In all honesty, is this worth watching?
In all honesty, is this worth watching?
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Yes, but in season 1 you can fast-forward a bit every time Mads is not on screen. Season 2 and 3 is easily top 5 visually stunning TV kino.
not really. his standup is better.
kino all the way bb
I don't know, do you enjoy the purest kino television has to offer? Because that's exactly what Hannibal is. It only gets better, and when it ends, you'll feel hollow.
the series is over?
i dropped hannibal at s2 after the man bear episode. literally one of the worst episodes i have ever seen. sad since it just came off from a good episode from the slide lady
Best food show since No Reservations.
Cancelled after the 3rd season.
It's shit.
Your suspension of disbelief was not troubled at all by the abundance of artistic serial killers?
No reservations is legit kino, so i'll take your word for it.
Yeah it's interesting and has food kino on top of the good plot
couldn't get into it personally
some nice productions value, but the whole procedural "serial killer of the week" shit is extremely mediocre and filled with clichés. Dropped after 3/4 episodes.
no that's not it. its just that the stupidity of the man bear was just too much
yes, if you want a homosexual romantic story
Plot is average story full of pretentious dialogues and characters (interestingly enough Hannibal is the least pretentious of them all), it drags like hell and either irritates you or makes you sleep. But the visual side of the show is a grade A telekino.
it's pretty absurd but the s2 finale is one of the best episodes of tv i've ever seen.
Yes, it's amazing. S2 is the best
what the fuck? was there ever going to be? It's fucking over bro.
It's really shitty.
The redeeming factor is that Chorostecki, Muth, Dhavernas and Rohl don't remove their forearm hair.
Grade A+ visuals for a television series as mentioned before.
The dialog can be somewhat flowery and over the top at times.
Watching Hannibal cook and arranging his murders like a beautiful flower set never got old for me.
It's actually still possible. Fuller will still do it if someone picks it up.
Believe, you cunt.
literally tumblr: the show
anyone who likes this show should leave this board and fuck off back to tumblr where they belong