I'm an Existential Nihilist ask me anything

I'm an Existential Nihilist ask me anything.

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hahahaha human life REALLY does have meaning hahahahahaha my intellect is unbeatable fuck you

Prove it.

Want some?

What idea stops you from killimg yourself

Bing bang? Bing bang LSD?

What difference would it make weather I'm dead or alive?

What do you think Nietzsche meant when he had a breakdown and said "I understand you" to that horse?

She looks like her pussy stinks. No I do not want some.

That pussy is fine user top shelf

No one really knows the answer but I think he put himself in the horses shoes and imagined his life as a farm animal doing the same thing everyday not knowing any different. But hey, he was having a breakdown maybe we shouldn't put reason into it.

If she is fine with casual sex I'll take her.

The only reason nihilism means anything to you is because you're not a nihilist.

K lol

Yup swinger

Still lurking want moar?

Whats the meaning of life?

That must be exhausting

How do you manage to be so cool, edgy, and smart, all at the same time?


If you knew anything about Nihilism you would know that we believe life has no meaning.

Work out, make friends, get a good education, etc. Pretty much how anyone else would do it.

what do you want to see?


Have you read Mitchell Heisman's suicide note?

Anything that isn't gay.

Correct answer would've been, "There isn't one."

why do that if life has no meaning to you


you can tell when OP is typing because he deliberatley types as edgy and correctly as he possibly can

youre a real asshole pal

Just looked it up. So yes I have read it.



You read a 1905-page PDF that you just looked up.

That's just how I type friend.

How do you deal with all these fuckers in the new age crowd. I'm at my wits end. I know I'm not right in any way... but that doesn't mean that the super being thoth from the 6th dimension who told melkhezedek was right because you bought his workshop. It's fucking hell bro.

>says friend at the end of his sentence

Oh lol I looked it up on Google Images and read the first pic. Could you provide a link?

Oh... we're not friends now? Damn user that cut deep :'(

This. You're probably some faggot kid who's watched Rick and Morty and thinks he's deep.

If you understood Nietzsche, you'd know that he isn't a nihilist, that he just predicted the advent of nihilism in the future, which the social dogma that everyone seems to follow as of late.
Basically, he saw that Christianity no longer had it's place in society and was deeply saddened by this (which is why he exclaimed "god is dead," not because he was some edgy atheist faggot like you), because he knew that without a moral compass such as religion, man would degrade into a being that lives only for physical pleasure.
I'm assuming that as an "existential nihilist," you think that life has no true meaning, and that we're all gonna die.
You probably haven't read a single page off of Beyond Good and Evil.


people like you make me cringe on so many levels.

Fundamentally, being a nihilist who idealizes figures as a basis of a personal philosophy inherently attaches purpose and meaning to a philosophy that is supposed to reject all notions of such. Then you declare and espouse it to people like they care.

Like, we get it. You're a nihilist and you take pride in it. Go brag about it on your Grindr profile. Maybe then you'll find another faggot that'll give a shit and rim you for it.

Well duh, hes obviously a high level scholar that rolled major psionics. He picked speed read and total recall when he picked his psionic powers.

specific user what do you want to see


The main goal of his thesis is to explain politics and religion through evolutionary biology.

I've never watched Rick & Morty. And the portrait of Nietzsche is just a place holder because it's the only image I have relating to the topic, why do you assume you know everything about me? You do probably do it for your ego :/ And yes I have read Beyond Good and Evil.

It's a random board I can post whatever I want. I'm not taking pride in anything just felt like starting a discussion thread.

You're either make or female.
Your stupid, made up "gender" consists of made up words.

Existential nihilism, what the fuck is that? You're neither male, nor female, and you're only attracted to plastic shopping bags?

Grow the fuck up, snow flake.

>I'm an Existential Nihilist ask me anything.

seems like a pretty self centered discussion. Are you sure you don't take pride in your belief system? Because only a fucking narcissist would consider an AMA as a 'discussion'.

You're using your ideology as a springboard to talk about yourself.

>Goes to Sup Forums for a discussion

You're right. Discussion isn't the correct word.

I'm definitely a guy attracted to women, not sure where you got that impression.

That's kind of a bad example because "I'm a [thing], ask me anything" is an established phrase. He could've said "Ask an Existential Nihilist anything," and omitted both pronouns, but it's probably not the first choice for opening this kind of thread.

That said, everybody's favorite topic is themselves.

Why can't I be happy?

Explain your situation.

The inexistence of transcendent meaning is equally arbitrary a judgement to its inexistence from a logical standpoint, given that the subject is one that by definition presents itself absurd to reason. What do you say to that?


"AMA" is the phrase you're looking for, as in
>I'm X ask me anything

The only people who do AMAs are people who actually do things with their lives of actual interest/value to other people, and narcissists.

If you were joking, you wouldn't use a topic that embodies something so personal as a belief system, unless you think your own belief system is a joke, which then by all means, I'm fucking laughing. Edge lords ARE hilarious haHAA.

Why not, user?

How are meaningless beings capable of giving meaning to themselves? Nietzsche's philosophy is an unspeakable megalomania.

I have a job, I make money, and I have the things happy people have, but I feel nothing.

Was Donnie out of his element?

He could also say "Lets talk about X" and leave the 'self' out of the discussion entirely.

Unless you somehow find a reason to include the self, implicit or explicit, as a relevant element on a discussion of a topic, it only serves to mislead and undermine the intended focus of a discussion.

Then why not just kill yourself?

Do things that interest you, have fun with your life.


If life has no purpose why live?

This homo has been retorted into oblivion. He left the thread in order to re-evaluate himself.

Because nipple tits mc apple fritter nigger.

What would be the point?