He did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong

I don't even remember what he did

Should've been a "What was his fucking problem?" thread.

Dr Hugh Mann. Human. Nolan is pure genius.

yes he did. he played the same role in two different movies within the same year

he scienced the shit out of him too much

he was but a mann

they came out different years

Dr. Big Guy. Masketta. BRAVO NOLAN

don't be pedantic faggot

interstellar came out in november 2014

the martian came out in october 2015


>11 months
>not roughly a year

Now who's pedantic?

Went solo crazy, wanted to sacrifice the mission to save himself

good idea

He shouldn't of attacked them, he should've came clean about everything, it's not like they would leave behind a valuable crew memeber who could help when the fate of the human race is at stake just because they're a coward.

No, Mann was completely selfish, Watney was not.

They were running low on fuel already, they could barely sent Brandt to Earth 2 using the black hole to slingshot the ship, and had to get rid of Cooper to lose weight, if you added Damon and the nigger to the ship they'd have died on space.

Yes he did, he was a fucking idiot. Had he just listened after he took over the spaceship and tried to dock to the endurance, he would have survived and everyone would have lived. He had no reason to assume that leaving Cooper and Anne Hathaway to die was the only way to ensure survival.

>No, Mann was completely selfish, Watney was not.

Because Watney was only being abandoned by humanity for the first time.

It's the same character.

I don't think that very small amount of weight would have made that much of a difference.
They could have just as well thrown out some luxury items like the video receiver or the meme whiteboards

>Watney, left on Mars by freak accident/mistake, clings to survival up until the last second when he is rescued. There is no consequence for this rescue and NASA chose to rescue him out of their free will.
>Mann should've known the odds were against him that his planet would be good, but was too self centered to consider that his planet would be shit. He then, against the good of the future of the human race, presses a button and goes to sleep so that he won't die alone.
The only constant is the will to survive, which is a trait that every human has.

You're a huge man

Watney's rescue involved a lot of him sciencing the shit out of things.

You don't think under his later name of Hugh Mann he didn't also attempt a one man (one Mann?) terraforming effort? Nolan probably just cut that for time.

>implying interstellar wasn't a sequel to the martian

Matt Damon just returns from mars and then goes back to space with a changed name because of his new, huge, inflated ego.


Also, jessica chastain plays her own great-great-great-granddaughter

What happens if you fart in a space suit?