The score being, obviously, subjective
Last 8+/10 film you watched
Other urls found in this thread:
Throne of Blood
Night Moves
Night Moves 1975, I mean
The Neon Demon
Master and Commander
I enjoyed Florence Foster Jenkins way more that expected. Easy 8/10.
>Try to watch this
>Turns out it's a trilogy and i downloaded the third part which takes off right where the second one ended
>Anna Kendrick
>decent action
>decent plot
Great comedy/romance flick
>tfw you'll never make sweet loving sex to a syphilis infected granny meryl streep
Saw it last night for the first time.
I loved it. Christopher Walken was mesmerizing, and I got really fucking sad that John Cazale died as I realized halfway through what a GOAT actor he was.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter... and spring was disappointing.
That poster gave me some feels ;_;
pic related and fort apache
This little beast and pic related
In A Lonely Place
Pan's Labyrinth
Watership down and the say they both just about scrape an 8 in my book.
Are the sequels as good as the first one? I only saw the first one
In a Lonely Place
Great movie.
Magic Mike XXL
Une journee d'Andrei Arsenevitch
Watch uncle boonme
And find God
The Truman Show
Thanks, been meaning to. Looks promising. I thought spring was a bit boring, visually not very impressive (it had so much potential), and storytelling pretty weak. It's also quite shallow; not at all abstract, incorporating stereotypical, bland acts as signifiers, and the pace is too slow for its own good. It isn't a bad film, but it wasn't very good either imo. Yi-yi and Chou-chou, being recent films I watched, were great though.
Nah I thought it was very mediocre too
Kim ki duk said that he didn't knew anything about budism and mostly took everything out of his ass, which killed the spiritualistm the film could have offered
Uncle boonme, cemetery of splendor and after life are quite superior
The Inugami Family.
The remake was probably better though.
Do rewatches count?
If so than John Carpenters Halloween
If not than Mean Creek.
Persian girls are so hot
This may be my favorite movie of all time. The pure control of his craft and clear vision is laudable alone. RIP Kiarostami ) :
Such a wasted opportunity then... I wonder why it is so highly acclaimed though. Ebert gave 4 stars, but only 2 to Chou-Chou, and the reviews were written as if it describes the other film. Weird.
Saw this two days ago on a rainy afternoon. Why is Carell so based?
>Spring, summer, autumn, winter... and spring was disappointing.
Stay far away from the rest of his filmography then. SSFWAS is the only consistently good thing he made, instead of half bad/half good (Samaritan Girl), half good/half bad (3-Iron) or entirely awful (Time, Coast Guard, etc.)
Rush Hour 2
When it came out
who the fuck know that Will Ferrell can act ?
i thought it gonna be another shitty comedy but i was proven wrong
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days
I honestly refuse to watch any film whose promotional materials consist of rich people trying to look whimsical or smug, they're all the same pseudo Woody Allen films and they're never good.
Good rule, 2bh.
As a rule, I refuse to watch anything with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant in it. Especially Meryl Streep.
That's another good rule that also coincides with mine a large part of the time.
The obvious exception being any time where dingoes eat babies.
i really enjoyed this more than i thought i would. the script was nothing special but the cinematography and the performances were absolutely stellar. really interesting take on the temptation
Yes, this movie was a fucking surprise. Came for the plot stayed for the feels.
Hail Caesar was a solid 8. I think that was the last one i watched.
I was very underwhelmed with Hail Caesar. I had just seen Inherent Vice a few days before, and I was just thinking the whole time watching Hail Caesar how the atmosphere was very similar to Inherent Vice, but just felt much much cheaper. The humor was off for me at most points, and the acting across the board was uninspired.
Could you tell me what you found in it that you liked to much? I'm genuinely curious.
This had been sitting in my backlog for nearly three years and I had forgotten all about why I put it there so I had no idea what I was in for. It's great stuff.
>tfw you will never be a con man with qt tomboy daughter
>Sweet Smell of Success
Excellent performances from Burt Lancaster & Tony Curtis
Sharp and crisp script with attention to dialogue in terms of the vocabulary used and mannerism
Clever use of angles to show the dominance of Burt Lancaster's character
Thanks, what a hack.
I personally liked how it managed to cross and honor most classic movie genres by being part noir, part musical, part soap opera, part adventure.
I also loved the communist subplot.
Granted it is not the best work from the Cohens but it was pretty enjoyable on itself.
As a comedy i felt it was pretty good considering the state of comedies today.
one of my favourites
Were you the guy that asked if you should continue to watch Persona in the Criterion thread?
Fair enough.
Conan the Barbarian
i'm ready for my close up!!!
Too bad all the Persian girls are now decomposing in their graves because Persians don't fucking exist anymore you autistic sack of shit.
No, strange question to ask though.
One of my favourites
This but I'm not sure if 7 or 8
I just watched this mainly because I never saw the cartoon as a kid and would probably give it an 8 when taking everything into account including the first technical execution of talking animals that didn't look cheesy to me.
I remembered that my dad had this film somewhere in his stacks. Decided to watch it last week because it must've been one of his favorite films.
>that first russian roulette scene
It's iconic for a reason. What a fucking scene.
What did you think of the movie overall?
Diary of a Country Priest. It was my first Bresson.
Holy shit.
awww fuck yeah
It was honestly brilliant. I'm surprised how fast the first hour zoomed by. The rest of the film was like that--totally engaging. Real rats. Real terrible waters. Real Viet Cong who wanted to slap the piss out of Walken.
Two of my friends saw it and were annoyed by how long the wedding was. They had read beforehand that it was a war movie and they were just waiting for the combat.
The first hour of the film is so incredibly important for the film, giving this group of friends time to establish characters, letting us as the viewer really believe these people. They feel like real people who are real friends, which makes Vietnam and the aftermath so heartbreaking.
I honestly think that The Deer Hunter should be viewed blind. No prior knowledge, if at all possible.
And yes, I love how real everything feels. Nothing looks fake because nothing is. Every single thing in the movie looks lived-in and tactile. You can almost "feel" the movie, there is no gloss to it.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
I hate that he always gets cast to play the same, stupid man-baby character.
>Every single thing in the movie looks lived-in and tactile
You should watch Heaven's Gate too. It's the same in that aspect, and in my opinion a better film, although I still love The Deer Hunter.
I'll be sure to do that. All I know about Heaven's Gate is that Cimino lost his mind waiting for clouds during filming and that he had a gigantic set dismantled because the street was the "incorrect width".
why was she "married" to the rich jerk? Why not make she was engaged ?
Not that it detracts from the film, it's just weird that she needed to get the wedding annulled ? Instead of just running away at the end during the ceremony
>people are too dumb today to get the walls of Jericho reference from the film
La Dolce Vita
8/10 for Anita Ekberg and the entire film sticking with you. Still not sure what to make of it though, it was a very weird and unexpected film.
Yeah, they gave Cimino pretty much unlimited budget to do whatever he wanted, which of course ended up in disaster when the movie flopped for apparently no reason other than it wasn't what people expected, it was too long and the bias caused by all the production issues. It also basically bankrupted the film production branch of the Transamerica corporation.
Still, in retrospect most people agree that it's one of the best american films in history.
So kinda like Apocalypse Now but without the success afterwards?
By the way, if you haven't seen Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse, I very highly recommend it. Nearly as good as the film itself.
Huh, I didn't know there was that much history behind Apocalypse Now. Thanks for the rec, I'll watch it.
be sure it's the Director's Cut of Heaven's Gate
magnet for 1080p 2012 directors cut
Apocalypse Now has been voted to have the most troubled production in film history. You won't believe the shit that happened during that multi-year shoot.
Honorable Mentions: Aguirre the Wrath of God, and Fitzcarraldo.
Cool beans, man.
As a rule, i never watch films with dead people in it.
do you have a yify version?
I have the exact opposite rule. Especially when it comes to porn.
Performance. It's like a goddamn British Persona.
Also Cria Cuervos.
Sexy Beast
It's better than Persona.
Imagine being so autistic you sit through a tedious 10 hour long film trilogy just to try and show off on an anonymous imageboard.
That's a pretty bold statement, but honestly I don't disagree with you. It's at least a contender.
If you haven't seen it, check out Don't Look Now. Probably my favourite Roeg film.
Imagine being so literally autistic that you can't fathom that people aren't pretending to enjoy something you don't. :^)
Shameless 2013. Korean
Yeah, I have, actually. Don't Look Now is some great psychological horror and early Nicolas Roeg is pure genius. Personally I like Walkabout the best, but all 3 are masterpieces.
I've yet to see Bad Timing, though.
It was pretty good.
Solid 9/10. Loved it.
Anomalisa possibly and definitely L.A. Confidential. Stand by Me was also really good. As was The Bridge on the River Kwai.
Take Shelter 8/10.
It certainly was the most beautiful looking film I watched. The quality of that celluloid and use of lighting etc., holy fucking shit.