blacks spend their whole day avoiding work

The Chinese are subhuman garbage, just try doing business with them and you'll understand really fast why they shouldn't be criticizing anyone even fucking niggers.