Why cant black guys cum as much as white guys?

why cant black guys cum as much as white guys?


You're a special kind of dumb, aren't you whitey?

prove me wrong

I mean it does seem true

does nobody know?

End it nigger

whoa no need to be racist here

you must be new here

what do you mean?

Because they're lazy and not getting public assistance compensation for it.

Withe are the

Because withe are the master race

they fuck more, so their storages generally run low

but then why is their population so much lower


need answers

Somebody answers trip's fucking question

nobody can

because they are genetically inferior.

Question to all, how much come is a regular amount? Am I infertile for only producing a very small amount?

also curious

Too much dick to go through.

i dont think that impacts volume

so many good questions in this thread

answers that nobody has

cum is white

if cum was black then sure

God's form of negroid population control, clearly it isn't working that well and He put a little too much of the "flight or be a dad syndrome" in them and flight is the #1 choice as well.

wtf is with this racism

Not racism, it's science.

pretty sure its racist