New flufy thread last one died

New flufy thread last one died




You still there, Jerry user?






Just finished reading The Fall Of Cleveland
Anyone else read it?
I recommend it to everyone here
Great writing great story with a little bit from all of the boxes



8 more gworious yeaws of teaws. Wemember dat we won, an dere's witerawwy noting you can do about it. Stay ass bwasted, because when da day of da fowevah sweepies comes, you poopie babbehs and dummehs are witerawwy going to get youw asses bwasted for aww your anti-fwuffy pwopaganda and aww da people whose wives you've wuined because you couldn't accept da fact dat da hewd was perfectwy fine, aww tanks to smawties. Maybe when society finawwy cwumbles and you'we getting youw skulls bashed in fow being dummehs, you'ww wish you had wistened, an maybe you'ww weawize dat we were da bestest fwuffies aww awong. Oh wait, you won't, because you'ww be too busy spweading youw asshowes fow Tywone an Paco to weawize how bad da wowd weally is. Oh well, is not wike we would have spared you, anyway. Fwuffy can't wait to see you aww cowwapse to da gwound and start cwying when Twump wins we-ewection in 2020 jus how you did when he won da first time. And yes, we'we going to keep winning so hard, dat you wiww witerawwy be begging us to stop winning so much. Fwuffy see you again in 4 yeaws, dummeh.

My intense samefaging is intense
Lurkers feal free to contribute



fat lil fluffies

Hallo, Ed-Boy! Many doors, yes?

Fat fluffies

I never did care for Aichi's drawing style.






I love the tears and desperation.

>fluffies are sentient
>fluffies can communicate
>are technically intelligent
>capable of very basic tasks
So what's stopped fluffies from basic things, such as agriculture?


Their high mortality rate in the wild?

I would say lack of intelligence.

lack of opposable thumbs

It's a hell of a technicality.

Hey guys, dumping a few OC I made, looking for opinions. I was just in the last thread, but this is a new one so, yeah.

Nice find

>man the captchas are killer tonight, just had 3 select around the sign ones in a row.

This one is some headcannon i just wrote up, also usable for a get-to-know fluffies for anyone new. take it or leave it, don't matter.

They're effectively retarded. What would happen if you let a person with Down's syndrome try to farm?

Suppose that if given a secluded region, no natural predators or any human intervention, with enough supplies; Could a large group of ferals develop their own culture, or even a language?

When the fuck is mcgonagall going to post an update, holy fucking shit


this one is 4/7

They already have a language - English. As for a culture, I'm not sure.

they seem to be genetically programmed for english, but there are already stories of them developing culture in their own way, such as the fluffalo and their native-american influence, though that seems to be fuzzy whether that was on purpose or not. The mirofluff greentext had a lot of human intereference, but the fluffies adapted their own way.
>also 5/7


>7/7 and my favorite personally. I think its the best quality-drawing wise at least, though i think i did alright with the perspective on

They die easily cause of their curiosities and stupidity odds are they would still die only thing that keeps the species alive is their breeding rate. Which would kill them to cause they would eat all their food and then each other.

raptor's birthday thread is kill ;^;


Happy birthday to them regardless.

If they developed a culture, what would it be like?

They will eat all the seeds before planting them

Down southeast, I think they would have a better time living, even feral. There is a lot that doesn't freeze over and they might be able to subsist better, supporting larger populations. The trick is avoiding predators, but if they could find a sweet spot within a few miles of a population center in the less than 10k range, they would do pretty well.

Ok so there wasn't a thread earlier so I made one but then someone else made another one and a couple people got butthurt that I made a thread so I'm trying this again.
Raptorfluff reporting for duty
here's the deal.
I had a hell of a great day, it was my birthday, the guy I like texted me, etc, etc.
I also got some fuckin copics
those are fancy ass art markers.
I'm in such a fucking great mood that I will do a fully colored, lined, and shaded request for either dubs+ or something that interests me.
no nsfw and I have the right to refuse.
the attached picture has all my copic colors on it.

yaaaay raps :3

Happy Birthday.

How about a fluffy caught in a leg trap and is forced to deglove it's own leg to escape.

draw the Wall of Flesh as a fluffy

See that's the thing they would thrive but only for a short time before they just deplete their resources and have to move themselves.

oooh I do like that... I'm gonna wait a bit though.

A brown mare rejecting her non-brown colored foals.

Just some abuse

Heavily environment based. if they dont move much, they would start learning about their environment. It would also likely be a very spiritual thing, like natives and shit, because animialism was, like, the first step in religion. It would be heavily tainted by their genetic imprinitng (skettie land and color based caste system). So they would get something like a native american mindset with mental images of skettieland instead of the great hunting grounds in the sky. Things like snakes and predator animals would be feared, defended against, but ultimately worshiped as an inevitable section of life. Every mare looses a couple foals to a snake or fox, while the elderly or sick get offered to the coyotes or bobcats while the others hide in a small cave or an abandoned camper trailer.

you know what, as a gift i will make whatever request you have for fluffies
-astrofluff :3

and happy birthday btw

You got promise. You just need to focus on the expressions more. Really got that pain and suffering the fluffs endure.
an good example is Spoosh, Ms art, not super detailed but you are able to gleam a lot from the faces.

Keep at it!

True, but if they are on the outskirts of a town, a landfill would keep them fed indefinitely and they can get other food during the summers. They aren't as bad as locusts, but they are admittedly worse than most other pests.

That was beautiful.

Thanks. I don't aspire to be great, merely adequate though. I have a lot of problems with artistic expression, but I like seeing new content, and people enjoying new content, even if its kinda meh.

Shit, thanks dude. I'm glad someone likes the headcannon. Everything on the booru is so all over the place. Growth rates, origins, all that is very hazy other than a couple absolutes. that's my attempt to consolidate. glad you enjoyed.

That would work but they then would die from being ran over by trash trucks or buried alive. Either way it is a death sentence.

Understandable. Im currently doing fluff writing. Just keep going. Expression is what it is about.




Question time: how different do you think feral fluffies are to domestic fluffies?



But then they shit out the seeds, which plops them smack dab into fertilizer.

Also happy birthday.

A fluffy wearing glasses.

only difference i believe is more smarties exists feral then domestic.

Genetically the same, even after a few dozen generations.
Intellectually, they seem to share the ability to just speak babbling english, even if they haven't heard it before. ferals might be smart or stupid depending on how long they have been out there. a 5th generation feral would be smarter than a 1st gen feral, but I would say most domestics are still smarter due to upbringing and training/teaching, but they would be out of their element outdoors, where ferals that come indoors automatically made a mistake right there that can cost them their lives.

I think I'll do this one, It's something I haven't seen before and I really like it.
aww thanks! hmm.. let's see... some kind of normally cute animal disemboweling a fluffy.
I also finished some owed art of Merlin.

I already have something similar to that.
a fluffy scared after his daddy put sunglasses on him.

Who's the artist? I've been looking for this one forever!

Oh cool!

looks like it's dust collector

Oh. Duh.

I love it. The fluffy isn't being an ignorant smarty, it's being a reasonable and hopelessly loyal and nice creature.

In terms of evolution, not to much. It will take time and a population bottle neck to really get differences going. Fluffys breed like crazy, no bottle neck coming any time soon.

domestically, it might be bred out a bit.
you would be surprised what a few generations can do. I breed cats (one of the reasons I like this a bit) and I can get rid of negative attitude traits through a combination of breeding and training/letting the other cats teach a lesson within 5 to ten generations.
Animals are smarter than they let on. If they get punished for something and then a new guy makes that mistake and they get punished too, that creates a cascade that results in them punnishing the offender. fluffies are "smarter" than cats by a long shot.


How about this; A smarty lives in a place with abundant mediocre food, but spies, across a town, a brightly illuminated Sketty!

So it convinces the rest of the herd to follow it to the sketty, because as smarty it's completely confident that it knows best. This includes its speshaw fwiend+babbehs.

As it makes its way across the town, it gradually loses its herd, some to cars, some fall into storm drains, some get attacked by abusers and are abandoned by the smarty.

Finally, they see the sketty high above, and they begin to climb the building to reach it, but just as they get there the speshial friend almost falls, but the smarty shakes her off, letting her fall to her death while he runs towards the sketty...only for it to be a billboard.

He tries to eat it anyway but only hurts his mouth, tries to make bad poopies on it but the wind blows them back onto it.

Finally it turns around and begins to cry that it's hungry, lonely, and misses its speshul friend, when suddenly its speshul friend's babies crying in the distance! It crawls over to the edge and looks down, and sees them still alive atop the dead body of their mother far below!

It calls out that it'll rescue them, but they promptly run out into traffic.

Up above, it tries to get down for a while but is too afraid and the jumps are too far without other fluffies to walk on top of. At last, it remembers all the fluffies it sacrificed to get there and slowly curls up into itself in despair.

In the very end, it wishes it could go back home to the pasture it had lived in before, and it looks out and sees that pasture far away, filled with playing fluffies. Excited, it orders the fluffies there to come rescue him, but they're too far away and can't hear him, so slowly he gives up hope and finally lies down and surrenders to despair.

Far in the distance, one of the fluffies playing in the field faintly hears the first fluffy calling, and looks up, only to see the bright sketty, far away...

yah but thats guided by a human hand, we are talking about wild fluffys with just weard ass psycology

>ywn sabe cawwot

holy shit that is amazing. that would be a much longer comic but I'm down. it'll take a day or two for both these comics though!

This is some 10/10 suffering I can enjoy.

Just by making oc you are doing great work

I love it

Happy birthday :-)
