What are some "Alt-right" movie characters???
What are some "Alt-right" movie characters???
suicide squad
Affleck Batman struck me as pretty alt-right
I don't know what alt-right is exactly but pic related is pretty based
Batman only works as a conservative.
this deserves a reboot
alt write is an indie bookstore
oh I see
this guy then
Han Solo
Jack Burton
Uncle Paulie
Tony Soprano
Mickey Goldmill
Captain Kirk
King Baratheon
Perry White
Jonah Jameson
Alex P Keaton
Archie Bunker
*teleports behind you*
they're all based liberals
>Tony "Charcoal Briquette" Soprano
Not a single one is a liberal.
we all know the average Sup Forumslack secretly wants to settle down with a high quality non-niggerish african-american woman
I'm pretty sure that Han Solo being the good chaotic neutral he is, later turned good, is a liberal. He believes in freedom, for fuck's sake. He fights for it. He is okay with pretty much anything as long as he has nothing to lose.
>only libs believe in freedom
what brainwashing centre did you go to lad
>liberals believe in freedom
The "liberals love freedom" meme needs to die. You also need to learn the difference between natural freedoms that we are born with and ones that people like you expect the government to give us (at the expense of other citizens, of course). Being treated like a baby doesn't sound like freedom to me.
this post triggered me hard senpai
All of you racist freaks should go back to
Walter White
Col. Saul Tigh (from BSG)
Shane (from Walking Dead)
Walt Kowalski (Gran Torino)
Sawyer (LOST)
Jack Donaghy (30 Rock)
Vic Mackey
Cliff Huckstable
namefags should go back to >>>/reddit/
I hear you even get to keep score of your shitposts there
Classical Liberalism is the epitome of individual freedom, however the modern western liberal is a statist with liberal social values.
>Sup Forums boogieman
>responding to one and declaring all
thanks for the filter
Where's the nigger board
Are you 11?
Liberals believe in "freedom"?
Do you understand even basic concepts of politics or philosophy??
Go spend the next 5-6 years reading up on political theory/ history and come back when you understand reality at a level sufficient to engage in a proper adult level conversation. Thanks
>Walter White
How do you deduce anyone's political leanings when the show never so much as mentions any characters political views?
>Walt Kowalski
Fairly certain he's a classic republican.
with shia lebouf and liam neeson
missed me yet?
Every one of the good guys in They Live is redpilled.
he'd be breaking shillarys balls right now
More like Sunglassed.
We Sup Forums now
Generally conservatives are thinly veiled authoritarians who believe in freedom for themselves and the biggest irony is that their idea of freedom is the unfettered ability to restrict the freedom of others
It's not about always about overt "let me tell you what I think bout everything" politics, it's how someone engages with the world around them. How honest one is about the han condition and its place in modern society.
- refused to accept charity
- started his own business, and (obviously) didn't pay taxes
-wanted to take care of his family above all else (tribalism)
- stopped caring about all the phony platitudes and politically correct jargon that everyone else abides by
- utilized violence when necessary
- admitted to himself that he was just an animal, a smart one, but an nimal nontheless
- was fairly honest about race
we've been Sup Forums for a while now
This is absolutely incorrect
It's totally correct
He was liberal from beginning. Being liberal doesn't mean being also nu-male cuck.
Sup Forums is better than this shithole
this is the liberal caricature of conservatives and primarily only applies to the super old ones who are about to die
meanwhile the conservative caricature of liberals being doublethinking numale cucks and sjws who choose feelings over logic at every possible occasion is both accurate and common among the youngest generations
Fucking this. They actually have far ranged threads about their medium, go into fringe specific branches (games) or technical sides (Denuvo discussions)
Sup Forums is just /sp & int/ spamming their shitty twitter screenshots and getting 'upset' over the only shit films they watch (top10 hollywood trash)
this fucking thread is proof of how shit Sup Forums is
No, it's incorrect.
"Liberals" (really regressive leftists parading around under that term) want BIG government. They want to interfere in every aspect of society, limiting opportunities for smarter people and increasing opportunities for less capable people. This ceaseless intervention is corrosive to society as a whole as it discourages gifted people from realizing their max potential. It's also entirely premised on a series of lies, (and you know why those lies are).
Classical liberals (true conservatives) want freedom and honesty in society.
Authoritarian conservatives (an oxymoron) are probably less than 1%, and most dwell in their mother's basement.
But regressive leftists are far more prevalent and destructive
Imagine Batman as a liberal.
>inherit father's hard-earned estate
>give it to the criminals who murdered him
Pretty much yes.
Vigilantes are a right wing thing.
The only correct answer.
>"Liberals" want BIG government
Conservatives just want more highly concentrated government power at the state level where the can rule as aristocrats over their little fiefdoms.More like of classic liberal (European) is 1% with Authoritarian conservatives being more common
You mean an actual liberal. What are now referred to as classical liberals.
They mean the weird modern quasi-marxists that currently call themselves liberals.
Alt-right refers to Americans exclusively
I can't think of any. I mean are there movies about people who never leave their houses, blame everything on other people and call you a cuck if you disagree with them?
You really can't into reality can you?
Conservatives don't want to rule barely at all. State Power is just a buttress against the large (and mostly bankrupt) Federal Government. It's not an end desire in and of itself.
How can classical liberals (conservatives) want more power/authority if their entire platform is premised on CUTTING TAXES (the mother's milk of regressive leftism/ Marxism) and shrinking the size of government. Wouldn't that strike you as illogical?
You're not very intelligent so you likely believe the false potrayal of conservatives that's rampant in the regressive leftist media. It's ok, they're targeting marks like you.
That's what the governement is for.
u 1st
Pretty accurate actually. I literally only come for memes
An hour and 10 minutes and this is what he came up with.
This is literally the peak wit, speed and intellectual processing power of a Marxist.
You're doing my work for me, pleb.
Is that Ryan Gosling? Sure looks like him
Obergruppenfuhrer from Man In The High Castle
Your the kind of asshole who thinks the world would be a utopia if only everyone possessed your particular brand of classic liberalism and that the magical wonders of capitalism will cure societies ills.We wouldn't even need a Government if people could all be as enlightened and privileged and an all around honest swell fellow like you
Batmans an SJW faggot
Again, incorrect.
You keep projecting a phantom opponent who just isn't there.
>Authoritarian Conservatives are 99% of conservatives
Even retarded edgelord communist teenagers don't believe this. You look like a fool for even suggesting it.
>Conservatives hate freedom
>I'm an asshole who believes the wonders of capitalism cure all ills
Far from it. But you need it to be true because the only way your illogical brand of pseudo-facism works is if your opponent is a crazy meanie bad guy. Otherwise, what you advocate for is somewhat dark, and deeply unfair. You tip your own hand when do things like this. It shows a complete lack of confidence in your core philosophy.
Capitalism is flawed but superior to statism.
What you're doing is backing the intellectual equvilent of a magic flying carpet because cars aren't perfect.
One day you'll grow up.
Virtually all characters with outdated values, because they are featuring in old movies, are alt right.
>current year: the post
>outdated values
damn it feels good to be on the right side of history
"Alt-Right" is a Jewish blanket term for anyone who isn't a good little goy.
Anyone spreading the term on either side is a zog puppet.
Traditional values:
Accept people, but be honest about their abilities
Accept people, cover up the truth about their abilities and chase everyone down who dares disagree with the cover up
No, he's not
>tfw alt-right means "flexible"
How come every retarded liberal who is being called out on his bullshit is taking about principles that him and other insane far left wingers abandoned years ago?
>all American Jack Burton
The first problem that arose was that Jack loves America, so he can't be a liberal.
Nah, Alt-Right is anyone who thinks the word Jewish is synonymous with anything they don't like. Even if its wildly inconsistent.
>Fun fact
>Jews are going extinct rapidly. Both genetically and culturally.
>They will be long gone by the time its even feasible for whites to go extinct.
The far left don't have principles, they have a vague sense that they're right (but they're not sure why), and they have a bunch of buzzwords and labels and key phrases that they are convinced give their "side" weight, because of the numerous assumptions surrounding these labels that they have drilled into their heads as fact. Usually by way of using major fallacies and circular logic to confirm their beliefs in an echo-chamber. Like a religious person, they prefer to view their dogma as self-evident rather than question their beliefs with an open mind. NB. There are non-leftists who do this too, but very few if any leftists who reason.
For example, take the "fact" that all Trump supporters are racist. This is unquestioned by the left, but why do they believe it? First, they assert that Trump is racist, based on the true claim that he said he wants to build a wall to prevent illegal immigration from Mexico. To a sensible person, this would seem like an attempt to enforce an existing law more effectively. To the leftist, this is racist because Mexicans tend not to be white and this law primarily affects Mexican criminals (illegal immigrants). White people saying/doing things that negatively affect "people of color?" How can that NOT be racist? (RHETORICAL QUESTION - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THIS)
So we have established that Trump is a racist. Only a racist would support a known racist, because the only issue on which one decides to support or oppose a politician is their position on racism - they're either "progressive" or "regressive," therefore all of his supporters can be dismissed as being racist by definition.