Attempt to carry out rape fantasy

>attempt to carry out rape fantasy
>turns out my girlfriend was actually raped at some point
>RIP my relationship

Im past sadness, i just can't believe my fucking luck. Well, sucks to be me. How are you guys doing?

Something like 3/4 women have been raped, so the odds were working against you.
Try having a normal fetish, like big clitoris.

>Something like 3/4 women have been raped
For realsies?

wow you fucked up man. on this shit you gotta be subtle and make em think its their idea.

>"You know actually in fact 99 out of every 100 women have been raped, but they just didn't report it!"
>"So how do you know it happened if it wasn't reported?"


Nah that's an exaggeration

You didn't just dive in did you? You did try to talk to her and see if she's into it first, right?

She probably just told you that to get out of having to play along with your shitty fantasy.

So... What actually happened is you tried to rape your gf and are sad that it didn't go well? Because playing out a fantasy isn't something you just go ahead and do without the other person knowing, that's fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid.

>wow you fucked up man
yeah, i don goofed

maybe she also wanted to get out of the relationship cause thats what she did
i went straight in, like a retard. Now she knows im a nice guy but i remind her too much

>So... What actually happened is you tried to rape your gf and are sad that it didn't go well? Because playing out a fantasy isn't something you just go ahead and do without the other person knowing, that's fucking stupid. You're fucking stupid

NO YOU PIECE OF SHIT, I DIDNT RAPE HER . I just brought the idea to the table. But now in her head im a rapist

>i went straight in, like a retard
What town do you live in so we can check the news when you're arrested?

first time for everything kid. honestly though, you dodged a bullet kinda. if she was ready to end a relationship on that it means shes far from done healing and not ready for relationships. not to shit on her but thats not some shit you necessarily want to be dragged into.

>I was raped
>Fuck... I can never fulfill my dream now!
>Being this selfish

See? This is why I come back to Sup Forums

Lol what did you tell her after she told you about being raped

Well that's not carrying it out as you said in OP so learn 1) what words mean and 2) not to rape your girlfriend

no you fucker it was more like i said "now im gonna rape you, during dirty talk and well, now she thiks im a rapist

dude thats not what he said. she ended the relationship when he brought up the fantasy. dumb move on his part for being blunt but he's clearly upset at losing the relationship, not at the fact he cant do the fantasy.

>Lol what did you tell her after she told you about being raped
i told her "sorry im a retard"

>I have a rape fantasy and said I was going to rape her and now she thinks I'm a rapist
Wow why would she think such a thing how unreasonable of her



You fucked up you should've said "I'm sorry I didn't know. I'll make it up to you How about you rape me with that strap on?" Then boom rape fantasy back on

"Now I'm gonna rape you"

You need to record this shit next time, OP.
The first autistic porno, you'll make fucking bank.

What I'd like to know is why you didn't know she was raped.

Do SO's not tell their SO's about stuff like that anymore, or are my girlfriend and I more open about that shit?

I call BS. Shitty B8 is shit.

some women have fantasies of being raped. I assume you think its okay if they get raped then?
having a rape fantasy =/= wanting to rape someone

You tried to rape her without talking about it first? Holy fuck Sup Forums you never disappoint.

nigga you think i didnt try that? go back to your watermelons. I tried it all.

Now the veredict on her part is very clear. She doesnt think im a bad guy but is too disgusted at me having rape fantasies

Nigga how dumb are you?

doot dee doot I'm just gonna pretend to rape you that'll be cool right?

jesus fuck that's some high octane autism

Could've been worse.
She could've been like "I'm actually retarded you ablest prick!"

1. Nice tits on the girl in that picture
2. Talk it out with her if you love her more than rape fantasy. Otherwise lol have fun dying alone (like me).

Ariel winter

She's gonna tell her friends and everyone's gonna know you're a rapist

For varying definitions of rape, yeah

>Nigga how dumb are you?
apparently, a lot
haha made me kek user, thanks

>love her more than rape fantasy
i absolutely do not. but i talked things out with her, and i learned from previous relationships that sometimes its just pointless to fight it.

probably, i dont care

>For varying definitions of rape, yeah
bullshit, i want to see statistics.

Is there any kind of sex that DOESNT qualify as rape?