Post your last 5 rates on RYM gentlemen

Post your last 5 rates on RYM gentlemen

And if you disagree with someone, say so.
>Hardmode: and explain why

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rating singles

>rating babby's first albums in 2017



>being underage and thinking his opinion on singles matters

kill yourself

baby's first rym ratings
>Bernard Xolotl
good shit

tryhard profile

>tfw Holiday in Cambodia/Police Truck is one of those "oh wow haven't rated this wow" ratings

wew lad .25s
man I just can't dig The Ape of Naples at that level

it's well produced stuff for sure but there are some moments were it's just kinda boring or flat desu
do you like Royals

desu it wasn't my thing in 2013, still not my thing now
what is Herrgottsax like

I gotta start somewhere

why all the show for the sonemic thing? it feels like basically just a site upgrade with just a few new features. why the name change? why make such a big deal over something that functionally is essentially the same thing?

>do you like Royals
worst song on the album everything else is good

true but you shouldn't shit on people who rate singles

what is 3 in your rating system?

I always hear Wrong is a great album but I've not listened to it yet
heyo maybe I should check the album out then
doesn't really make sense to shit on anyone for rating anything desu

unless they rated it without actually listening

then that's fair

3.0 is basically just average, anything below isn't for me
wrong was alright, it had a few really good tracks on it but mostly your standard late 80s post-hardcore stuff. the first track was incredible, but the only other tracks that stood out to me were two lips and all lies

oh no

wacky German jazz fusion with sparse vocals. Abundant amounts of saxophone. One of the members is Büdi Siebert who did "Hmm..." which is an incredible avant-folk album.

>best album of the five is rated the lowest

you rate everything that's obscure and underrated

kill yourself

Hmm will look out for those tunes when I listen to it.
O boi. What exactly do you define as "wacky" tho?

You're right

maybe to you.

Well at times it's quite traditional. But they do some neat vocal effects and reverse tape tricks + other stuff. And I'm pretty sure Hitler makes an appearance early on.
Here's an excerpt

If you like it I'd highly recc Siebert's Hmm... as well.

sonemic will never lunch anyways

Inb4 lynching me for give the Unspoken King 3/5. It's really not that bad the spoken word bits are great. Admittedly the clean vocals are bad but overall it has some pretty cool moments on it.

Imagine getting this angry over someone on the internet.

ye this is p neat

thanks for the recs, bud
woah haven't seen you in a while

this was your first time listening to Murder Ballads or you just didn't rate it?

yeah, life is rough not much time for music

I been listening to nick cave since forever. its a hate love relationship

I used tor eally like him than hate most of his stuff now I still hate some but most albums are okay and some are good

