No wonder Rick and Morty fucking sucks now

no wonder Rick and Morty fucking sucks now

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Haha! Yeah they've gone from sci-fi adventure show with some random humor, philosophy, and morals to divorce drama with some sci-fi adventure and family tension.

That's a whole lot of white. Where's the diversity?

If they are going to make a point about equality hires, why not make them swallow the entire pill.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Yeah dan harmom is an sjw cuck

Awww muffin is someone threatening your dude bro safe space??

No fair! :(

I'm edgier than you are, the post.


No, it's not that it's a "safe space", it's a "women have never been and will never be funny" situation. Why invite people who aren't funny to write for you for your comedy cartoon show?
The FUCK is your problem? The only way to take what I said and spin it into what you interpreted, is to be a desperate virgin man or a bitter woman.

i can see your fedora from here, ya fuckin neckbeard

>not understanding women are innately less funny

Yeah you're not bitter at all. you just have a perfectly rational terror of cooties

Oh shit seriously? I was wondering why this new season just didn't have the oomph it once did. Especially the lastest episode where they claimed it would be so good, but turned out to be really weak.

Women aren't fucking funny. And now he's gone full SJW, favoring affirmative action over actual results.

Im a cringy fuckstick The post

>i have no argument but i still think i'm correct...for some reason
You lost, leave

Same reason why 53% of white women voted Trump. White privilege trumps any kind of other privilege.

I know shit about physics or obscure russian faggots and still do enjoy the show, it's funny, you dont need to justify the things you like being smug about them nigger

>episode 2

Zarna is that you?

The new season has been pretty funny. Maybe you're the problem.

If you don't watch the show, don't bother commenting. If you do, it should not be hard to notice that the show is changing from more of an episode-by-episode adventure show with some improvised humor and deeper philosophical topics to more of a continuous show focusing on the family. This also more or less happened to South Park in recent seasons.

Obviously with such changes, fans of the show will be upset. Some, like OP, attribute it to the changing writing staff. I don't know. I think they built up too much momentum and anticipation and are now too afraid to be as experimental, improvisational, and edgy as before.

No one cares about your moronic television show, pleb.

>New season not having enough lulz
>Two episodes in
>R&M had a gold streak
>Forgot about episode 1

Nigger s3e1 was good. Every show has their black sheep episode. Keep in mind we are dealing with one of the MOST complex cartoon shows in televised history EVER.

>Same reason why 53% of white women voted Trump.

How about Hillary was a shit candidate.

Typical liberalthink. ANY statistic is because of muh sexism/racism/white privilege.

WOMEN voters.

You cared enough to reply, loser, why you caring so hard?


What argument? Just pointing and laughing at fedora wearing, mra neckbeards. Like everyone else who knows you irl does.


Women are funny. Do you even know any?

The pilot was funny but only because of the April fools angle of the release. The latest episode was pretty weak compared to anything from the previous seasons, and they did exactly what every comedy show does when they're out of ideas. They turn it into a fucking drama.

>i laugh at girls jokes
no, stop, you're not a woman
>i still defend women
no, stop, you're such a virgin

Women are not funny. Have you ever HEARD any?

They're smart AND funny. It's no wonder they want at least 50% smart AND funny people to work on a show to smart AND funny.

>Women are funny.

Dan Harmon wanted it to be dramatic from episode 1, with Beth and Jerry. Fucking faggot asshole deserves to die

This would explain the emphasis on Summer. Idk, now in the new season it's the grandkids being fine with the fucked up shit and Rick wanting to bail out. The roles have changed, before Morty would freak out to Rick's spontaneous adventures to get some random material or somthing. Now, it's "Let me deal with divorce". The new episode was entertaining but not as funny as season 1 and 2.
Which one of the creators wanted this stuff anyway, I recall there being conflict between the two to add more political shit or don't add political shit.


Dan Harmon pitches Jerry/Beth stories exclusively. He has no imagination for Rick and Morty the characters.

Yeah those 50 keytrokes really took a lot out of me.

Its a statistical impossibility for ALL women to be unfunny.

Because, they all need to be able to READ...

If you're gonna b8 please don't be illiterate.

Dan Harmon should just fuck off and become a executive. He ruined communities and now he's ruining this show, he's not a good writer.

You think that person is a liberal?

Just what a conservative would say.

They think any opinion contrary to theirs is a liberal opinion.

Faggot ass show. "Oh we're so edgy and intelligent". Fuck Dan Harmon.

>Its a statistical impossibility for ALL women to be unfunny.

It's a statistical impossibility for ALL OPs the be faggots.

But there it is...

Sounds like Dan Harmon needs to hang up the towel...or himself

>very high IQ
>I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo
>"Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic

either pasta or a sad fucking troll.


The alternative is "farts, farts, farts"

>i'm holding out on that 0.01%

thats why there's like two, funny female comedians. While there's a plethora of funny men

idk : - )

I went to the link and all I got was a red screen

But misspelling, incorrect grammar and not using punctuation correctly add up to 50% of the active ingredients of bait.


nice pasta user, mind if i take it?

tbh i don't care. do you have any idea how this works? there could be a hundred writers. some make good suggestions that go into the show. some ideas never come up in anything because dan just picks the best stuff.
inspiration etc.
you could really profit from a person who is completely different than you therefore why the fuck not?
at least the crew isn't 50/50 male/female and again 50/50 white/black where half of them is gay or trans.
the show is about a white family in the suburbs.
so there's white people who look like they might live in the suburbs.
sounds good to me. all the good ideas are from harmon anyways so who gives a shit?

why would this trigger you so bad?

They really aren't. Name one funny woman.

Yeah I mean we still don't treat people of different demographics equally in this country/this world. I'm not going to assume any one demographic is better/worse at any one thing until we do.

Once women are as encouraged as men to be directors/CEOs/engineers/comedians etc etc etc and they still aren't equally represented, then yeah sure maybe we can then think about saying "women aren't good at that" but we're not even close to equal support across demographics. Not even close.

Save it! It's all yours, my friend. :)

Someones a faggot ass furry

I've yet to met someone who brags about his IQ and is not a completely moronic retard. Actual intelligent people with the barest knowledge of statistics and probability completely ignore the test, and thus is not used as an actual metric in any serious recruitment process.
On R&M, its humor is as subtle as a hammer to the face, and requires deep physics knowledge, enough to realize that if you spit upwards it will fall on your face.

The show is still good moron

i personally liked joan rivers

but men are funny because they have to be
all women need to do to get laid is open their legs
men have to develop 'game'

Yea episode one was funny, but lets be honest about episode 2:

>Starts off with jerry talking to his kids
>Wind calls him a loser
>They go into shit mad max world
>Summer is stronk fem lead
>Summer takes aggressive approach to show
>Supposed to find humor in her shit romantic affiliation with mad max chad
>Morty's role has nothing to do with anything
>Morty has to express his problems shit muscle mem joke
>Rick's role is pointless entire show
>Rick's only purpose is get electric crystal and remind kids of divorce
>Beth spends time questioning actions and whining
>Forced message I: "you gotta do what you gotta do"
>Forced message II: Modern relationships led by stronk female lead end in divorce
>Summer leave Mad Max chad for watching TV and not working in 'modern civ'
>Rick kills takes electric crystal
>Everyone playing Boggle, Rick kills robotic replacements, crap robot joke
>Cringe message about moving on with life and blaming everything on jerry
>"If dad wanted to be around he would"
>Show ends

Complete blame the male' SHIT-tier writing obviously written with making the male role look weak. This episode made me only like seasons 1 and 2, where even though Jerry was the spaz punching bag, he still made the show funny. I think that entire episode was written by their "equality brigade."

After the credits was the only funny part
>Dog eats jerry's unemployment check and wind calls him a loser again.

divorce is such a played-out plot line that it's cringingly distracting

I like it. The last episode was good. You're just an edgy contrarian

They're more encouraged
they just can't/don't want to fucking do it
it's like trying to convince men to be mothers. Sure, some want to be, but they fucking can't god damn do it, that's biology's fault, not society

They hinted that it was coming since episode one season one.

Unless they are good looking. I never needed game until I was like 34.



They had less people of color turn up. Give it time. Less black men watch this shit.

Yes. All of this. Thank you.


You might think that they are because of public programs, scholarships, commercials etc, and that's great, but it doesn't compare to how people treat them everyday. Parents, relatives, friends etc imply that women should assume typical gender roles on a literal daily basis, but we don't notice that as men.

Plus there are still many people out there that genuinely do not think women are funny, that's sexism plain and simple. We gotta first set the up for success, and then see how they perform.

now they can go fuck themselves now, but that would imply everybody being straight.

You're missing a lot of the point. She wasn't a strong lead. She was a stupid bitch and Rick taught her a lesson.

>statistical impossibility
According to you, which is far less relevant than you believe.

i agree but not very many people here will agree with you. i thought fucking armothy was gad damn hilarious and robot morty becoming sentient was dark as fuck. overall 7/10 so far

>the important thing about gender in the writing room is not representation, but balance
goddamnit. i knew r&m changed and was less entertaining but i didn't expect this cluster fuck

Agreed. If these kids hadn't found out about the staff they would be ragging about how great the episode was compared to a lot of season 2.

Girls are funny user... Get over it.

you're still here, in case you didn't realize

Itt people who don't think Sarah Silverman is funny, but think Jim Jefferies is hilarious, because apparently you need a dick to be funny?

Go suck a dirty tampon you squalchers.

Derp. Beth and Jerry's relationship was hilarious. Divorcing them means that every joke is going to be "because of the divorce." Divorce jokes are layups.

Why do women want people to think they are funny all the time?

You've got tits, be thankful

Really? Of all the cynical and crazy shit Rick and Morty have gone throught, you think that's him teaching her a lesson? Letting her do what she wants?

fucking really?

It's called boredom, faggot. Don't pretend like you're here for superior reasons. Just own it.

Its a divorce drama with slight sci-fi affects

Also Tina fey and Amy poehler (or whatever her last name is)

Funny people.

No, it means we get to see her new relationship with that Jewish character.


Sounds like a personal problem, being discouraged. Women are given equal rights and opportunities, it is up to them to make the most of it, like men made the most of what they were given. You cannot blame their bullshit on men not giving them enough

>people who don't think Sarah Silverman is funny

Well, she's really not.

People only think she's funny because saying she isn't would be anti-Semitic.

Yeah that's because they work exclusively with mostly male ensembles. They are funny because there are funny men there to make them funny.

ITT: Betas whine and complain that women aren't funny.

Rick and morty sucks because a whole ton of faggots started watchin that show. Then the show became somewhat popular and then everyone started demanding more episodes. The writing staff wrote the series on some pretty shallow premises so to put something funny out every week thats wacky and original becomes harder and harder as the show moves toward being more edgy and "relevant" the same killer for South Park imo

In recent seasons? Nigga south park developed story archs in 2008

That there exist genuinely funny women does not disprove the claim that they are rare.

I'm not blaming men I'm blaming society.

Sure you can flip a switch and give people equal rights but that doesn't immediately change the complex relationship they have with society. Women are still expected to be caretakers. Women are not seen as leaders, engineers, comedians etc etc etc

Yeah on the books people have the same rights, but they're not treated, encouraged, and enabled the same.